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Posts posted by GuitarHero

  1. My ex hurt me something terrible, and I hated her for a long time. Now, though, I can see what a sad, confused, and frankly pathetic little girl she was, and how she was not ready for a mature relationship. I checked out her myspace page constantly for a while, but have forced myself to stop and I haven't looked at it for a month. I honestly only wish she can get past her problems and find some kind of happiness.

  2. A lot of shy people find they can be more expressive on the internet than in person because of the anonymity. They actually have time to think about what they say and don't have to deal with the awkwardness of talking in person. I'm a super shy guy, and I love shy girls, I even have a T-shirt that says "I love Shy girls" and it's a good conversation starter. Shyness lessens with familiarity, so as Airtight Python said, let them know that you are going to be really quiet until you get to know them.

  3. Seriously, if you really love him, don't hang around you ex and lay off the sauce drunky. No matter how much you love him and he loves you that kind of betrayel will cripple a relationship, so don't be surprised if permanent damage hasn't already been done. One accidental drunken hookup is forgivable, but two? Is he going for sainthood or what? I don't mean to bash you, but bluntly, you screwed up, he deserves way better. Even saying all that, I hope you two make it, even if it's highly unlikely

  4. It sounds like you are still harboring feelings for your ex, and you may want to reduce communication with him lest those old feelings come back and screw up your current relationship. I myself play World of Warcraft, so I know whats it's like on your bf's side. That game can be very addicting. I think you should talk to him and tell him straight up that you are in a relationship and you should come before the game. Whatever you do DO NOT try to force him to quit playing if its something he loves, just let him know that you expect him to put you before the game. I don't think its anything at all to ask for a few minutes on the phone without being hung up on suddenly to go back to WOW(as we players call it). As for lying in bed and watching the other person sleep, some people(like me) love it, others get bored. Maybe you could ask him to stay in bed with you until you are asleep, then he could go do something else?

  5. I'm asian as well (half asian anyway, Japanese and Cuban) I look asian, only I'm very tall 6'4''. I've never really had much trouble finding women, but its probably because I am so tall. I find Caucasian women usually go for tall guys. I feel very american, I can speak both Japanese and Spanish as well as English. I'm a weird combination, but I feel its all about attitude. There are plenty of women who like the foreign or exotic look, try getting to the roots of your culture, join clubs and groups having to do with your country of origin. You'll find somebody

  6. It's probably not on purpose. she can sense your attraction and her subconscious mind is slipping subtle hints into conversation that she's not interested. I am in a similar situation, only I have told my friend I'm attracted to her. When I told her, she just sat there with an unsure look on her face. We got over the awkwardness, but she has never told me she is not interested. If anything, she has been dropping hints she is interested and would date me if she didn't have a boyfriend. How's that for confusing?

  7. Maybe getting out and seeing the world beyond my city is the way to go. Maybe these suicidal thoughts are just the results of ennui. Thanks to everyone for posting, and a special thanks to scout for introducing me to link removed

  8. I always prided myself on being the nice guy that everyone could depend on, now I'm beyond caring. I've got a crappy car, crappy job, no way to go to college, no romantic prospects, No reason to even get up in the morning. My "friends" have pretty much abandoned me since I graduated high school and now they only call me when they want something. I'm at a point in my life where I think that if I got up tomorrow and went to work, that would be fine, but if I were dead, that would be okay too. When I think about committing suicide, I just get this overwhelming feeling of relief. I just think that afterwards, I could finally be free of the hopelessness and mediocrity that consumes my life. I know that if I had a gun handy, I would swallow the barrel without hesitation, but I couldn't do it another way, cause I would just talk myself out of it during preparation.

  9. Hows this for hurting myself: right now I live in a two bedroom apartment with 2 roomates, I am out in the living room where I sleep on a pull out couch, so basically, zero privacy(no big deal, I'm not a very private person when it comes to material possessions). My one roomate who has the lease in his name is planning to move because it is the only way his girlfriends parents will let them stay together. He wants me to take over the lease because it isn't up until april(the other roommate can't take it over because he can't get any sort of identifying papers). I can't afford to live there with just two people, so we were going to bring in another friend, but he wants the room because he has a girlfriend. So basically, it would be my apartment in all legal aspects, but I would have to live out in the hallway, not even getting a freakin' room! My dad is telling me that I'm getting hosed, and that if I wanted he could find me an apartment I could afford with two people (I am in south florida so rent and cost of living is sky high). If I move out I will be screwing my friend, because unless he transfers the lease, he will have to stay until its up, and he will lose the love of his life. So now I'm damned if I do, Damned if I don't. Oh, and I work with the friend so if I screw him over, I will have to see him everyday.

  10. I have been looking inward at myself lately and I have been looking at what type of actions I have been taking lately. When I look at them I see that they have all involved some sort of self sacrifice for the benefit of others. I began to look at why I have been hurting what I want to help others, and I came up with two choices and a modifier. I am either just a selfless person who will put others before himself in all situations(some sort of martyr complex), or I am looking for people to see me as some sort of selfless hero, the second choice indicating some deep rooted Narcissistic complex. The things I have been doing for others aren't some minor inconveniences either, they are major things that could affect my life. Whenever people ask me if I really want to help, and if it wouldn't be a big problem, I always say "Oh, it's no big deal really, happy to help in any way I can." Maybe posting this at all indicates some sort of Narcissism? I need advice on how I can control my impulse to help others at great cost to myself. Thank you.

  11. We are good friends, we talk about everything. her bf knows about how she feels, but I think he is just ignoring it and hoping it goes away. He is not the jealous type, I hang out with the the girl alone all the time and he's okay with it cause he knows I would never try to make a move. Even if I didn't have romantic feelings for her, I would still be concerned about her happiness because we are close friends.

  12. Hey all, I'll just launch right into it and try to keep it short. I have been friends with this girl for about a year, and she has been dating one of my friends for about that long. We both met her at the same time but he had the stones to ask her out first. Lately she has been posting a lot of stuff on her blog (poetry especially) dealing with how unhappy she feels, like she can't feel the love she once had, how he never seems to make an effort. I can tell she is not happy where she is, but she feels like she owes her bf so much because she had a lot of family problems and went to live with him for a few months, although she has her own place now. I care about her deeply and we can talk about anything because we connect on every level. If she was to decide to be with me, I would love that more than anything in the world. I will state right now that this post is NOT asking how I can "steal" her away. I would never interfere with someone else's relationship, and I don't believe anyone has the right to. What I am asking is for advice on what I should do. I only want her to be happy, if it was with me it would be great, but even is she was happy without me that would make me happy as well. Advice?

  13. After a while those "transferred" feelings will go away because the girl you were with is not your ex-girlfriend, she is a totally different person and you will feel differently about her than you do about anyone else. Make sure you don't lead her on also, if you know this is only going to be a rebound fling, make sure that she understands you are not looking for a serious relationship and are only looking to have some no strings fun.

  14. hey all,


    maybe this is just really shallow of me...but i wish i was one of those girls who wore a size 0 and had absolutely no fat on them. i wish i was one of those girls who could wear anything and not have visible fat on any part of my body.


    Very unhealthy and unattractive When I see a super skinny girl I just wanna offer to buy them a burger.

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