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Posts posted by nomoretears4uboo

  1. Well, lets me tell you my story. I was friend with this guy then we dated for almost a year then we broke up his choice . we still talked for a few days because he said he still wanted us to be friends. Which I wanted that too because, before anything he was my friend first. until he changed his number and told everyone not to give to me. So eventhought ppl still gave me his new number I decided not to talk to him.. a year later after I dated someone else. I decided I wanted to be friends with him again. Kinda like the way you feel now you said you want your pal back. so did I. I just sent him a message, saying I just wanted to say hi and hope you're doing well. He responded then we started talking again being friends.


    So, I would just say started off by saying a simple hello, ask how's he's doing. And wait and see. Don't apologize for how you acted in the past. If you feel you really want to apologize, don't do it now wait until you started talking again.

  2. the breasts are mammary glands, so there can be secretions, from pregnancy, or hormone changes, and sometimes infections...


    it could be normal and something you haven't noticed before... but i'd do a home pregnancy test just for your own piece of mind... also, if it were only one nipple, i'd be more concerned, becuase that would be a sign of a potential infection or problem in that breast...


    but if it turns out to be a lot and keeps up, you might want to go to the doctor just to make sure you don't have a hormone problem...


    I did the pregnancy, test and it's negative. Maybe it's the hormone change. Because, i was taking birth control pills, but this time I took them. I would skip the placebo pills so I wouldn't get my period and did that for like 5 months or so. I just totally stopped taking the pills. so maybe that could be a reason. but if it continues or gets worse i will go to the doctor.

  3. hi,


    I work in a psychiatric hospital. Some types of antipsychotics will cause women to lactate. If you're on meds, that may be why.


    No, I'm not on any meds. The only think I was taking before was birth control and then stopped it. But, thanks it's good to know these facts.

  4. Hi!


    I'm a labor doula (aid in delivering babies). Maybe I can help. A few questions would be: Have you had a miscarriage? That can cause galactorrhoea (what you described). It can also be prolactin (a hormone we women produce. levels can unexpectedly rise).

    It can also be hypothyroidism so I would go see your Dr. if I were you just to check your prolactin and to make sure you aren't pregnant.


    PS...the "six holes" are just your natural mammory (or milk) holes. That's just how they are when milk comes from the breast.



    No, I've never been pregnant what so ever. I just took my test and it's negative. I think it might have to do with my body getting off the birth control. But, thank for the info. Before I didn'teven know about this six wholes until today and you told me what they are. thanks =)

  5. I got out of the shower like 30 mins ago and i noticed a tiny drop on my nipple when i was gonna change. I assumed it was water but why still after i dried myself well. then I squeezed my nipple and white kinda clear liquids comes out i squeezed the other one and it looks like 6 tiny wholes on my niple that the liquid comes out from. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS???? Don't tell me is milk. The amount that comes out is much less than when you pop a pimple.


    I know I can't be pregnant. because, I haven't had sex in almost a month and I was on birth control for like 6 months with my ex. Could be a reaction to me stopping the birth control? Because, i tooken birth control before and stopped and never noticed this. please someone tell me. if you had this im like freaking out now. Or could be that i went back to the gym and been having hard work out? please tell me this is not a sign of being pregnant.



    thank you for your hepl

  6. Its ok and normal what your feeling right now. A breakup is never easy especially when ydou have put your heart into it. Its probably best that you stay away from your EX because you guys are apart for a reason. Also while your in this stage, you can easily be taken advantage of. And the guy you were with after the first guy, being in a relationship right after you broke up? thats crazy. Give yourself time to think and evaluate whats best for you. Thats who you need to be focusing on right now. You. Best of luck ok?


    Yeah, my 2nd made official with someone else like right after we broke up. But my 1st ex. that's who im not sure if i really want to be friends with him or its just because i feel like i need/want someone now. But, yeah I am focusing myself i even have time to go to the gym now

  7. Okay, so ex -boyfriend him was my first real relationship. Lasted almost a year after it ended we didn't talk for a almost a year. Then became friends and started to become more than friends and hooked up a couple times. Then I started to date person B. So I started to talk less to him to and my new bf wanted me to not talk to my ex person A. I wanted it to be my decision not to talk to him and no anyone elses. Then after a while I realized I was done. I didn't want to talk to my ex.personA he was just all drama, calling me when he was drunk, telling me he wished we were together. I realized that at one point thats what I wanted to hear but not anymore.


