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Everything posted by dave05

  1. Hey all, Thanks for the advice, especially FriscoDJ and Diggity, thanks for taking the time to reply so extensively .. So I've now left the country and before I left I bought her a small present, and then left with just saying goodbye. However I've been away a week and still think about her all the time, so the other day I had to go ahead and tell her everything how I felt in an email (which was very similar to my first post - without the problems ) and just asked her how she felt and left it at that. I just wanted to be totally honest and open with her, so now she knows exactly where I'm coming from (whether thats a mistake or not I dnt really care, I cudnt put up with the wondering any more). So as yet I still havnt got a reply, but Im not really expecting one for a while as her bf now moved back home (ironic that he comes home just as Im leaving)... If when I get back home, she still wants to hang out then I'll tell her straight. If at the end of the day it dosnt work out, then it doesnt work out, it'll be a learning experince, but it's been a tough one.. Thanks again Dave
  2. Hey guys, thanks so far... Few points... I leave nxt week FOR 3 months... 86 her = ditch her???? She's told me that she cheated on her last bf and that broke things up, so I dont want to be the guy who makes her break up with this bf.. Maybe ill rephrase that last point slightly to make sure its 100% clear.. iv) she told me that her brother had fallen in love with this girl (lets call her X, but X has a boyfriend, and anytime the boyfriend is away X uses her brother as X misses her boyfriend. I asked her if X would ever leave the bf for her brother, but she said that no X wouldnt because X was just USING him, and she finds that its tough on her brother, so she's angry with X.. Does she not realise that thats exactly what she's doing with me? Or is that why she told me? Any psychologists out there???? Is she dropping a subtle hint that she's just using me cause her bf's away?? But why would anyone tell someone that, to date she's been nothing but nice????
  3. Help!! I've fallen for a girl who has a boyfriend (he incidentally lives abroad!!). I met her about 2 months ago, and since then we go out like twice a week - not really on dates but just for walks and drives. Now this is the thing I think I've fallen for her, she is the most beautiful, intelligent, creative girl I have ever met, Ive never met anyone before who has as much in common, like I had to tell her not so long ago that I wasnt making things up, as she seemed to have identical life experiences, to me and I was worried she thought I was just agreeing with her all the time. We flirt all the time, and make a big deal of hugging and touching a lot.. Im very confused at the moment, I really want to be with her, but there are a few complications.. i) the boyfriend ii) i am moving abroad for 3 months iii) she told me that her friends accused her of flirting with a lot of guys, and she also said that she gets on a lot better with guys than girls.. iv) she told me that her brother had fallen in love with this girl, but she has a boyfriend, and anytime the boyfriend is away she uses him as she just missed him.. I asked her if the girl would ever leave her bf for her brother, but she said that no she wouldnt she was just USING him......... Why would she tell me that? Should I tell her how I feel before I leave? I was thinking about getting her a present before I go.. just a small thing to symbolise a hug... good idea? Ive been very careful to date to ensure that Im not coming on too strong, eg at the start I let her ask me to do things, I havnt told her how I feel etc etc So Im confused as to where she's coming from.. is she just using me while her boyfriend is away?? But then why tell me that about her brother? Do u think that maybe she's trying to tell me that she isnt just using me, she genuinely likes me?? Veeeeeery confused.. if anyone could help me out here that would be really appreciated... Thanks
  4. Hey, Here's my problem.. Ive been dating a girl for over a month now, we've met up about 6 times now, and I still havnt kissed her properly!!! The last time we went out we just went for a drive and ended up sitting parked in a quiet car park (there was no one else in the car park), but still nothing happened.. The problem is when we are alone together and the time would be right to kiss her, I get really nervous for some reason, and then I either go really quiet or start talking nonsense... I dont want to just ask her "can i kiss u now", as i feel that would ruin the moment! But does anyone have any ideas how I can lead up to the "moment" in a way thats stress free!!! Thanks
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