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Posts posted by alteer

  1. The choice is yours as to what to do........and yours alone. But think about it carefully.


    As a single mother who has raised my 2 kids alone (the father isn't in the picture at all and hasn't been since my youngest was a baby...that's 11 yrs) it is tough.


    There are a lot of things for you to consider here. How will you support yourself and the baby. You won't be able to keep the father out of the babies life unless he chooses to exclude himself, and if he doesn't and is addicted to drugs then is that the kind of environment you want this baby in? Because he will have visitation and you can't dictate what he does or doesn't do during that time. Your social life will go on hold.......I've only just really started going out now and my eldest is 14.


    I love my kids to death. But it is a very difficult life on your own. If I could go back I would not have put myself in this position.


    Just thought I would give you the sole mother perspective. Good luck with making a decision.

  2. Don't believe him, this type always says sorry, resulting in you going back for more of their BS.


    I was with a guy a long time ago who sounds just like this guy. I ended up with very low self esteem. The thing is that once I LET him boss me around and generally treat me like crap he became physically violent.


    Keep NC going. No one deserves the crap he was dishing out to you. YOU deserve better.

  3. As an employer I always ask the question 'where do you see yourself in 5 yrs?' because I want to get a sense of that persons long term goals and drive.


    I also ask the following:


    'how well do you relate to others?'

    'how would your friends describe your personality?'

    'if you don't know the answer to something. What would you do?' (this may seem like a silly question but it's not.) the answer I like to hear is 'I would ask someone' (it's amazing how many people just try to bluff their way and make errors)


    Just remember though there are usually no right or wrong answers. An employer is normally just trying to assess your personality and determine how well you will fit into the environment, and handle the position. These things are a lot more valuable than experience, especially if you are new to the workforce. A person who is open to learning can always be taught.


    Good luck!

  4. As for the toastmasters, it's something I'll look into.




    I've had a look on the net but the nearest ones are around 18 miles away. Do you go to it once a week or something?


    Lol@McGuyver, he's been replying to my post now for 15 minutes, thinking of the comebacks must be hurting his brain.


    Meetings are held twice a month normally. But if you can only make once a month it's better than nothing. Seriously Toastmasters is such a powerful thing...and it's helps so many people to overcome shyness.


    People join for so many reasons....mainly to increase their confidence.


    I joined for that reason and to learn how to be comfortable talking to people.

    I've been a member for a few years now and before I joined the thought of speaking infront of a group scared the beejesus out of me.....seriously I thought death was a much better option.


    But I now do regular public speaking events......infront of 500 people. Not a problem. And people who know me are always commenting on how well I now carry myself and how confident I am.


    Seriously Ross give it a go. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!


    Believe in yourself and the world will too.

  5. Maybe you should talk to your boss. Most employers should be open to a discussion about further training...especially if you are doing your best and they can see that. I always tell my employees that if they have a question to ask it, and if they are having trouble with something then let me know. It always takes time to adjust to a new job and any reasonable employer knows this.


    But if you don't get any joy from your employer...start looking for something else and only leave this job when you have found another.


    Goodluck with it!!

  6. I think we have all been through this at one time or another. It's is really important to keep your own social circle. I know this because I don't have one after splitting with my bf. I'm a very slow learner.


    I am extremely short on friends at the moment because I spent all my time with him and his friends. So now I have to go make some......have joined some social groups so am slowly getting out and about.


    I suggest doing what I"m doing.......find some group activities you can sign up to.

    I will NEVER make that mistake again.

  7. I'm a small breasted woman. And quite frankly I like it. When I was pregnant with my kids they grew quite large and honestly I couldn't stand it. They were just plain annoying....and constantly got in the way. I couldn't wait for them to shrink again!!


    We all look at others, it's a fact, whether your male or female. but if he didn't want to be with YOU then he wouldn't be.

  8. Good on you for walking away. I used to be involved in the drug scene myself in my much younger days and also try to steer clear of anyone involved in it. I've had to let go of a lot people after finding out they are involved in drugs.


    Good luck........and you should feel really proud of yourself for not getting mixed up in again......... Love and admire yourself for having that strength

  9. I can tell you exactly how to gain confidence because that is what you need. Whatever you project is what you attract. Confidence is the key.....it's how you hold yourself.


    Find a Toastmasters group and join it. They are everywhere and I"m sure there is one near you. That will teach you confidence. Most people don't know much about Toastmasters so if you want some more info them please pm me and I will help you.


    Seriously attracting a woman is all about confidence, which is something you can learn.

  10. I didn't start showing until I was 6 months pregnant.


    But in regards to her ruining her life at 15? I was 18 and I have to say even though I love my kids to death. If I could go back, I'm not sure I would've gone through with it. It does change your life. You end up with enormous responsibilites that your not quite ready for. You say goodbye to a lot, including a social life. Being a parent is about sacrifice......and as a young single parent........you have to sacrifice more than most. Take it from me, it is not an easy way of life.

  11. Is he your youngest child?


    I know you said he's 11 so isn't it time he was given a little more responsibility so he can become more independent? Couldn't he get a bus home?


    At 11 I had to walk to the next village to catch the bus to school.


    I'm just being curious. I don't mean to offend in any way.


    He is my youngest child yes. I also have a 14 yr old daughter. He catches a bus home from school everyday.....but the buses don't run regularly after 5 in my area.


    My kids are latch key kids.....(I hate that term, but that's what they are) they have to get themselves ready for school because I leave for work at 6am and they have to organise themselves in the afternoons because I don't get home till after 5. So they don't lack independance. It's only walking home in the dark that freaked me out. Oh, and the fact that I forgot about him.

  12. Haha I did actually have mine on leesh when they were little......


    When I travelled with them and camped in caravan parks my son was about 2 and he used to like to run off. So I got a belt, a bit of rope long enough for him to run a bit and tied him to the car. People looked at me strange.......but it was beter than him getting run over!!


    My grandmother used to tie my father to the clothes line so he wouldn't leave the back yard......he spent his childhood running around in circles!!!

  13. Hi Hockey,


    I'm so sorry to hear this has happened to you.


    About 5 years ago I split with a guy. A week later, while I was on the phone to him, saying some quite nasty things, he crashed his car and died instantly. Because I was on the phone with him at the time I heard it all, the sounds still haunt me. I blamed myself for a long time. If I hadn't been nasty to him he wouldn't have had the accident.


    I know it's difficult to believe now but time does help.


    My thoughts are with you. Take care.

  14. If he gets as looney as Tom Cruize.....I'll no longer be a fan.


    I watched a show like that once and thought it's fine my kids wouldn't do that......I've always talked them about stranger danger. And then they went and let a workman in who was fixing my security shutters and I wasn't home yet!! I was absolutely horrified.


    We've done a few things since then and had a few more talks. Don't know if it's made any difference though. It's something I'm always worried about.

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