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Everything posted by imsuperman

  1. She's so talented and pretty. Would marry. [video=youtube;4oqlRL55uRk] ]
  2. Good Lord lady in front of the line at Starbucks, did you order everything they had?
  3. I know and sing every word in my car. [video=youtube;iPfmsiGXCWY]
  4. I would never wear huge headphones with my iPod. But I got some Beats earbuds and they are nice.
  5. Saw it in IMAX 3-D and I'm afraid of heights too lol.
  6. You know it. Now I'm listening to some more calming music while I do other people's work. [video=youtube;_cDdMZ2K9o0] ]
  7. ^Looks about like us this morning. 27 F currently. It snowed sporadically throughout the night and morning. It will pretty much die off by mid afternoon.
  8. "The idea is to basically mummify yourself." [video=youtube;2A788hUGllM] ]
  9. She got all mad when I handed her the card mistake. I don't know, maybe that was because that's how it's been done MY ENTIRE ADULT LIFE. Relax.
  10. I hope the improved security on the credit cards with chips in them is worth it, because so far they only mean standing awkwardly for some time while your cashier gets snippy with you.
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