    Then i only taked to him on myspace, then i wouldnt even respond to his messages. Now, two weeks ago my bf perons B broke up with me. I promised myself that no matter what i would never go back to person A. Because, i know deep inside he can't give me what i truly want. But, now i don't know if its because, of the recent break up.now i feel like i want to talk to my first ex Person A. just as a friend and nothing more. Is this normal? Am I feeling that way because, i know that my ex Person B got into a relationship the same day we broke up? So I want someone else too? I really don't want to that person that everytime they break up with someone new they keep running back to the same ex. And as for as friends goes, I don't want him to be my covinient friend which is what he would be now.


    Would be a good idea to tell my first ex person A. That right now I just need to be left a lone. That way I can think if I really truly want to be his friend or im just feeling like i do because of the break up and I want attention or something? Any advice or opinions on this? Thanks.

  8. it all comes down to one word "ghetto"..its getting worse and worse


    I agree with this, when i was a little girl my dads car stolen, FROM INFRONT OF THE POLICE STATION !!!!! I was like * * *? Some people just don't care.



    I hope you're able to get your car back, and it isn't destroyed.

  9. I feel the same way with the honesty thing. My ex did this to me 2 weeks ago. Claimed he never wanted one from the start, wanted to get his finances in order, blah blah blah! WHAT DOES HE DO? He gets into another relationship the same day we brake up or as he said "he made it official the day we broke up".


    Everything would've been better, if he would've been honest. Just like your ex should've been with you. But, yet some people lie. Maybe, we will find someone honest..... i still have hope.

  10. 2 weeks after a major breakup might be an emotional time for you, and if you aren't feeling like yourself, it might be good to wait before major changes.


    You seem to want a job change for social reasons. Do you have any clubs, hobbies, outside interests or sports on nights/weekends?

    That might be a good foundation to consider.



    Well, the job thing. I would still keep day job. getting a part time would be like you said for social reasons and to help me more financially. Any other interest i have is going to like concerts, but there arent any good ones for a while. So now all I have is the gym. Which always makes me feel better. So on the weekends i don't have much to do. That's why i want new friends, because, going to someones house and watching people get drunk is hardly my idea of a fun weekend.

  11. No, i wish I did. I do have some close friends. But, nothing like that. The last one who would actually do that for me ended up getting my into trouble. So havent been friends with her since then. I just want and need new friends.

  12. I don't know where to put this so i stuck in here.



    So after being out of a job for 9th months, I finally got job in jan. I felt things were finally starting to go my way, I had a bf finally a job. Now 2 weeks ago he broke up with me. He got into a new relationshiop the same day we broke up he made official with this other girl. What a jerk huh?


    Now, the break up has made me really think about my life. I'm finally, getting my financial things worked out and even went back to the gym. But, I want to meet new people. Make new friends, I haven't had a new friend in like almost two years or more. The people at my job are older or the ones like near my age are lame. So nothing is gonna happen there. So i want another part time job thats fun and i cant meet people. Or where esle can I meet people?


    I've also realized, i do need to get myself in school. But, I'm not sure what I would like to do? I don't want to waste money and time on working towards something I won't like in end. So I want to make sure that's what I want to do and since I already wasted almost 3 years. I don't want a career that will take like 10 years of school. Any ideas on careers dealing with children? Or like helping people out?


    Any advice, opinions or anything will be appreciated thanks.

  13. So of course, I told my best friends everything. How things werent going so well, how he broke up with me then after he broke up with me, the next day I found out he had cheated on me, but he still doesn't know that I found out he cheated.


    So, I have tons of people that will start asking me WHAT HAPPEN? I know I don't owe anyone an explanation. But, what exactly do I say when people ask? I would like to tell people he's a cheating lying bastard. So people can know the kinda person my ex is.But, I can't because, he doesn't know that I know he cheated. Plus I don't, don't want people knowing that he cheated on me . It makes me look like I couldn't make him happy, when if you read my last post about the break up and stuff, you'll see he does this because, he also has low self steem, I guess he thinks that makes him feel better.


    So what exactly to i tell these people? I don't want to say, I got dumped and cheated on. What have you told them?



