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  1. I once had a guy friend who was really in love, he was 21 and the girl was sixteen, they gave each other promise rings and everything. Her parents hated the idea that he was 21 and she was only 16, they did not let her see him or anthing. I remember their relationship was probally more mature then anyone's i had know, even including my own parents. I remember times when we'd be at parties, and he would just be on the phone with her the whole time. Everyone could tell they were in love, thats what made everyone respect their relationship, because they were so mature about it everyone kind of forgot about the age differnece. Still til this day the two of them are still together. Age is only a number. Why is it a man, being 40, who is dating a 20yr old not a big deal, which is a 20yr difference, but yet a 4yr differnce is a bigger deal, go for it, and think in a matter of no time he'll be 18.
  2. He's interested point blank. Know that saying guys never grow up, well him teasing you is the same as when you were in 2nd grade and the boy who sat behind you pulled your hair, and you would go home and tell your mom, what did she say" he likes you", so if your interested instead of that big group of friends you hang out with, ask if he want to hang out one on one. If it goes well, tell him your free next friday.
  3. Well, personaly i think that you both are wrong. It was wrong for you to sleep with your friend, and it was wrong for the guy to sleep with his ex, but see what makes it difficult is you say you love him, but then again you sleept with someone first, and he probaly really cares for you and was so angry that he wanted you to feel the same pain he had felt, and if you think about if he had cheated first you would have been just as angry, and have the same mind set, i want to get back at him, so im going to sleep with someone else, then add alcohol and you have the double cheat. If you really love him and he really loves you forget about the whole situation.
  4. First you need to tell your friend to stop setting you up with people bacause thats obviously not working, next you need to stop saying your shy, forget the shyness. If you think your shy then thats what prople will think of you, say ur a cofinent guy, your 20, go to clubs, or if thats a little to much for you go to a coffee place sit down, get some coffee, relax, when a women that catches your eye, talk to her, ask what she reading, anything, make eye contact. Or if there is a women behind you in line, show off your niceness, say "Oh you can go in front of me, i haven't decided yet", that will show off your nice guy side, that wil show your not in a rush to go anywhere either, and that will let her know your staying, if she sits down, this is great cause then its your chance to grab the table near hers. Le her know your interested, smile occasionaly, make eye contact(really important, it makes you look cofident, even though you've never been so nervous), make up excuses to talk to her, "I have no more sugar, can i have some of yours", the most important thing is to make sure she gets the idea, if the conversation goes well exchange numbers or e-mail adresses. If it doesn't work with her, then there are so many other women who buy coffee at that cafe, have fun.
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