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  1. we talked about this last night, she swears she doesnt want to even talk to any1 else,she just wants to take things slower than before because in her mind when u rush in to things they dont last,and she wants it to last
  2. my girlfriend of 4 months broke up with me last month, within that 4 months things got real serious real fast.after the 4 months went by she started pulling away,masking exuses for not being able to see me,then finally told me she wasnt ready for a boyfriend.about 2 weeks went by of no contact and she started calling me (usually when she was drunk) and expressed jelousy that i was starting to talk to other girls,so i invited her to a party, which we ended up getting into a fight at, after a lot of bull * * * *,we made up the day after. and i swear since then things have been exactly if not better than the way things were when we first started going out. however she still expressed the fact that she doesnt want a boyfrind. now this is my question Q. is she keeping me around until she finds someone else and not commiting so she wont feel bad about hooking up wit other guys if she choses to? she told me before the relationship started the first time around tha she didnt want a boyfriend,she had sjust gotten out of a bad 2 yr relationship a couple months prior.i kinda pushed her into the commitment,but she didnt have to agree. anyway,when i asked her why we cant bear the title bf and gf now since things are exactly the same as be4,she just responds with she just wants to take things slow, i really want to believe that, ive known this girl for a long time, i went to high school with her about 8 years ago, we went out for a month, then she went to another school and we lost contact till this year. i would really hope she wouldnt lead me on just to keep me around and say shes not ready for commitment just so she can notfeel bad about meeting other guys. but sumwhere i nthe back of my mind. i know,shes a girl,and girls do that
  3. jus as i thought, the ''i just need a break to think about things'' was just a softblow to make it easier to cope with the ''i dont want to be with you anymore'' a week later. this hurts more than anything i ever felt, i am 22 years old and i can say without a doubt that this girl was my first love. hurts even more to know she didnt feel the same.ill get over it,hopefully
  4. on an update, she came by yesterday to talk about this,she wasnt planing on it. even though she said she would, but after calling her and explaining she owes me at least a 5 min convo in person be4 she makes any decisions she decided to come by.i explained to her that what we were goin through is pretty minor relationship problems, nothing that cant be worked out,that im willing to adjust to keep her in my life. when i asked her to please give me the god honest truth as to wether or not she still wants to be with me at all or if shes jsut trying to let me down easy, she said,she doesnt want to break up with me,because she doesnt want to lose me,and shell miss me too much,she just needs some time to think, so the would be 5 minute convo turned into 2-3 hour convo where she went from kinda givin me a cold shoulder in the beginning to relaxing a bit,laughing with me and holding me by the end.im not sure if asking her to come over was a good idea,i know she didnt want to at first ,but i felt she owed me that.pretty much this visit ended with me saying that i wont contact her for a bit,so she can take her time to think,and that when shes ready, she can call me,if she wants to call me,and that if she didnt its ok. i really wouldnt feel ok if she didnt call me again it just seemed like the right thing to say at the time. i just hope i did the right thing by having her come over,it prolly didnt help to let her see me get emotional,now begins the hard process of not callin her, well see what happens
  5. for as long as i can remember. i could never hold onto a relationship for too long,something always ends up going bad,and i dont know what it is. especially in my last relationship which isnt officially over yet. (She says she doesnt want to have a relationship right now,but doesnt want to lose me either). i did everything possible in this relationship to keep this girl happy.but what it comes down too is she wants to be able to out out and do her own thing without feeling smoothered.i didnt smoother her, i jus wanted to be with her a few times a week, which is something any boyfriend can expect.it makes me upset that she would rather be out doing other things than being with me. im considering getting psychiatric help to find out why my relationshipons always end like this
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