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Posts posted by Aporia

  1. well the guy i have in mind i should be forgetting....


    but the way he does random stuff like when i was on a date with him he brought me to his house to watch a dvd and he gave me the pictures he developed of the night we were out in a pub togther and in the middle of them he had put in baby pics of him when he was like 2 he was sooo cuuuuute




  2. well i suppose hobbies can be just doing things you want to do and doing stuff that make you happy


    i took up dance classes 2 years ago and it's a great way to just unwind it's a strange class it's more gymnastic dancing if that makes sense.


    going to gigs and seeing bands play live in pubs is fun great way to meet people that are intrested in the same type of music ect.


    you could join a fitness club/yoga or something like that.. a gym


    or pick up a team sport that's a great way to meet new people


    think about what intrests you write it all down and the look for clubs or activitys to do based on what you've wrote down

  3. just be yourself around people and don't worry too much about it.

    don't try and change any part of who you are


    a true friend is for life and you'll know when you've got a true friend.


    i noticed the main way in which you make friends is being somewhere around the same people everday/week ect. like starting school for the first time or college for example - your with these people everyday so you eventually make friends with them.

  4. sometimes i find that it's not the guy who has a low sex drive it's just that he want's to be the one to initiate sex.


    some guys just want to have that control and might be put off be the female initiating sex.

    the reason why i mention this is because you say when you leave him alone he's all over you.

    try reverse psychology.

  5. well i'm at a confusing stage in my life too i'm wondering should i go to ucd/trinity next year after finishing my leaving or do something else in limerick. whatever path i will choose will have a dramatic impact on my life.


    i know it's a completely different situation but i can relate to how your feeling. i think you should go to borneo too and as hosswhispra said ''things always fall in place'' you might aswell see how things get on - will you get this oppertunity again. make one decsion at a time.

  6. And yes, they're even capable of seeming vulnerable and fragile. Did that vulnerable quality endear you to him?


    yeah actually that's very true. i see [ i should say ''saw'' now ] his vulnerable side and feel sorry for him like i want to help him it makes me wonder is he actually a really nice guy without drugs. he said stuff in the past like ''you want me to give up don't you, wouldn't you like me to give them up''


    it's like he just needs someone to encourage him, someone that believes in him. but yeah i'm going to stick to yer're advice which also the voice in the back of my mind was saying...don't see him or worry about him anymore...


    it's really hard though i haven't been in the situation where he calls me up asking me to go out for the night yet so i really don't know how strong i am.

  7. hey shysoul thanks for the reply,


    i don't think this happened me before i just felt really panicy and my voice was shaking. i have problems at the moment but their not as serious as they used to be.


    i need the job so i'll have something to do but i just feel like if i go tomorow it'll happen again.


    i get reaaly parinod felt like everyone was wondering ''what's she doing here ect.'' it's really upseting it's like i've no confidece in myself or something - that never happened before...

  8. hey, i just really wish i knew what was going on in his head when i used to go out with him and stay over in his house he just didn't seem sure of himself...


    you see that's the thing - how am i supposed to be able to identify such people in the future

  9. okay it's been a while since i was on here.



    i haven't seen him since.


    but last friday he text me again saying ''text away there, text away'' i thought it was him feeling guilty again about him telling me not to text him.


    so i text him back but he didn't reply till about 11 that night saying;


    ''i'm so very tired''


    what the hell is going on...is he some kind of physco


    what does those messages mean???

  10. okay, last week i saw a ad on the newspaper looking for people to recruit for a new bar/resteraunt that was opening in in the city near i live. i decided to go to it tonight i had to look for the hotel that the interviews are being held in.


    [the actual resteraunt is still being built] so i went into the hotel - feeling fine i'm usually nervous before interviews but this time i was fine going in.


    when i got to the reception i was told to go upstairs so i went up [the place was soo big] and at the end of the upstairs reception there were 4 men sitting at a desk so i went up and one of them said i had to fill out a form before i go in.


    i could hear crowds of people down the hall outside the interview room laughing they were just so loud and then suddenly for no reason i got the urge to burst into tears or something and i felt dizzy so i stood up to tell the guy is it on tomorow instead and he said yeah and looked at me reaaaly strangely so did the group of guys at the top of the stairs.


    it felt like everyone was staring at me and i started to shake uncontollably and just walked out of the place still feeling like everyones watching me and talking about me laughing


    that was the weirdest thing ever what happened me


    i still feel terrible and when igot home just a while ago i coundn't stop crying


    it's on tomorow morning again and i have the application form but i'm terrified it [whatever it is] will happen again

  11. Yeah he was very late one time when we aranged to meet up and he ended up going off after a very short time because he had ''stuff to do''. Meaning something involving drugs.


    He did apologize the next day though..but it still took me a while to forget about it.

  12. I understand what you mean but it's very hard to just leave him.

    I think when you get used to a certain way of living it's hard to change it.


    You see the thing is, is that I see the good side to this guy aswell. I've known him for about a year now and I trust him. However, he can be just so confusing at times.


    I don't think he's taking advantage of me because I am younger than him.

    I'm just as intelligent as him and he knows that. I'm just wondering why he acts they way he does. Could it be insecurity...like you said ''emotionally unstable''

  13. Thanks for typing that normally



    Now Im even more confused he text me back after I text him giving out about the way hes acting so inmature


    He text me back this :

    I was off my head I cant even remember taking to you, forget about it, text back


    When he says off his head he means high


    Is that really the case or is he feeing guilty


    He sounded perfectly normal on the phone and he was able to drive that night

  14. He rang me a few times, and I kept saying I couldn't go out. I wouldn't have been allowed out in the first place.


    His text was regarding me not coming out to him. He should have given me some notice, at least if he really wanted to see me... then he should have arranged to meet up at a decent time.


    The funny thing is, he kept saying he will have to delete my number from his phone if I didn't come out to him.


    He texted me a few minutes ago saying,

    "Don't text me again and I won't text you again"

    I'm so confused right now.

  15. At about half 1 last night my boyfriend rang me saying


    `Come out to me, im outside your house`


    This was really unexpected so I couldnt

    He then text me a couple of hours later saying exacty this


    `You cannot make up for what youve done`

    Was it really that bad




    Should I text him

    What should I say

  16. I'm sure there's allot of threads very like this but...


    I've been thinking allot recently.

    It's always good to look back apon stuff that happened in the past because things are only clear looking back on them.


    Someone asked me whats you idea of a perfect partner ie perfect boyfriend.?


    I thought about it for a while and was going to make a big long list of stuff like:

    They must be romantic, intelligent, caring, ect. ect.


    But then I came to the conclusion...


    The perfect guy for me is one that understands me.

    That's it... nothing else.

  17. I'm 17 and am in college! I won't be 18 till the end of April so I can't move out not legally anyway if I was 18 I'd never sleep another night in the same house as him.


    The good thing is that when he came home he didn't say anything (even though this time I had my door locked in fear)

    He didn't just hit me either he dragged me accross the house on the floor and I have bruises on my arms (which are going now). I showed them to my friend the other day and she just gasped.


    I havn't spoken to him since it all happen and to be honest I don't think I'll ever get on with him again.


    I'm not in fear anymore it's anger. I'm so angry. The fact that I reported it and because I was drunk I wasn't taken seriously.

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