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Posts posted by fishrrshortae

  1. Sounds like you need a good lawyer and a ton of counseling. Ask her point blank: Would she be willing to attend counseling with you? I'm NOT talking about marriage counseling, but just regular counseling for both of you for the sole purpose of being able to work together to raise your kids. She cannot have such hostility towards you as a parent, it will end up making your kids suffer.

  2. In this case I don't think it would hurt to see a doctor. Your doc may refer you to a urologist to rule out anything physical.


    Has it always been this way for you, or is this a new problem that developed?

  3. I don't know if she should let this one go .. as much as I would love to say that, I have known a lot of guys who cheat before their weddings (don't ask me why) and it's often with an ex girlfriend.. Anyways zucchini if you are still not trusting his answer, I would follow that instinct and stay on guard.

  4. I don't see anything wrong with what he did. He was faced with a crisis and he chose to educate himself about the only option going through his head. I also thought about an abortion when I became pregnant. It does NOT mean I don't love the beautiful boy I have now!!! Everyone panics when an unexpected pregnancy is discovered. I wouldn't hold it against him.


    However, as above posters mentioned, you NEED to be on the same wavelength about your feelings on abortion. It is NOT fun to have someone pressuring you to have an abortion if you're adamantly against it.... nor is it fun to want to have one yourself while other people are calling you a murderer. You need to figure this one out.

  5. I wouldn't ever marry someone that didn't understand a pressing need to take care of my parents. Especially since you said that they have done so much for you. My parents and I definitely don't always get along but I would never leave them alone in their old age, and if I was married at the time and my husband didn't get that, well he wouldn't be my husband for very long.

  6. Wow, a lot of fellow Indians on this board I guess


    Yeah I'm Indian too, it hasn't been an issue really... although I hate to say it, a lot of my girlfriends have racial preferences so I don't know what it's like to be an Indian guy.

  7. If she got the morning after pill on time, she is most likely fine. Yes, starting and stopping birth control can mess with your cycle... but the only way to know for sure is to take a test. She DID take that MA pill, right Monk?!

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