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  1. it was really quick. he said he was gona fight, not run away
  2. ok, first off, give this guy some time. i remember when i started dating my girlfriend that we didnt kiss for almost 2 months.he may be uneasy with the fact that youve only been dating for 11 days and you already want more. just give him some time and he'll get more into it.or you could just try talking to him and ask him if your going to fast
  3. all right but your to late. he fought me and i punched him in the nose and he started crying. then he left. and my g/f did take care of it. i knew i could trust her.thank you for what help you did give me
  4. i really like her and i dont want to break up with her.this is the first real problem we have had all year. now with this kid thinkin hes better and all, i just need to know if i should talk to him or fight him like he wants to. plz post reply's i really need help.
  5. there yvette im sorry bout that,im just a little mad i guss
  6. I talked to her and she said that i need to back off this whole ordeal, that shes going to take care of it and that i dont need to worry. ive been going out with her for almost a year now and i really trust her,but i got a phone call last night (i live in a small town, everyone knows everyone) and alex is challenging me to a fight on monday.
  7. i have this problem at school. theres this new kid who just moved here at the beging of the school year. his names alex and on the first day of school my g/f decides to be his friend. now i dont mind because she has lots of guy friends, and i trust her not to do anything.but right away this kid thinks shes got a crush on him. the next week my g/f asks me if alex can sit by us. i replied" i dont care".boy was i in for a treat. i sit down for lunch next to my g/f and alex says " who the hell is this kid" and i replie" I...I am alyssa's boy friend" the next few days i kept my eye on this kid.then just the other day at lunch, he puts his arm around her and starts toching her everywere. i was so pissed off that i stood up and went to him and said " hey man, im right here and im not likeing what your doing". but any way, she my girlfriend and hes got a HUGE crush on here and i dont know what to do
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