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Posts posted by Mavh25

  1. it isnt wrong of you to care about someone you had an intimate relationship with. It is totally normal if there was no connection there would of been no YOU/US, dead end job or not. It makes you a good person, but dont get back with her just because you are worried, you can just be her friend, but then again you (dont mean to sound bad) could be her problem, and cutting it off may be best because shes probly doing this to make you acknowledge her a little.

  2. yeah i agree, it can be so gut wrenching when my partner says no to sex, and we take it so personally even though it probly is really because they are tired!! and they are allowed to not feel up to it lol. But yeah i was kinda saying hes pressuring you, in his own way it seems, and ofcourse you yourself can correct me if he isnt the type of person, just sounds asif hes basically saying, i really need sex, bad, and im a bit miffed ya wont give it me, so im gonna make ya feel guilty hehe. Probly harmless, just my opinion. if ya do hold out, itll be sooooo awesome lol

  3. with all due respect, are you dumb? lol this guy is quite obviously wearing his heart on his sleeve for you, no guy asks a girl out, comes round and holds her, just talks and wants to see her all the time because hes bored lol. He likes you, obviously, dont push him away, im not saying jump into bed, that would be wrong but a kiss wont hurt. If you are nervous about kissing, im not sure if youve done it before or what but just think of who your kissing, not the fact that you are, think of it as touching... this disability you have, it would be best for you to just be honest, just tell him, you can even make a joke of it, if he runs a mile then its tuff and he did not deserve you, but most likely he wont.

  4. lol looking at these i should say something different! but i love my sweeties smell, the way he looks like crap in the morning as much as i do, the way he taps all the time, so annoying but wouldnt change it, the way his hair goes all spikey if he sleeps with it wet, the way he pulls stoopid faces when hes confused and the way he hugs me, god never ever get a better warmer hug than that

  5. girls are the more desirable sex, so i kinda agree with the part about not liking men being in the movie. I recently found out the same thing as you though sarah, and i went through the exact same thoughts and i even posted about it lol but i just think to myself "ask" has he been keeping it a secret from you? was he weird and defensive when you found out? or did he explain? the fact that he didnt run off screaming is a sign it isnt something you should be worried about. I believe its just some dirty hoes on a screen and they wouldnt touch him ! lololol

  6. I was the same for the first part of my raltionship, think it was because i couldnt relax. But then i realised i cannot be scared to show him where i like it, even if you have to close your eyes and fantasise, do it. Dont feel bad because of it, and if he tells you to hurry up tell him to shut up, that is definitely not gonna get you there!

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