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Posts posted by Steven1607307306

  1. That's EXTREMELY hot. If my GF did that...I don't know what I'd do, but I'm sure I'd have to have some kind of release.


    You know what else is hot? When I'm handcuffed to the bed post, and she does a little strip tease. I LOVE it when she takes control. It makes sex more enjoyable to me. Sometimes we have to fight about who gets to be handcuffed though!

  2. This is a tough one - I'm going to have to say her on the edge of the bed, knees almost to the bed, lifting her up slightly by her toosh with one hand, the other hand on the back of the opposite leg, and thrusting in a forward/upward angle.


    Haha, sounds more complicated than it really is. I know that one really gets my girl rockin though!





    As for hanging out with ex's... yeah, not a good idea buddy. Every time I go back home, which is every other month I end up hanging out with my ex and we **** hardcore every single time. There's a reason we're ex's, but there's also a reason that we dated for 3 years and if the physical attraction is still that strong it wouldn't be fair AT ALL to hang out with her whenever she finds another boyfriend (or when I get another girlfriend) because chances are those feelings between us would come rushing back, as they always do. Yeah, a lot of people can control their feelings or don't have feelings towards ex's, but why even put yourself in a possible predicament like that, it's just asking for trouble.



    I'm pretty confident I can control myself. Either way, the fact that they WERE so immature, is the reason I haven't hung out with them since. I still hang out with other girls that I have slept with. As long as I have friends who accept that we can't "**** hardcore" anymore, then I really have nothing to worry about.

  4. i think it depends on whether your girlfriend is invited to meet your female friends, whether there is a sexual attraction between you and the female friends (which means you need to be extra careful not to send mixed messages) and whether the female friends are accepting of and respectful to your girlfriend. If there are serious issues with any of the above then, yes, if you want an exclusive romantic relationship you might need to distance yourself from those female friends who are not respectful of your relationship.


    So true. That's exactly how everything works out for me. Everyone needs to be on the same page when it comes to issues like that.

  5. Any guy that hangs onto "loads" of female friends, after he's in a relationship has ulterior motives, IMO.


    I too have quite a few female friends (mostly acquaintances). But once I get into a relationship, those contacts are cut if not completely, down to almost nothing. I have 1 close female friend who I'd never shut out even if I was in a relationship, but I also let my SO know this from the beginning.


    You need to ask him what's more important, all his ego boosting female friendships, or you being his gf.


    Untrue. I have just about ALL female friends, yet I don't have ulterior motives. I spend time with my gf, I spend time with another friend later, or I'll hang out with my gf and another female friend at the same time. It's all about trust, if you don't trust him with his friends, then why change him?


    If my GF asked me to choose between her or my friends, I'd choose my friends. They were there before her, and they aren't putting me on the spot to choose between her or them. Screw that.

  6. ALL 18 years olds are nymphs, aren't they?

    DING DING!! Ha. Yeah...don't really count. I know we do it everyday. Depending on wwhat else we have planned that day determines how many times that certain day. If it snows outside...if I had to guess probably 6-8 times. If we both have work on different times that day...1-2.

  7. All of that makes perfect sense. Experience will make your relationship stronger or weaker. However, if you've been in many long-term relationships, you can start to judge how a person will turn out later on in the relationship. For example if a girl show just a bit of jelousy over something stupid, chances are she's going to be a jealous person which is a no no for me.


    With my girlfriend, things that would usually get other girls pissed off, and jealous...she doesn't trip over it. Like I went to go visit two of my ex's one night because I was bored, and my girlfriend called while I was at the house. I told her who I was with (while the others were trying desperately to make her jealous by calling my name in seductive ways) and she just told me to call her when I got home.


    I got home thinking she was going to complain about it, and all she said was, "I trust you. I know that I have you and they don't."


    That right there makes me think, wow this girl is a keeper.

    It's not just that, all that is, is a small example, but her trust in me, makes me feel like we will be together for a while.

  8. There's no real perfect size. End of story. Some women like it big, some like it small, some don't care. Just find someone who you can match with. It's just like some women like punk guys, some like straught-edged, some like buff, some like skinny, ect. There shouldn't be a debate. It's like debating over which ice cream flavor is the best. Everyone has their personal favorites, depending on how their brain reacts to it.

  9. Lol, I was about to say that, too. After three months both people are still in the infatuation stage


    I don't believe in "stages". The amount of time it takes for people to become emotionally connected depends mostly of how well their personalities fit together. How well they get along with each other, and how well they communicate.


    Stages aren't for me so please refrain from telling me that I'm only infatuated with my significant other.

  10. I'm confused...you just want to flirt, or you want to turn him on?


    If you want to flirt with him...drop hints that you are interest. Not subtle hints, make them known. Get to know a little about him, and then bring up a topic that you know he will like. That'll usually works on me.


