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Everything posted by hazeleyed

  1. I am just really angry right now that i had to waste my time and find out information on him. He was lying and he still was after 1 yr and 7 months which just proves that once a lier always a lier. Hes a waste of my precious 2 years and a waste of my 2 years in University. When I confront him he just lies and when the lies get too much he threatens me that if I ever dig in his past .......... What an idiot, low life. I swear I just need to forget his ugly * * * and move on but its hard because sometimes I wish all of this was false and all of this did not happen to me. All I wanted was love and all I got were lies. For the past 1 yr and 7 months he stayed with me, i cared for him, helped him in school, washed his dishes that he would bring from home, cleaned my house, studied in school, and than had to take abuse from his friends. I know most of you think "what a stupid girl" but i honestly at that moment thought I was a good daughter, a good person, would be a good wife, a good mother once i reached law school. I still want to be in law school , still want to reach the dreams that I dreamt of as a little girl. Gods with me and thats what keeps me going each day.
  2. Karibo, your friends are just friends. They are their for you because you want them there and itis entirely your choice. Let me tell you something though from my experience of my ex. We all love to see the good in people and also love the bad but if the bad gets worse than is it worth it? Think about later marrying this guy and having kids than what? You need someone who will respect you, love you,cherishthe ground you walk on. You do not need someone who will make you feel like dirt. You can be selfish right now because if your friends are really your friends than they wont push you but help you take each step into the light.
  3. Hi, Well yeah I have talked a lot about it but at the same time I haven't. People know I am hurting, people know I have been depressed but they don't know the images that play in my head nor will they ever because I experienced this first hand and its only something Ican get outoff. People only laugh with you only a very few that actually sit there and cry. I am going to start a new life and prove to myself that I dunt need him. Besides hes the one whose always needed me since I was the mother to him. It will be a burden off because I wont have anyone stopping me to do well with my life.
  4. First off, I havent been back to him nor have I called him. I have been tempted but I havent been going off and seeing him or whatever nor have I been selfish. I am too much into my pain right now because it really hurts and to know that you were an abusive relationship sucks even more.The culture I was brought up in says stick to one man and its hard growin up in that culture for 19 yrs and than suddenly having to get out of it just because he didnt treat me right. I am a strong woman and although right now I am going through a weak point I know deep down inside I will find my way till the end of the tunnel. As for "understanding WHY you feel alone" there are numerous reasons for that. You don't need to judge me nor whatever because each situatin is different. PEACE
  5. i know deep down inside , hes not good for me because hes lied to me in the beginning to gain my interest than the lies just kept going. i let him live with me only to find that he was abusive. I dunt noe I feel so lost inside right now because i devoted 2 yrs to a guy who screwd me over to a point where i dont even know how to go on. I feel alone and lost and my friends are losing interest in this matter. I feel like no one really gives two * * * *s anymore and i am in this battle alone. He still wants to talk things out but i know deep down inisde hes full of lies and betrayal. i know hes had flings over the summer , i know everything but why cant i just move on from all this? I want to be happy again, i want to be able to smile without crying, iwant to stop this hurt and pain but it just isnt happening. I am smarter than this, why did this happen? I am sorry guys, i didnt know who else to talk too..
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