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Everything posted by sheep

  1. wow.. i just got a update on tonight. X-boy came over to moms house flipping out that he broke up with new girlfriend. Now he is calling her a freak and that shes a bad mother. Found out that when he is in this MAD state or upset he starts to pase back and forth and not making much sense.
  2. thats what I think, I have met him once and it seems as if he cares for the little girl and injoys spending time with her. But the it seems in times when he is not getting along with mom and not following anything she says "do and donts". KNow I found out today that he is taking the little girl over to a new girlfriends house and talking bad about her mother infront of the little girl.
  3. What would you do or what should she do????? I think she should stop them from seeing one another before her runs off with her or does something bad.
  4. OK true, this post is for advice for a girlfriend that has a child that will be 6 years old in a few months. And a x boyfriend of hers is trying to "parent" with No parental rights. Not a biological Father but has stepped in as Dad. They have been spilt up for two years, she said she lost feelings and still stayed friends and have had a family setting for the little one. Past year and half she moved into a townhouse and the x has stayed there a few nights out of the week and work take the little girl to school when Mon had to work in the mornings. Has far as I know he wasn't helping with bills or taking a big part or the mans part of the Dads half. Couch potato! But took go care of the little girl and started to get closer to her since they broke up. Now nether one of them has dated till a few months ago. Mom being the one to start. Dad I think now is seeing another person now, maybe a date or two. Now the girl has been calling him Dad, sorry forgot that, for the past two years. Mom doesn't know who the real father is. Know her for years and knowing she doesn't sleep around but it was a one night stand at the ocean. Only takes once!! Mom has started to move on and Dad you can tell wasn't is ready of that. Now Dad has been taking the girl more often and has had of yelling attack's on the mother and acting as if he know a parental rights with school and also taking the girl out when on dates with others with kids. He is pushing that he wants to sign the birth certificate for rights. Mom even had dropped the girl at grandmas house to go to a night class. Which Dad did. Mom got out of class and went to pick her girl up and he had already picked her up and went on a playdate. When Mom went to pick her up from the house he filped out on her in front of the girl. Saying shes a bad mother and that he should take care of her and not Mom.
  5. Thanks robowarrior, I think shes fed up. We had a relationship where I "didnt do enough" and she could do better. She was and is the love of my life and it is really hard to let go. I have to now by word of court, and have found no way of getting over it. I miss being there and dealing with everyday life in a family setting. Im just lost! Dont know where to start and hate the feeling that she wont come back. LOST
  6. Hi, I’m 28, she is 33, daughter 4. Together 7 years. Home together but in her name. I had got a call from a friend telling this girl a state away was trying to get a hold of me. Lets call her “pepsi” ! Friend “joe”! So Joe call and gave me a number and to call her. Forgot 8 years ago I had a Rabbit fest, u should now what I mean! A friend of a friend deal. But I wasn’t going to call, sorry out of luck pal! Into the trash it went, day after Joe gave it to me. Few days after that Joe calls again and tells me NOT to call, why? “Just trash it he said” To late Joe, I trash it. Week later I get a message it was “pepis” . Called Joe to ask what is going on? He hasn’t called me since them! I took a few days and it started to get to me, why. So I called one day and she was call to say she was sorry for the was she treated me long ago. Oh ok it took 8 years ! Maybe A.A. meetings like she had to do that to get to the next step. We got off the phone and I was rubbing my head, why? Few days past and she called again and then told me that I might have a 7 year old daughter. Holly S111..!.. And asked for me to take a test. I sure will. Let me know. Well we had talked for hours on the phone. And I was scared to talk to “Grace x’s name”. Man it felt like Jerry Springer show. Well Pepsi was starting to call more and more. I also felt like I was cheating but Pepsi was the only one I could talk to about. It all was just talk but I held it from Grace. We had talked for a month or so just about every day. Supporting what needed to be done and how to go about it. I wasn’t going to talk to Grace about it till I new for a fact. Also Grace and I were having a bad time together and was on the rocks. Something was in the air and making a lot of stress on me and Grace. Me hiding something, her thinking something was up. That made it worst for me. I was lying, more stress and on top of that a new job which I lost with this time period. Lot of stress! Grace and I were fighting and doing it front of our daughter. Not good, I hated that and walked away till things cooled of. She couldn’t, she followed me just to keep it coming. I didn’t have to say a word. Well I decided I need to get way for a little bit and stay over my parents house. At that time she was great with that idea. So I rolled out and took a few things and went. MORE STRESS. Few days later the cell phone bill came in, Busted. Man I wait to long and now I’m a cheater. I tried to tell her what was going on and boy it didn’t help. She was done and not able to be around her much sucked and I did feel like a cheater. Its been a few months now and she got a exparte “sp” on me. Well I went over like I have a few times in the morning to take my daughter to school even after the order was made. This time she wasn’t going to let me in. I was crying and asking her to forgive me for not letting her know what was going on and the amount of stress that it has had on me. She wanted me to leave that I was going to make her late for work. Well if I took my child to daycare you would have more time. Nope not going to happen. I went back into my jeep called and said I was going wait. 2 minutes later the cops show up. I got locked up for a few hours and had a 50,000 bail. 5,000 to the bails bonds and out I went. “I need that job, 5gs 10 minutes” Now no contact at all, I didn’t know what she was going to do and didn’t want to be locked up again. 