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Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstei

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Posts posted by Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstei

  1. On top of it all - Neither of our families would be for it. I'd be looked down on like a tramp. I'd probably end up getting pregnant and not finishing college. (It all happened to an aunt of mine) He doesn't care AT ALL what his family thinks of his actions - on the other hand - I VERY MUCH DO! That bugs me too! He should at least respect other people's opinions.

  2. As a note, even if he was NOT controlling, and you WERE moving in for the right reasons, I would advise against moving in with another couple. Another couple will always be there. You will be witness to theirs and they to yours disagreements. Twice the tension, twice the mess, twice the conflict, twice the work. It's not worth the money you can save, honestly!


    That is another VERY good point!

  3. I am 19, he is 18. We're just kids, but he likes to pretend he's not.


    For the first year of college we're both staying at home. Then i'm going to a bigger college, and so is he. They're in the same state, and probably relatively close to each other. Since day one my goal has been to live on campus, but apparently he's had other plans. His plans were that I would move in with him. We would get a two bedroom apartment and share this apartment with another couple. Each couple would share a room.


    He's worried that if I don't live with him that i'm going to cheat on him, and I'm pretty sure he'd probably make it as difficult as possible for me to see him if I didn't move in (which really is just a load of bs). I do not feel comfortable with trapping myself by living in a house with him before marriage - but he doesn't care that I don't want to. He gets all emotional like "omfg i can't believe you!" when I say that I think it's a bad idea. He's all "But that's what I was looking forward to!"... and since he's a spoiled brat (who gets it completely free throughout college. Rent too.) He thinks he gets it all his way and dare I speak against him! If I have a different opinion I am wrong. Don't you just hate that?


    What do I do?

  4. He values your past relatonship together and believes that once he's moved on from his current carrer spot (which seems like a tough one) then he'd love to be with you again. He doens't want to hurt you or himself by cutting it off all together - he probably really just needed some time apart to set his own mind straight - not a whole break off.


    It looks more like he can't take the stresses of having a girlfriend right now unless there's some girl out there that can bend to his exact schedule and sympathize with his problems easier, some wonder girl who he won't have any problems with.


    I say keep communication open for a little while until his motives become clear. I don't know about everyone else here.


    good luck.

  5. My boyfriend and I have been dating for 14 months now, and ever since day one we've been glued to each other at the hips.


    Sure, we don't mind spending a couple days apart throughout the week, but because we are each other's bestfriend we're constantly doing things together. To other people it seems like if we were to spend time apart that we'd die but neither of us mind it really. To us time apart is just used for finishing things we need to take care of (say we both have housework to do.) There are also times when other friends come into the picture. We mostly have the same friends, bu whenever something more "guyish" comes around I try to leave that time for them to go out and have fun. I've encouraged that he take a couple weekend trips with some guy friends without me, and he does the same for me.




    I remember how fresh and exciting things seemed in the beginning. We had a lot in common already, many of the same hobbies. Eventually my time-consuming solitary hobbies (playing video games, building websites or drawing or just hanging out with my family) became little to none. We spent our time out doing things, watching movies, going wherever. It was loads of fun, and all new to me because I had just moved there the year before and didn't really know of anything aside from going to work, school and the gym. Time for us is going to become even more limited as the summer draws on, but that only means i'll spend more time with myself. I'll spend it working, but I will still be with myself.


    Thoughts like that make me sad. I don't want to be by myself because I find myself boring. If I think i'm boring, then I must be to him too!... Or maybe i'm not to him because I go along with just about all of his plans. The point of this post is that I don't feel like i'm my own person anymore. I want my own hobbies, yet i'm not interested in anything. I'd make websites and play games but 1. i make websites as a job and 2. games i play cost money a monlty subscription every month and can't really pay for something that i have to be at home on my computer to do. (my computer is faulty anyway.. another big reason i dont do art much anymore..) I want hobbies. I want to be my own self, but I don't want to draw away from him.


    I hope this was understandable. My thoughts are so mixed up in my head.

  6. We had talked about the trip before and I said I can put out maybe $200 - that is if I get it for my birthday (which was just yesterday)... and no. I didnt. I got $25 which i was going to use to get lunch next week.


    the news this afternoon has but me in a mood. Im not happy, im not mad, im just sad. Very sad.

  7. I told myself i'd want a guy who's experianced... but then i find one who's only been with one other girl and I got so jealous about it because /I/ wanted to be the first. Before he knew that i felt that way he told me that I really was the first because anything that happened with her was completely meaningless to him. Makes me feel slightly better but still.. I dont want to follow up behind some girl who goes around trying to get every guy to have sex with her (but they wont because shes just disgusting). He believed he hated sex until me.

  8. My boyfriend bought tickets for a trip in August for $465 x 2. I don't have $465 to spend on anything. I am actually -$3,800. If I work all of June (two jobs), all of July and all of August I MIGHT be able to pull it off... BUT there are problems with that. (class starts end of august)


    I have to give the school money in july. I need to make money for two quarters before school starts so im not trying to juggle school and insane amounts of work at the same time.


    June - can't work week nights for two weeks because of driving school. (that's huge)


    July - I CAN work


    August - im out of work the 4th - 6th andthen 8th - 19th on our trip.


    ARGH. I only make $500 a month. (im only paied once a month). - i've been stressing ovver this for months and then he does that and THEN tells me afterwards when he needs the money.



    Oh yes. I've been job hunting for a month now at every restuarant place i can get to.

  9. The beauty of our society is that people are allowed to make mistakes and they have the choice to remedy that error in judgment. Sex is not just for procreation, and it shouldnt be treated as though it is. I say a person is responsible if they terminate a pregnancy knowing that they are not able to handle a baby at that moment in their life.


