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Everything posted by Luscious_Soup

  1. MEH!!! Of coarse its not a compliment!!! Being told "Oooh...your so sweet" is more like...What the hell are you doing?
  2. Its extremely hard...I know. Try to stay away from the page, away from any memories that can spark bad emotions. At most try to continue on with your healing...I saw a picture of my ex's girlfriend and Im back to 0% healed when I was at like 80%. It sucks...But denying the idea of them is the only way to stop it. Out of sight, out of mind.
  3. I began dating my Ex boyfriend a while back since I thought I could finally commit to a boy/boy relationship. It was both our first time dating boys...publicly. It was alot and we kept really strong...We really were in love. We were so much in love it was like nothing else could break us...But, then his friends began to find out and he started being stand-offish. He started talking about how hard it was for him. Then suddenly he broke it off for no reason. I spent months sobbing over him, and he did the same for me. He started dating this pretty little girl a few months ago and I guess their relationship is great. But just recently he started talking to me again, and telling how he still really loves me and apologizing for ever dumping me. He took me "out" a few times, and its really weird. ((even weirder his girlfriend knows about it)) Hes alot more comfortable with dating me now. Though on the "date" the sexual and emotional tension was worse then it ever has been and you can tell we are both holding back. He told me how much he loves his girlfriend, and how much he still loves me...and it's like he can't decide. Im stuck in some sort of love triangle...He can't choose me, because he'll hurt his girlfriend. And he can't choose his girlfriend because he'll hurt me. I really don't want to give up on him because I really love him...But is giving up what I should do?
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