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  1. MY first BF was 12 years older.....I was completely in love (he was 31 at that time...i was 19) First time i met him i thought he was 25 so far. The point is that it was my first real crush (believe it or not..since i was 19), We spended a wonderful time togeather...we ended up shortly cuz he didnt know what to do with his life. He had an easy and spoiled life that i couldnt stand it. I was in another moment in my life, just beganing college and start meeting new people...so we decided to have a break. Was the age gap the reason of our break?; Sincerely I doubt it now ...., He acted like a teenager and he was confussed about his life makeing me find out hardly but true, our future wont last long. I was in love, he is great fun and gorgeus pretty cool; Eventhough he never showed up a commited relationship that brings me confidence to go further. I havent heard any news about him since our break. Since then...I`ve dated only younger guys!
  2. HEY!...so you are that cute guy i see some mornings at Borders.. come on talk to me!
  3. yeah ..it feels so adorable when a guy you like smile at you (before you get to know him). The "hello beautiful" is perfect...but guys are getting lack of saying this kind of things lately.
  4. Interest topic to be explored. I dont have the absolute knowledge in this theme.....eventhough i will start observating people from now on!. I curiously have been in so many different countries meeting so many different people without paying attention to it. by the ways....How would you describe the body language from a NY person?
  5. I guess everybody knows about this body language....you just feel it!...but it`s always worthed to learn more from the books.
  6. mabye sparkly would like you to explain how the body language works thoroughly
  7. I agree about the confidence, If you love and accept yourself ...people will notice it then seeing you on the same way you do. Any ways, you seem to me that you are letting time past by without making any proper move and giving the excuses to the HOW SHY I AM, everybody has one shy side i guess....so go for it!...find the Ms. Right....if you really want to!
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