    If you want to turn him on: Kiss the neck, lick/nibble ear, talk dirty, and/or suck/bite his lower lip.

  11. It really doesn't matter to me. The question for me is how long till you STOP waiting...


    That may sound immature when you think about it, but in my opinion, sex plays an important role in my relationships. It's just another way to please one another just like buying flowers, going to movies, out to dinner, ect. Just because you have sex right away doesn't mean you are going to have a rocky relationship. My girlfriend and I had sex for a week before we ever had an intellegent conversation. Now we've been together for three months, and have yet to experience any argument, disputes, ect.


    It's all depends on how well people click together AFTER they have sex.

  12. The math is VERY basic,


    Equivalent to Alg. 1 at best.


    Reading is SUPER easy... You read a passage, and answer questions about the passage.

    I can't remember what else...There was some life science I believe, a little about biology.


    I don't know of any sites, but there are books that you can find to study if you REALLY think you need to at the library.


    The test is very easy though, I could have passed it in 7th grade.


    Just don't stress, make sure to eat great the night before, and the morning before. Brain foods? Just healthy food in general, you are a vegitarian so you are probably already on top of that, I assume.

  13. Pretty Vulgar, you can fill in the blanks.

    Just me venting. I needed to blow off some steam today. I had a rough one.


    Criminal Instinct


    **** God, Where is he?

    I’ve had friends die over hundreds and fifties.

    That’s why I write this ****, so people feel with me.


    This world is dyin’,

    That’s why babies come out they mama cryin’.

    You don’t believe me? I don’t care, I ain’t lyin’


    When I die, I’ll be buried with a .357

    Just in case St. Peter won’t let me in heaven,

    All because that one night, I robbed 7-11.


    That’s a sin? **** I was hungry.

    All I wanted was some money for lunch meat.

    I lost my job ‘cause my boss’ blood spilled on the concrete.


    Stupid kids dyin’ because they can’t behave,

    **** a hearse, we carry our dead straight to the grave.

    Gimme some holy water, and watch how I bathe.


    You can call me Satan,

    All I want to do is expose those who are fakin’.

    These politicians need to stop sleepin’ and try to awaken.


    Stop killin each other.

    Just because some time ago, he talked **** to your brother?

    Don’t blame the media, where the **** was they mother?

  14. Well I'm not saying all guys. I'm just making a general statement that sometimes people...just want to have sex. No strings attached. Not just guys...not just girls. A certain group of people that have simular beliefs (as far as sex goes) as me, like to have casual sex. It doesn't mean there won't be a relationship. If two people click then they click. There is no certain amount of time you have to date...whenever it's comfortable. Sorry for the musunderstanding...](*,)


    As for you applepie...sorry I DID quote you...but that was just because what I had to say at first was related to your comment. Again sorry for the miscommunication. ](*,)

  15. Are you saying I think they will like me more, or were you referring to Saramarie? If you meant me, you're sorely mistaken. I just said that the two can coincide, but it's not always going to happen that way. As I said, I've had 2 long-term relationships where I had sex beforehand. No problems there. There was mutual sexual as well as an emotional connection. I would never have sex with someone out of a relationship assuming that I what I was doing was going to get them interested. It just happened to work out that way.




    Saramarie. I'd quote you If I was referring to you.

  16. I'll tell you, it's not uncommon. One of my best friends is only 20 and she lost count long ago. She's just a normal girl (no baggage), but her drive is insatiable. I know there are a lot of others out there like that. They just don't talk about it, due to the constant negative responses. Plenty of girls lie about their number for whatever reason. I know girls who say they've only had 2, but in reality they've had over 20.


    In the end, it doesn't really matter. I know there are lots of guys who do not care at all. Personally, I'd rather be with a guy who's had a bit of experience, as long as he's STD free. My current guy feels the same way.



    I've had sex with prolly 20-25 girls. I get tested regularly...I use a condom everytime.

    I'm still 100% clean of STD's.

    I just think that if I like it...it's not illegal, then why shouldn't I? Because someone thinks I'm gross? I could care less, I make it known to my significant other that I am VERY active, and I regularly test.


    YOUR mistake is thinking guys are going to like you more because you have sex with them.


    Giving it up so easy makes guys NOT want a relationship. I don't find it disrespectful to have a one night stand with a girl. If she wants to have sex before a relationship I think that she just wants a booty call, just like me.


    I guess I'll answer anyway... I'm a tad larger than 7 inches, and probably a bit bigger-than-average when it comes to girth as well. So even though I'm only an inch larger than the "average" I guess that's all it takes to cause some serious pain if I'm not careful... "Bigger" is over-rated


    That's odd. I'm about the same, and my girlfriend can take all of me while she's on top.

    As for blowjobs...psh 5-10 mins max. (Don't want her down there TOO long, I'd feel bad.)

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