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  1. ocrob, Thank you for the reply. You are absolutely right. It is just too hard. I've noticed it feels so good to talk to her but as soon as someone else is in the picture or she tells me about a past boyfriend then it hurts so much. One of the hardest things about no contact with her is the possibility of never talking again or at least not having the type of relationship we used to have. ocrob- Eventually it will get to a point where you have to talk about why you aren't talking as much don't you think? Or is it going to be like this for awhile, she'll contact you and you'll only contact her to reply. If you do talk what would you say? Thanks again. stevty2889- How are you doing? what has happened since you last posted? -MJ
  2. How do I deal with knowing she is with another guy and she is really in love with him? I've met this guy and he seems like a really good guy, focused and an all around good guy. They talk every night. She talks about him more and more. -MJ
  3. Would it be a bad idea to mention some of the reasons why it's so hard to stay with contact? For example, when she talks about guys or a certain guy? Or even specific things she's said? -MJ2
  4. I was thinking the same thing. I have been friends with my ex for awhile but can't take being just friends anymore. How do you stop talking to someone in order to get over yet let them know you still love them? What should or shouldn't you say? -MJ
  5. I completely understand what everyone is saying. I have days where I feel liberated and days where I can't move. Days where I don't want to get out of bed yet I can't sleep. Days when my heart hurts to to the point I wish I could just take it out and set it aside somewhere, I'm sure without it I would be able to move on. But as it is I have to deal with not having my baby around, deal with the thoughts that she is with another guy, deal with the thoughts of losing someone who I can't see being replaced and feelings of her being the only one for me. How long does this last? -MJ
  6. stevty2889- How is it going? What have you done or not done since your last post? I haven't done anything differently. We still talk for over an hour everyday. I still hate anything she mentions regarding other guys or future boyfriends. Yet I won't let go. I don't know how. We have mutual friends and I know it will hurt when I know she is talking to them on the phone because I will probably be around. "there is no reason to be a spectator and watch the women you want, date guy after guy after guy while you're her "friend" who wants more." -MJ
  7. stevty2889- Do you plan on not contacting her without telling her? She is going to wonder eventually, then what? Anyone have any thoughts on this or my last reply? -MJ
  8. How do I go about telling her how I feel when we are SOOOOO close? Is it selfish of me to tell her I can't be friends? I'm the one who said I was ok with us being friends. The more we talk the harder it is. I feel bad about suddenly wanting to not talk because I can't take it. I don't want to do the slowly backing away thing either because she will eventually want to know what is going on and why we aren't talking as much and I don't want to play games and lie to her. I don't want to hurt her by ending the friendship. I'm soooo confused. I feel like I'm deep in the friends zone, to the point where she is getting comfortable telling me about other guys. Is that a sign that she will never see me as anything more? -MJ
  9. Thank you all for the replies. It's hard cause I don't want to lose her but I can't take our current situation. Chai714 if you can find that link please let me know. She knows how I feel, but she doesn't know that I can't do this anymore. It's going to be difficult cause we have mutual friends. -MJ
  10. I was dating my ex for 3 1/2 years. We broke up for almost 3 years and I haven't let go. We talk everyday but I don't want to do the friendship thing anymore, it's too hard. How do I go about telling her. I don't want to suddenly stop talking to her and have no contact. She knows I'm still in love with her. She's been out with other people since we broke up. Do I slowly back away? She says she only wants to be friends and I love her as a friend but I can't do it anymore. -MJ
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