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Posts posted by HeartGoesOn

  1. On 6/8/2024 at 5:25 PM, Starshine100 said:

    I'm a 20 year old female. A year ago, I was diagnosed with hormone imbalance so I was inserted a Mirena IUD to control my monthly periods. I started dating a guy a month ago from the same school. Things were going great. Before I went into the relationship, I explained to him the issue I have and he was okay with it (so it seemed) and we talked about having sex at a later stage in our relationship and we agreed. 

    As we are on a holiday, we live far away from each other. We talked almost every day until recently... I was telling him how I miss him and stuff so we talk about how we wish to be together at that moment. He asks me to send a pic of my p***y. I thought it was a joke and all but wasn't. I told him this

    "Yknow the internet is the most dangerous place to send such things. As much I respect you and your body, you need to respect my body." 

    He hasn't texted me ever since and now I'm worried that I miscommunicated before we started dating. I just don't put my body out there. Am I being selfish? 

    No, you were being smart. He has no interest in dating you, yet he'd be happy to get in your pants. 

    Raise the bar, and respect yourself.

  2. 16 hours ago, clumsy said:

    He cooks for me, he is a family man , he is a gentle man

    And he's abusive...a textbook case. They all follow the same pattern.  You need to walk away from this before your name hits the newspaper.  You can't change him, it is what it is therefore don't feel that you're  the exception to the rule...you're not.

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  3. On 4/23/2024 at 6:33 PM, TeeDee said:

    The OP & his FI are getting married.  That is a public announcement.  He also shares a 5 year old with his EX-W.  Can you really blame the EX for wanting to meet the woman who will be living in the house where her kid will be when dad has custody?  

    Please avoid picking my post apart.  We're all entitled to our opinions.   Thank you, Heart Goes On...

  4. On 4/5/2024 at 8:07 PM, Lexismith said:

    I don’t get what the purpose of texting me in the first place was

    Because you purposely set it up that way, hoping you'd get a response by leaving a door open.

    You're well aware of what you're doing, and the only person you're fooling is yourself.

    If you truly want to end this you know what to do, and how to do it.





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  5. I'll be the odd one out and view this in a different light. These situations rarely go as planned, or end without a hitch.

    His parents and sister are having their privacy invaded in a way that's difficult to see and understand. I'm sure she's a nice girl, but that's not the point here.

    Why are they not living together?  If they can't swing it,, they need to wait until they're able to.   JMO...


  6. Fool me once, shame on you-- Fool me twice, shame on me.  Don't wait around for a third round which would give him the opportunity to pull this again, minus the consequence as before..   

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