  14. NO, I just saw one i responded to before. But, thank you all. I'm actually feeling okay. I am surprised at myself. I thought I would be feeling, depress and would cry to find out someone i loved cheated on me. But, I'm not. I don't know if I am still in shock about it. Or maybe is the fact that I kinda expect it to happen, or what? Is that normal? It kinda just seems like, i actually don't care that he cheated. I just would like to know why? I was nothing but amazing to him. This after i was there for him so many times when he needed me. After he told me so many times, if ever felt like i liked someone else or felt something was gonna happen to him. before not after. Just like you guys said, i'm glad i found out now and not later. I was getting tire of not knowing if he was lying to me or not. I deserve to be with someone who's honest after all he had like little or not trust left. so it wouldn't have worked out anyways. I would've just killed me myself wanting to spy on him or wondering if he was where he said he would be. So, I will just take my time go back to the gym, look super hot for someone who deserves me. Just like my love justin timberlake what goes around comes around goes around comes around. lol so yes, he was starting to get fat anyway.. lol

  15. Well, I know he did cheat on one of his ex gf. Then i kinda notice since we werent having sex as much as before, I kinda assumed he was getting it from somewhere else. Now that's sick, because, i dont know if he did that girl without a condom. I hope I didn't get anything. As for hacking into his voicemail. What I did, is totally, legal to do that. Maybe, I shouldn't say, hacked, but, it is legal. Telll him off should i tell i see him? Or call and tell him off.

  16. Thank you for reading this and giving your advice or opnions. So a week ago my bf of like almost 6 months, told me he didnt' want to be in a realtionship anymore. He didn't want one from the start, that he couldnt be in a relationship and take care of his finacial obligations. He told me fron the beginning that he didnt' really want to get in one cause he needed to deal with his stuff, and if it didn't work out it was nothing i had done or hadn't done it was totally him.


    he said we should just take it one day at a time. I thought one day at a time ment like we would kinda, date and be like when we started off, and nothing is official. That's what I tought for a week since we still talked and hung out that week and had sex.Then this thursday, when i asked him if he wanted to hang out on friday, he said he didnt know cause, like he said he didnt want another relationship. He said he just wanted to be friends and nothing more. All that was always said over text just one phone convo that jerk couldnt even say it to my face.



    So, i cried for a few minutes then was okay, I kinda guess i eased into it since he told me a week before he didnt' want one anymore. Of course I wanted to know if there was anyone else... so yesterday I was able to hack into his voicemail, and heard a message from a girl, saying that what he is doing isn't really fair, that he just told her, yesterday he loved her and not to turn this around on her that she wants this to work out, is not like he or she cant drive 15 mins to see each other. Then she said it's CITY A( shesaid her city) not like its OC. She said it was up to him and that she loved him. I was not upset or didn't cry to find out that he had cheated on me and was telling her she loved her and now i guess wanted to break up with her too.Since I live in OC, I thought she probably know he had a gf and she still dated him with hopes of him having only her.


    I kinda didn't care anymore. I was shocked that I wasn't upset or as hurt and I thought I would be to find out someone you loved cheated on you. But, i don't know if I should confront him. I want him to know that i know what he did. he told me when we were together if he ever cheated on me i would never find out it would be with a girl in a city that i dont know. I told him no matter what i always find out and. I kept my word I did find out. I tried calling the girl to talk to her but she called from work and they close on the weekends. So monday I will call her and ask her and let her know she is not the only one.Should I just like not confront him, and let him think he got away with it? Or just confront him about it like if I ever see him face to face again?

  17. That's not as bad as " don't bother ever in texting me or calling me again. When I wanna talk to you I'll hit you up" I got a text a like 2hours later, then we talked about what happened and worked it out. I don't know what went on. But, if you feel you owe him an apology, or should apologize or you haven't do it by e-mail would the best way to communicate. Then just back off a little, when he's ready to talk to you he will =)

  18. Don't do it! Those people are tricky. One day, you'll wake up and you'll be so wasted on alcohol and drugs, they got you to say yes, and you now have a wife. Email, her back and tell her she doesn't want to come to america, we are at war lol.

  19. Well, it started off by me saying, "call me now". He said he would call me soon and dont order him around. Okay, I told him I wasn't ordering. I was more like asking. I never tell him what to do or anything like that.