    Yeah. My friend ended up getting pregnant a little while ago off of the pull-out method. Three weeks into it she knew she could NOT take care of the child financially, she did not want to be forced to be stuck with her current boyfriend (if they broke up, what then?), and then she just went to a planned parenthood place and got a medical abortion. I thought it was weird because she was so against abortions but she said if it had actually developed into a fetus (which it hadn't yet) she would have kept it and put it up for adoption. THAT is taking responsibility for your mistakes. (Oh yes she didn't have insurance so she asked her boyfriend to loan $300 (it was $600 all together and he paied it all upfront) to her, RIGHT afterwards got a job and returned him $300 in the week.)

  10. My Dad told me once how hurtful guys can be.


    He told me how they can turn around and sleep with another woman and have it not mean a single thing... but that doesn't justify anything.


    The idea that he could so easily turn around and do that bothers me even if it really meant nothing at all, even if he still loves you.


    I don't really have any advice because the one guy who did that to me got left in the dust. To this day he wishes he had never screwed things up.

  11. I see my boyfriend every day. My dad has been telling me since i first started dating (ive done this with all 3 of my past bfs.. relatonships last no less than a year - no longer than two years so far) that my obessive compuslive behavior is very unhealthy and that i need to spend time away from him. I dont mind spending time away from my boyfriend but whenever i do i just feel lonely (even if im out with girl friends). Things don't get old because we're also best friends. (though ive had some issues lately but i think i'm just being weird)


    Every now and then we'll have a week were we're both too busy to really do anything together so we make sure we spend time together on the weekends to make up for it.

  12. The only thing that worries me is I don't think I am his type he goes for thin beautiful women..


    "Every guy goes for the thin super-model types. Real men go for personality.", I heard. My boyfriend loves my curves, in fact, he didn't realize I had gained an extra 30 lbs (alot for my small frame) because he was having too much fun looking at my butt lol

  13. I agree with 'Jessicadon'.


    They are stereotyping you with the average 15 year-old girl who loves boys the same way she loves her favorite stuffed animal. His dating you is not their decision to make, and if she wants to call your mom and try to tell her that it is, fight back and tell your mom the facts. He's a big boy. He can take care of his studies AND have a girlfriend at the same time.


    (they probably said all the same thing about any other girlfriend he might have had)



    Your avatar is 100% ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!

  14. I was in a long distance relatonship. We talked on the phone for hours every night... but one thing was always missing. Him. He couldn't be there physically when I needed him to be.


    I lost someone dear to me, and in my need to be with someone who could comfort me I met and ended up hanging out with a male friend of mine in school. He was always sweet and sincere, we had everything in common and he understood where I was coming from. He did not make rude gestures or act different around me when he was around other people. I saw his simle daily. After weeks of suggesting we should just hang out out of school I let him come over. I found that my family approved of him (even before I did). (them approving of anyone (i was dating or not) was rare).


    I told my bf about this guy the entire time. He didn't seem bothered by him at all, not even a bit affraid that he might take me away. He wasn't going to,e ither. Not until my bf suggested that I 'date' this guy to show my parents that he wasnt the best thing for me.


    I dated this new young man for a couple months and we hit it off like fireworks on forth of july. I played my long distance bf for those couple months before i told him that it was really over between us because this guy really was the best thing for me.


    (that's weird. i have mostly male friends but that's just what they are. male friends. i dont confide in many that i see on a regular basis.)





    Anyway. My point was that an 'open' relatonship or in my case when my bf told me to date this guy, you're basically telling them that they're not that important to you and it's ok to get what they wish they had from you from other people.. basically an easy ending to what you had.

  15. For most people, when you love somebody, you don't necessarily love them with a mad passion every minute of the day, every day of the year. There is a bit of ebb and flow in your emotions and feelings. At least, there is for me. It's normal. I don't awake every single day with a burning passion to be with my partner (but it certainly happens some/many days!). I don't let it bother me when the feelings aren't as strong as the day we met because I know that very soon, perhaps in an hour, perhaps by the end of the day, that the feelings will all return as strong as ever. I assume over time this will continue to happen. Of course at the same time I don't have strong feelings for anybody else, so all is good.


    Any chance it's the same for you?


    Yes it's been exactly like that ... just lately it's been.. weird. I can't explain it. It's probably just a phase... I spend most of this week away from him so maybe that will help.

  16. oh goodness girl.


    I am not "romantic" either and my husband HATES it cuz he is. Maybe you're just over the "honeymoon" phase of the reltaionship.


    Are you content?


    Besides, and this is not a negative judgement, but you're young. Give it time.


    Before me he wasn't necessarily "romantic" either. He got that from me. lol It's like we steal traits from each other completely. (We joke about how we steal each others energy because when one of us is bursting with energy, the other is ready to go to sleep. its rare that we're both energized at the same time lol)


    I thought about something else just now...

    I am used to moving every year or so to a new location, a new state even.


    I make all new friends, everything restarts fresh for me.


    I have been with him for 14 months so I suppose naturally im ready for some huge change... one thing i know for sure is that i know its not him that i want to change.

  17. Like Ta_Ree_saw says, maybe you are a bit bored with him or the relationship. Sometimes when you spend too much time with a person you can get bored with the person and if you spend some time away from him, you can revive the spark.


    But with me when i get bored of something and I spend time away I generally find somehting else to focus on entirely and don't really care to go back. I don't want that to be the case with him.


    I mean our prom is on Friday.

    I've been dead fixed on who we're meeting with when and what we're both wearing - but what about the bigger meaning behind it? I know deep down I love him to death. I wish I could feel it... and show it in ways I have not before. I can't seem to do anything that comes off as sentamental anymore.

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