3 days pasted and I want to see my daughter and wanted talk to Grace. Later at night I called and left a message, I hope you “YOU” and My daughter are ok. No reply. Then the next day I had a court order for emergency child support. One week from that day, She wanted everything But I was still paying bills. Then a letter from her lawyer. So I went and got my own just in case. Now I’m upset and she is holding the bat. Lawyers Talked at the court and wanted to get it right before court started. This is so messed up. My lawyer can back to me and said she wants supervised visitation and $700 a month. Glad I have parents, or Ill be living in my Jeep. But I didn’t go with that. Way to much for what I make! Lawyers talked more then mine returned. They are going to extort you. “blackmail” You can do that or they will go down stairs in the court house and use the message I had sent tell HER that every things ok and that it didn’t change how I feel about her. Well, now I not going anywhere, No money and cant take the parents with me and they cant do anything really what they want to do. It’s like a family house arrest. Now I love this woman and love can be blind but its been a few months and I have hated every minute of it. And she had told me to that she was going to find another man. That really hurts and I truly have never crossed that line. Grace is not the type to want to talk about a relationships or feeling and has always seemed like she really didn’t care when together. Now years ago we split and I start to see someone and Grace tracked me down like a fox. Now she is the fox and I cant even look or talk nothing for 6 months. I have my daughter every day half days and most weekends. I had my daughter tonight and had her call Mom before bed. I couldn’t take it, ask to see the phone, got on and right away started crying and begging not to use this call against me, please. I told her I missed her and Loved her and don’t care about the arrest and things said on the paper work for court. Loves Blind…She went on to say you left me with all the bills, 2 dogs, 2 cats and all the work in keeping up the house. I’m a loser that ran and now all is gone. I messed up and broke a family apart just from not telling her from the get go. And I didn’t do a thing on those lines of cheating. Talk, cheating yes. I did it and didn’t know who to turn to besides Pepsi. Now I the mean time Pepsi and I have become friends and she has helped so much with me being in a break down state for weeks. I had lost every thing that matters to me and it was over a phone bill. I miss my 2 two girls, Grace and daughter. I’m now able to see my daughter and have had her over the weekend. I just cant get over this split,they were my life and I lost them both. People tell me I haven’t lost my daughter and they are true in a sense but I lost the times you can only have when living together. It funny how the things you might hate at the time like bath time or get my daughter up and ready for school. Man it’s a hardhack, but you miss it when you don’t have it. Now she hanging out with a friend that does cheat on her boyfriend, girls at work are no better. One of which”you are going to like this one” I met at crab feast and meet her boyfriend, lol, we went to her girls birthday party and after hanging out she introduced me to her husband. Now the one that does cheat Jayce is known for trying to hook grace up. How do I know, I was in the bedroom one morning and the two was on the deck talking about things like that. Grace I don’t think has ever cheated on me. But I think of the birds of a feather flock together. I have a feeling that she’s going out and going to hook up just to get back at me. Knowing she has with them and they have tried before, grace told me too. Put it this way we went out one night and Jayce was along with us and doing the same stuff flirting. Well Grace was talking to some friend and jayce and I were playing some pool and the flirting with me started again. The I was told “If your girlfriend was out tonight I would f your brains out” Wow shock! I laughed at it and kept playing pool. It was eating at me for a day or two and felt Grace should know, well she didn’t believe me a asked her at work the next day. Of course She said NO and I was a liar. Letter that day Jayce called out. Now from that day on Jayce has been trying to get her away from me and tying to hook her up with others. Grace think I have something for Jayce. Yeap cutie but a , Id never. What do I do? Turn my head and walk away? Move on? 6months is a long time and she did say she was going to start looking? What if she does sleep with someone, Id still forgive her but what will happen to the sex relationship with us if she ever comes back? I love this woman and down want a brake up, I want my family together. How can I go about trying to fix this, I miss her and just about every night fall asleep with tears of losing her. Her trust in me is gone. How do I trust her? Im just lost and ly ly land.
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