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  1. No relationship is worth dying for. You are a whole person.
  2. Suicide is not the correct option in my opinion. It may seem like a way to get away from problems but I don't think that's the case. I look at it from more of a spiritual perspective, one that not everyone cares to read about so I won't post it here. Hit the link in my sig if you want to read my thoughts on suicide. The correct medication can help. Support from family and friends, this forum, or whatever you have can really help. You are not alone in this...not even close.
  3. I encourage those who are interested to start their own online blog (diary) and get your feelings out. It feels good to let it out, and others need to hear your message. There is a site by Google called Blogger which is a free blog site. You can register in minutes and get your thoughts online.
  4. Thanks for the feedback. The road we are on has already been travelled. We should listen.
  5. Thank you. Writing my thoughts helps me to remember them. If I get depressed I can look back and remember why I'm here. Hopefully what I find as I search can also help others.
  6. There were many times in my life where I was very depressed and felt that life was pointless. Over the past few years this has really changed as I've devoted myself to search for my purpose in life. I now feel that each of our lives has a specific purpose. I have recently started a image removed where I daily post what I learn about the meaning of life. Please check it out if you are feeling suicidal.
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