    He said well call me now is not asking. nomoretears4uboo(he said my name here), things need to change and soon. He said he didn't know about this relationship we have. I asked what about it. He said he didn't know if he wanted a realtionship anymore. He told my I think your more into this relationship than i am. I love you and I can say that im not in love with you at this momment, im sorry.


    Back in november, he told me he wasn't sure if he was in love with me. Then the day before thanksgiving before i was going to meet his parents and family he told not to be nervous that they would all love me like he does and he came down to the conclusion that he was in love with me.....


    he said Im sorry im, please understand its nothing you've done or havent done, its totally me and i just think i wont give it my all cuz deep down inside i dont want another relationship. I just dont want a relationship anymore. its nothing your doing wrong, i just didnt want one from the start.


    I asked him how did this come about today. He said he was thinking about it for a while and thought a relationship was what he wanted and this was gonna work out but thers a lil drama which he doesnt want and wants to save for his new car pay off his credit cards and whatnot and financially he cant have a relationship and do what he wants, not what he wants but NEEDS to do.I told him he could still do all that and be in relationship. Then he said he was gonna think about and hit me up later. he called me before he was going to bed and wish me a good night and told me to text him when i was at work the next morning.


    So I text him in the monrning talk to him during lunch how our days were going. When I was off he asked if I wanted to go see a movie so i called and i told him yes. We met ate saw the movie.. then we had sex which i kinda wish i hadn't. I had some pictures developed and he took his half and was looking at them and saw this pictures at the beach and said. " aww, i miss that". Before we left i told him i had one qs. He said i know you want to know where we stand. He said he didnt know what was gonna happen. But, he didnt want me to be upset or think about or cry about and lose sleep get deppress and no eat. So lets take it one day at a time. That no matter what happens it's him and not me.


    So, I hang around until one day hes in a bad mood and decides to dump me? or what? So what does one day at time exactly mean. Lets see how this day goes and see if its worth it? I know at the beginning he had jus gotten outta a long term relationshiop and he had things about himself he needed to work out so he didn't want to start another relationshiop until he fixed those things. but, so now what do i? Anyone had something like this happen? Advice or opinions. thanks

  20. Have you ever seen anyone who eats something really good and then close their eyes and go MMMMMMM. Well, for guys during sex is like that. They close their eyes not because, they dont want to look at you, but because they are enjoying in that much and they are totally relaxed. but, if you really does bother you that much. Tell him to open his eyes and look at you because, it totally turns you on when he looks at you.

  21. thank you all for your advice =) I do hope that everything turns out okay. I just hope if she does plan on leaving him she would do it now. That is going to tear his dad apart. but, rather now that letting him live a lie for 3 more years. That sucks for my bf now, there really isn't much i can do but, be there for him.

  22. So a week ago I posted how my bf sent me a text telling me there was something that was going on, but he couldnt tell me what it was. So I was left out in the dark. He is the kinda person who if/when he's ready to talk about it he will. So I asked if he was in any danger or anything, he said no so I knew it had to be family related like someone being ill or something.



    Well, today he told me had something to confide on me. He told me on that night he text me, his mom told him she plans on leaving his father. His father is his step dad, but, he has been there since birth and even adopted him and my bfs brother. Everyone sees his parents as "the ideal" couple. They NEVER FIGHT, they seem so in love and even have great sex. lol (don't ask how I know that). His dad is so in love with his mom, but now it turns out that his mom loves him, but has never been in love with him. So now for the first time ever she is in love with this guy who's from england.Who my bf doesnt' even know where he met him or anything. She wants to leave his dad but, she won't do it until 3 years from now, because that man has a daugther who is not allowed to come in the states until she turns 18.



    I was shocked, he told me only him and his grandma know. And that he needed someone to talk to. he wanted to tell someone in the family like his brother. But, decided not to. I've met them only once. I tried not to attack her. But, i told him what she was doing wasn't fair to his dad. Now, I didn't really say much because, I felt like crying because, i felt so bad for my bf. He basically now has to keep this from his dad who he sees everyday. And his dad made her a promise that everything she ever wanted she would have. And he has made good on every single thing she wants, this will totally break him apart.



    Now, can anyone help me out here. What can I say to him? Is there anything I should tell him to do? Or not do? Like not tell his dad? It means a lot to me that he told me about his. Now, I really want to be there for him. I'm just not sure what to say. I want him to be able to not feel like telling me was a waste and I did help him out.



    IF anyone can help me out, I would really appreciate it.

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