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  1. Ok, I just joined today, and I can't believe how many similiar stories I have read. I thought I was alone. Ok me and my boyfriend have been together for 2 1/2 years. We have always had our ups and downs but we truly believed once we were done with school we would get married. I graduated college a year ago and started to work F/T. I was scared this would put a strain on our relationship. I was right we started to bicker alot, then it turned into crazy fighting. It got to the point where i was just being mean for no reason and he would try but I didn't even though I loved him and continue to love him so much. Anyway about 2 months ago we got in a stupid fight and he looked at me and said it was over. We talked for a few weeks every couple of days even saw each other. He told me he was pretty sure we would get through this and to relax. Well of course being lonely I pushed and pushed until he got to the point of telling me he didn't want to be with anyone. I was devestated I brought this on myself. I tried backing off only calling or going to his house everyday few days like once a week to keep contact. It seemed to be working we started talking again and when I asked where is this going he said he didn't know. He continously said I love you though if I said it. Finally we were suppose to go to a wedding last weekend and he got scheduled to work and couldn't get off he tried so hard but he couldn't so I started to cry telling him I had an excuse to stop by or call and now I don't, he told me i would always find an excuse and that hurt me, i left with our i love you's and went to the wedding. He was right though I found an excuse 4 days later. I went to talk to him about something stupid and started to cry I told him I missed him and loved him and he said he knew and understood but needed space I left telling him I loved him and he said it back and hugged me goodbye I haven't talked to him for 6 days. I know it's not that long but the longest I have ever gone without speaking ot him. Do you think it's over, does anyone have any advice. I could use it! Thanks Dee
  2. Ok I am going through the exact same thing, I have been with my boyfriend for the past 2 and 1/2 years. We broke up 2 and 1/2 months ago. I nagged and begged and showed up all the time.... He kept saying I just want space, there's no one else we are fighting to much. I finally just stopped calling today is day 6 of no contact with him, it's so hard, but you can do it, and I keep telling myself so can I. If he loves you he will call. I know it's so hard, but email me if you need to talk. I'm in the same boat. He's in a frat. so he has his brothers to keep him busy, and I feel like I have nothing, I work full time and go to school it's hard to have a social life. Just stay strong. Good Luck for the both of us!!! Dee
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