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Posts posted by gattsuga

  1. try drinking a beer or two beforehand. it helps me with premature ejaculation... in fact it works too good and i can't ejaculate at all sometimes, and i stay rock hard for hours.


    also you can purchase condoms with some desensitizing lube inside... i don't like using these, as it takes away sensation.. but if you're really worried, it would probably make you last longer.


    doing exercise is probably the safest/most natural thing you can do. i wouldn't recommend taking pills/drugs, cuz your body would grow accustomed to it eventually... and you'll always have to rely on those pills.

  2. and yes, i think if you're in love with her sister, there's a big problem. what would she do if she found out? how can you be in a trusting relationship if you can't tell her some things about yourself. my current girlfriend has 3 very hot and smokin sisters, and they're all really nice. but you don't see me drooling over them or checking them out, cuz i don't let myself, and i have my gf who i think is 10x better than any of them

  3. does your girlfriend work right now? are you two thinking of having children? are you two thinking of spending your whole life together, or just until the sparks die out?


    marriage is a committment. it's not for everyone, that's for sure. some people cannot commit to one person their whole life. maybe your girl needs security. what is she going to do when she's 40, and you decide you don't love her anymore and end things. you take all your money/assets, and she's left with her own. but you've also taken away her youth, and it'll be much harder for her to find another man, than you finding another woman.


    I think you're using the 60% divorce rate as just an excuse. are you saying your relationship is just like theirs? is your relationship just another statistic?

  4. I'm sorry girl, but the guy does not respect you, nor does he love you. You two have been bouncing back and forth for a long time, and the result is always the same! He wants to be single. In other words, he wants to be available to other women. How old is he right now? He sounds very immature, and just looking to have sex with women.


    He's made it clear, he doesn't wan to be with you, but he wants to have sex with you. I'll be a hundred dollars, once he gets horny again, and can't get laid, he'll text you or call you up.


    Run away... do you honestly want to be treated this way? What's going to make him change this time? It's hard, I know it. But don't you think you deserve someone who will treat you with respect?

  5. yes it is completely normal to think you made a mistake. you're remembering all the good times and memories you shared, and you're probably missing them already. it's really hard if you still care about her. But if you think about the reason why you broke up, and keep that in your mind... you should be able to reassure yourself.


    like you said, you don't love her.. so it is really for the best you broke up. Maybe a few months down the road, you'll miss her so much, you'll mistake that as love.... but don't be fooled, cuz if you get back together, you'll probably end up with the same problems.


    nobody likes to hurt someone they care about... but i think you did a good job. you two are each other's first, so that made it even harder. hopefully now you'll have a better idea of what kind of girl you're looking for to give you those loving feelings.

  6. haha.. i knew i'd bring up some heat with my topic.. firstly i don't mean any disrespect to women. you live however you want. Don't get me wrong... I'm not saying I don't love her b/c she's letting herself loose. I am saying I'm not finding her sexually attractive because of that.


    thanks for all the pos response. i'll try to slip her more hints here and there and see how she reacts. She's in her last year of university right now, so she's super busy. i just wish she'd dress up when we go out or spend some quality time together.

  7. First off, I don't want to come accross as a shallow guy. I love her to death, and will probably end up marrying her.

    however, i've noticed she's changed a lot in the past year. Before she was very feminine, wore pretty dresses, put makeup/did her hair etc. Nowadays, she dresses in baggy sweaters and sweat pants, and never does her hair or puts on makeup. and she acts very tomboy'ish like.


    i hate to say it, but i'm finding her less and less sexually attractive, and I don't really feel like initiating anything cuz I just don't find her sexual. Her breath stinks, and when she kisses me, my whole mouth gets wet with her saliva... and i don't really find that attractive.


    how can i approach her with these things without hurting her feelings. I don't expect her to wear dresses half the time or do her hair all the time... the thing is she never does!


    helppp.. i don't find my girl sexual anymore

  8. I hate to admit it, but I can't for the life of me bring my girl to orgasm with just my own hands/tongue/lips. I don't think my technique is that bad, but fingering, sucking, licking her clit doesn't ever bring her to a full blown orgasm. Only until we use a vibrating bullet at the end does she climax.


    I communicate with her, but all she can say is everything i do is great. I ask her if she likes it slower/harder... she says it's all good.


    I usually start out with a long session of foreplay. Kissing her lips, neck, ears very slowly. Then my thigh goes between hers and i start to rub my thigh against her slowly. All the while she's going crazy and loving every moment of it.


    Then when i start going down on her, I don't do it too fast... I do it nice and slow, but she doesn't give me any direction even if I ask. Eventually she just stays at a certain level of stimulation and stays there. So we have to use the vibrator to finish her off.


    I would just like to be able to give her an orgasm without a toy to finish her off. any suggestions?

  9. hehe.. the joys of motherhood eh? my mom told me a bunch of stories of how my sister was when she was a kid. My sister refused to sleep too unless she was inside of a car with the engine running! the INSTANT my parents turned off the engine, she'd wake up.


    Eventually they'll grow out of it, I think... i'm no parent myself... but my sister can sleep in her bed now without the engine running i guess you just have to bear with it?

  10. It looks like this other woman is just using you for sex. She's engaged, and will be married soon. Do you two talk about anything deep or maybe hinting towards breaking off her engagement? If not, then you should probably distance yourself from her. You obviously can't handle this one night stand, and yeah in the long run, it's going to just hurt your relationship with your current gf.


    do the right thing, stop cheating on your current girl. if you can't, then plesae do her a favor and break up. it'll probably hurt her to find out you've been sleeping around... and you don't want to do that do you?

  11. some girls.... actually a LOT of girls like to be pampered and treated like a princess. This includes taking an hour bus ride, paying for dinner for the first few weeks, you taking the effort to make her feel special. she was probably brought up thinking that's the way a guy would treat a girl if he really liked her.


    so yeah, girlfriends are kind of expensive sometimes but hey if she's worth it, i'd have no problem spending money on her

  12. I understand what you're going through. But I think you have to wait until he wants to contact you... he might still be hurt, and just because he's going out with someone else doesn't mean he's completely over you. It's really really hard to become GOOD friends again once you go through a harsh thing like a breakup.


    My ex and I are barely on speaking terms today... and it's been almost 6 years since we broke up. There's no bad feelings anymore... but our friendship was down the toilet once we broke up... and yeah it sucks, but sometimes it's impossible to reconcile a friendship when one (or both) person was hurt because of the breakup.

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