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Posts posted by Lansing

  1. Firstly, stop drinking. It won't help.


    Second..... I think if you read most people's advice to you many of them told you to slow things down a bit. Based on your posts here alone it was easy to see that you were WAY more into this girl than she was with you. You were insecure about the relationship and were always wondering how she felt,etc....


    I don't think you are in love with this girl.. You were just happy to have a girlfriend. It probably didn't matter who the girl was, you would have had the same feelings...... When some girl is your "everything" in life and you have no life outside of her, that is a HUGE problem.


    I hope things work out for you and that you can learn from this little scare... if things do end, hopefully you will learn these lessons in the future. I did stupid things when I was younger too but, I went on to meet better girls and to improve myself.

  2. Yeah.. he is probably thinking "wow.. she doesn't really care that much to not even call me"... I say call him.... ALthough, I haven't read your other threads... but, based on this, I would call him



    EDIT: OKay.. after reading one of your other threads, I say do NOT call him back right now.... You said "the ball is in your court" to him... I think it may have come accross wrong, but, anyway, wait until tomorrow at least....

  3. Have you had experiences with girls before?? Just curious....


    I could see how she wouldn't want to get attached to you before you leave the country... It would be hard to deal with knowing that you will be leaving. I personally would find it hard to get close to someone and have a relationship with who would be going away

  4. Well... she didn't call back..... Blah....


    I guess I was just more curious if girls actually did follow the "rules". Or, if they played games to figure out how interested a guy was by not calling him back and seeing if he calls again. Or, if a girl is shy, would she just wait for the guy to call back again...?

  5. Because she is a girl! And if she is your age that is an extra reason! For all she knows, you could actually be some 50 year old guy pretending to be a 16 year old.. I think she is wise not to give you her address....


    Maybe you can scan your letter and send it to her.. I know it isn't the same.. but, at least it is better than nothing!

  6. Just a general question..... Do you ever not return a phone call from someone? I tend to always return phone calls (although, occasionally I don't return e-mails). If someone leaves a message I will call them back within a day. If I can't call them back I will usually send them a quick e-mail or something.


    I know that the "Rules" book that people followed before told girls not to return phone calls (I guess under the assumption that if the guy is really interested he will call you back again). If I just call a girl for a first time, if I get a answerering machine I will usually try calling her back later and hope to speak to her. However, occasionally I will leave a voicemail.


    I talked to this girl last week about going out for a coffee this past weekend. But, she was going home for Easter. She said we could get together this week and to call her. I called her again on Monday and left a voice message for her but I haven't heard back from her yet. I am thinking if she was really interested she would call me (she sounded interested on the phone....). If I don't hear back from her by tomorrow I am guessing she won't be calling me back. The other side is that I am thinking she is just avoiding a confrontation...

  7. Yeah... see... sometimes people can have bad days on both sides!! That is the problem with analyzing things so closely! Like.. she could be telling her friends about the conversation (or, posting on another forum) and they would probably be like "what a jerk he is.. you don't need him in your life... move on",etc,etc....


    Sounds almost like you were trying to push her away....

  8. Hmm...


    I went out on a date with this girl that was taller than me (I am 5'10", she was over 6 ft...).. I wasn't insecure about my height (I don't see why I would be insecure about that)... But, in general I am used to dating shorter girls.... For example, I liked how one of my ex-gfs used to get on her tippy-toes to kiss me... it was a really cute thing. I had fun with that taller girl but I wasn't sure if I could "date" her...


    As for your situation, he might just be using it as an ongoing joke.....

  9. Is this the guy you sneezed on? (I think it was you that posted about it since I remember the avatar)...


    Anyway, I think you should be upfront with him about what you want.... You shouldn't "trick" someone into having sex with you if he thinks things are going forward into a relationship....

  10. yeah.. I agree with others.. you posted WAYYYY to many message on her myspace board.... I haven't really checked out Myspace but, I think seeing someone face to face is really important in the end!

  11. I'm still unimpressed by her.....



    I can see what you are saying Annie (i.e. like.. she should have left a message cancelling the other date in advance or e-mailed a cancellation well in advance).....


    But, I think people do what they think they should do to make themselves look like they are "cool" and "collected" or not too interested,etc,etc.... people think that being aloof is more attractive....

  12. Whenever I hear a girl say "Oh, your so sweet" or "oh, how cute", or "you are so cute" or "that was so cute",etc, I now cringe! When I was younger, I thought it was a compliment, but, then I realized over time that some girls meant it like "oh my, you are so lame".....


    With this recent girl I was dating I brushed her hair in the car (like.. stroked it a bit... kind of like petting a dog.. haha)..and she was like "ohh, that is sweet.. thank you" or something. I was kind of taken aback... and I was like "excuse me?" and she said "oh.. that was nice.. thanks...."..... Soo.. I took it later that she actually did enjoy it, and felt like it was a bit of "intimate" connection...


    But, still, when I hear girls say it, I think "oh no.. I just did something lame...." or "oh no, she doesn't know what to say so she said that"....



    I am curious to hear from girls and guys on this.

  13. I had this girl come up to me after a concert and say "hey, I just wanted to tell you that I think you are drop dead gorgeous"..... I was like "oh... well.. thank you"....


    It was so bizar ......I thought she was cute enough, but, the scenario was weird and I didn't know how to respond.. It made it really akward....If she had come up and just started talking to me, I think it would have been better...

  14. I agree with Chaos... the only thing that I see wrong is him telling you he would call, and he didn't....



    However, if he is attentive to you in person, I would say he is into you (i.e. as long as he isn't trying to get in your pants all the time!!)....


    As a guy, I didn't realize that I had to call a girl every day!! I usually just call to set up plans for the next date and keep telephone conversations short.

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