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Posts posted by dreamy333

  1. well let me tell you soemthign she is doin exactly what i do when i like a guy on the net. maybe she is just nervous about talking to her. just keep asking her if you can call everyday just ask once.. but it sound to me like she likes you nad dont worry about her changing that on her profile just means she proablly got bored and changed her profile

  2. once trust is broken its hard to repair. are you emotionally and mentally stable to handle it.. its a few steps forward a few steps back. remember if you go looking for things youo find things stuff you might not want to know so you have to prepare yourself for what you might find out... but chances are if you are finding things out there are more things you dont know. i mean you cant figure out all his secrets.. does he lie alot?

  3. desparation is a turn off.... this is what you do get some self esteem. know with all your heart these girls would be lucky to have u. keep that attitude like you are the stuff but dont overdo it. mystery makes a good chase..

  4. this is soemthing i cannot express enough. if people give you an excuse then they do not want to do it..... period. if you like osmeone i dont care you will make plans to get with them. so i would say you tell her you want ot go out an dyou kno wshe is busy so give her your number and tell her ot call you when she is available if she likes you enough she wil call if not then poo on her..

  5. maybe you do something to scare them off. or send out bad vibes i would ask my closest friends what they think of me and what i need to improve. maybe its just that you were married and was used to being out of the dating scene its hard to get into after bn with someone for along time you feel akward at first. buti guess practice makes perfect. you do have to chase a little bit but also leave mystery. leave little breadcrumbs to your heart.

  6. let me tell you something. when he calls you you answer asap right.. and he dont even return your phone calls? sound like you care more than him. also let me tell you when guys say that they dont want to be with anyone else thats bull they might not want a serious relationship. i was engaged to a guy we dated 5 years he said he didnt want commitment. he didnt want nobody else.. 6 months later hes married. im not saying its like that with you but what i am saying is that if he wanted to be with you he would. you deserve someone who wants you. my advice date around your young. you dont know what you want yet...you think its him but it probally isnt

  7. you shouldnt be jealous, but i know you will. because im sure you have alot ot offer someone. just remember we perceive some people as perfect and we get jealous of them when we dont know their story. like i used be a very jealous person over my best frined she always had money and blah blah blah always acted like she was better and snooty. come to find out one day i was upset and tlaking to her and she told me i had no reson to be upset bc i had everything and that she has always been jealous of me. so just remember thing are not always as good as they seem from others view either. just tell him you are happy go find another crush and when he brings her up change the subject.... destiny is destiny and whatever is meant to be will be. jealousy will not change that.

  8. bc i want ot be theone that stuck with him. he is really a great guy and i guess i am stupid i think i have a disorder of mine own. i try to help people too much. im too loyal. i am beginning to be unhappy though. i think i will talk to him tonight about it and tell him ill work on it with him but if i see no signs he cares i will leave i guess. so i might be int he break up forum tomorrow keep and eye out for me. im not scared to leave i know i can do better its just that i want to be there for him andmake him see what a good person he is. he isnt really mean now he just gets in moods..

  9. i dont know what passive aggresive is. he has to be in control at all times. which i dont mind about alot of stuff bc i think the girl should listen to the man. but i also think the man should respect that. its like im with the sweetest jerk in the world.

  10. ok i have been dating this guy for about 4 months i live with him kinda and we are with each other everday at first he was really mean and it didnt bother me so much bc we were only friends with benefits. i didnt want to like him i just got out of a 5 year relationship in feb in which i was lied to every day. ok so he was mean at first then he started being sweet and falling for me just like i have for him. ok so i think he is an abuser. he has like split personalities. on one part i know he cares and i wont to show him im not like other girls bc im not. ont he other part he puts up a front bc he says he dont want me to hurt him. so he has this hardcore image that he throwns up like he dont care. when its good its good. but when its bad i cant talk to him bc he dontlike to talk. when we talk about not talking anymore he is like fine leave but when he sees me taking a stand he backs down. i am aggravted i love him not in love but i do love him. he tells me that there are plently of girls out there in one breath then he tells me im the kind of girl he wants to marry int eh other. he tells me he tells me mean things so i wont think that i have him bc if i know i have him i will hurt him. i have never hurt a guy. he was hurt really bad in his past but so was i. i dont understand. its like we both care but our past stops us from getting close. he has a very hard time showing emotion but i see it in his eyes when he smiles and looks at me. just wanted to vent and know imputs.

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