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Posts posted by Steven1607307306

  1. Wow it's great, I love how you've grown to quite the poet. I've been working on tons f writing lately, maybe I should post as well! Love to hear from you soon!

  2. First off, age doesn't matter if you can love or not, only maturity. AND if she reciprocates those feelings, wouldn't that mean she doesn't love you because her culture wouldn't allow it?


    Anyways, I think love means whenever you are willing to do anthing with that person, and you can actually see yourself with them for the rest of your life. Think about this; would you be willing to be with this person for as long as you live? When you are both 70-80, yo would never get tired of that person no matter what.

  3. Hey everybody!


    Well my life is moving forward in every way possible. I am just loving life to the fullest at the moment. It seems like nothing can go wrong right now. It's all just perfect. I have a job, a great girlfriend, have consecutive clean drugs tests, and I look forward to everyday.


    Well, just thought i"d upsdate everyone who's been following my difficulties. Just letting you all know that, I am doing great. I haven't posted on ENA because there hasn't been much for me to post. I'll probably post a poem like tomorrow, or tonight, depending on if I finish it.


    Thank you all for helping me through these last couple of months@@@




  4. Wow, quite amazing. I thought is was a wonderful show of emotion. I can't wait to see your second poem...I'm sure it will be even BETTER. If that's possible...

  5. I consider a date as being two people who are attracted to each other, go out and do somthing together. exe: Dinner, lunch, coffee, picnic, movie, ect.


    The term "dating" to me, means that I have already been on a date with that person, and there is a mutual agreement that you will go on more dates. So if I am dating someone, that means we have already gone on a date, and agreed to continue for more dates.


    I'd say a relationship starts when you both consider yourselves boyfriend-girlfriend; boyfriend-boyfriend; girlfriend-girlfriend.

  6. I feel the same way. I talk to people, and then BAM within less then an hour they are telling me their deepest secrets. In my opinion, we just have the gift of attracting people who are looking for help, and we are easy to talk to, so people open up to us more than they would to another person.


    Sorry no answer to your question, but maybe give you a new persective.

  7. I think it's a great poem. It DOES capture your feeling on confusion, which is very essential to this type of poem. I think it's pretty good though, keep writing.

  8. No it's not about love, but it's about me sorting my thoughts out, trying to think rationally.



    nice poem stevn


    it reminds me of something Edgar Poe wrote about his dead loved one. i know this isn't about love, but they both summarize similarly.


    Are you referring to "Annabel Lee" ?

  9. Lone soul at a dim street light,

    Quietly gathers raging thoughts.

    Internal chaos, external tranquility,

    False guise of reluctance.

    The sky is clear, the stars shine,

    air in a stillness which lies beneath

    the wonderous mind of a troubled being.


    Question humanity, philisohpical discernment,

    Turning towards warped circuits,

    To discover forgotten memories.

    Retrospective point of view,

    hidden disputes deeper than consciousness.

    dimmed lights magnify brighter sorrows.

    Remorse is for the weak.


    Empty streets, broken dreams;

    Diminishes motivation to achieve.

    This lost soul finds warmth,

    under this aged, dimmed light.

    Steadily breathing his toxic smoke.

    It calms the nerves, soothes the spirits.

    Disparity between mind and body.


    Now recollecting disputes within,

    accepting things which cannot be altered.

    Determination to metamorphose that which can.

    Now standing alone under this light,

    Unearthed the roots of hardship.

    Finding the warmth within the darkness.

    This soul, no longer desolate.



    ***Another cold night walk inspiration***

  10. I wait as long until the occasion arises. Usually about 1-2 weeks. But if the girl wants to wait longer I wait as long as I need to. Sex isn't a huge factor in a relationship anyway...

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