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Posts posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. If my bf looked at my phone, he'd see about 20 guys, none of who I have dated. I keep them labeled in my phone because that's where you keep phone numbers.


    Is he with them or is he with you? A number in a phone doesn't mean he's cheating and being apart 3 months would be more than enough time to pick up a few numbers even if they aren't used.

  2. Did you expected her to change when you asked her to marry you?


    It doesn't sound like you're accepting of to say the least. If you've been together 2 years that's more than long enough to know she's not the same person as you, that she very much seems your opposite. Expecting her to change all that to suit you is unreasonable and not going to happen because of a ring. You need to let her be the person she is or find one of the cute girls at the rock concert that will be more ready to meet your demands.

  3. If you are going to have sex any more she needs to start BC and you need to be more careful about condom use. Lube is always a must for condoms, it prevents breakage as well as making it more pleasant to use. Make sure you pinch the end of the condom, so there is no air bubble at the end when you put it on, that can cause breakage if not done right. Also, use the proper size, very few men need the large condoms, too big a condom will only mean it can slip off or get twisted and tear. Alway check the expiration date on the condom too. Latex degrades over time and will not be as strong the older it gets.

  4. If you can't afford real gem stones there are very good fake rubies available, the chemical composition and crystal structure is the same as the real thing, but an extra compound is added to make them fluoresce in certain light to prevent them from being sold at real ruby prices.


    Garnets are another red stone that are less expensive as well, they aren't as hard as other gems, but set well. Some stones that are more rare, but don't get the hype of diamonds (which are pretty common) are more beautiful and better quality for the same price.


    Diamond rings are only a recent trend (since about 1900) the push for diamond rings was actually started by diamond companies.


    Most stones can give a great sparkle depending on the cut and its setting. Prong settings allow more light to hit the stone and refract in the facets so it will give more brilliance. A round, aka brilliant, cut stone has the most cut surfaces so it is the most refractive. Other cuts to consider; Asscher, Marquise, Emerald.

  5. Actions are important, they reflect what he is really willing to do, there are some things that can be expressed only with a heart felt hug. But verbal communication is very very important, some times words are the only way to get the point accross.


    Either way, I would say both are significant in a healthy relationship, because they are both ways of communicating with your partner. Verbal and non-verbal cues can be indicative of a problems or joys.

  6. I avoid processed food with the exception of soft drinks, I drink diet all the time, mainly because the local water smells like a swimming pool and that's after its been filtered.


    When I'm at my folks, they have a well, I drink water. Its a hard choice, but I've looked at several studies on artificial sweeteners and read the claims of the hazards they cause. I've also know how the testing is done and know that even apples can cause cancer, but that's because they rub a rat 20,000 times a day for weeks, its all a matter of moderation.

  7. It might be you don't want more children right now. You can have children any time apart you want, they don't have to be right after the other. My brother and I were 4 years apart. I know people with 6 to even 10 years between siblings.


    Or you may never want another one.


    Either way, you need to discuss this with your wife. An issue like this should not go unspoken.

  8. When ever I hear someone say they want to see if there's something better out there, that to me sounds like an insult. To me they are saying "you're all I got right now, but I don't think you're good enough".


    This guy doesn't respect you and your emotions. If he did, he would have made it a clean break. The way it is now, he's stringing you along so that when he goes out in the world and fails to find something "better", he's always got you as backup. He's being selfish and really doing you no good as a boyfriend or a friend.


    I think you did the best thing for yourself by cutting contact. You need to heal and move on, he may not feel it’s an official break up, but that doesn't mean you can't make it official.


    Imagine what life later on will be like if you stay together, he will find some situation too hard to deal with and be in a relationship, so he'll dump you just to get back together when its all over (that is if you are still considered "best"). Relationships are thick and thin, not at the convenience of one of the parties.

    • Like 1
  9. What do you mean if the colors aren't fast?


    I'm thinking I might just let it curl, he can uncurl it by hand when he puts it on haha. I could easily mess this up.

    Not fast = bleeds


    Sorry, I'm into fiber arts and can get a little carried away with all the jargon.


    My knits curl when I'm too tight on the tension. Basket weave is a fun stitch, I was working a scarf for my Mom in that, but got bogged down and end up doing a crochet ruffle (probably not a good thing for a guy).

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  10. Test a small sample of the yarns with the iron heat and water before you do the scarf. Really saturate them and give them heat. If they don't bleed, no worries, if they do, that's a going to be hard to fix. If the colors aren't fast you might need to get a Shout Color Catcher and rinse the scarf by hand in a sink.


    By the way, with the wool you're going to get some degree of felting no matter what you do so don't be surprised if it shrinks.

  11. Silk and wool can handle the heat That sounds like a good blocking scheme, I've seen sweaters pinned on the carpet when boards weren't big enough. Just be careful of the colors, it might bleed or pick up color off the cloth you use to dampen it.


    You might wrap the cookies with tissue paper and some pretty ribbon, make them look like a little gift. Toss some candies in and put the card on top.

  12. True, but I just can't let go.

    You really want to be with a guy who calls other girls hot and calls you nasty things?


    He sounds like a real prince.


    You're 14, this guy is not worth your time, move on to brighter, better guys.

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