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Posts posted by dzadze

  1. Every relationship is different, and the X perience people gain from each encounter is also different. Many people say, don't talk to the other person if they are not avilable.. This is true because the success rate would be dramatically lower than if the other is single...


    At the same time, you have a better knowledge of the other persons relationsihp that the online community. If you think there is a chance that she will let go of her relationship, and move on, than take the green light and go for it .. Otherwise take the yellow light and go slow ..


    If they are a commited couple and you are trying to get in between them, than that would just make you look >>>> ...


    i totally support u ,,, do what is right,,,, but just preprare yourself for rejection, and to be able to move on again ....

  2. Its not true that mens are always into looks. Every women has a beauty trait that only certain men can see... I see women that are 100% sooo unattractive to me, but to my friends and classmates they are the most beautiful women in the world.


    For women it is important to find a men who find you beautiful, who tell you that you are beatiful and not hot, who admires you and love you for who you are... Dont date someone who makes you feel insecure, ugly, or brings your self esteem down.

  3. move on, if you were meant for each other than nothing can break you apart.......


    love is like a river, anytime it encounters an obstacle it cuts a new path around it.



    your river has turn into the vast ocean ... time to move on buddy .. not waste the time..


    why waste time with the ex, when you can spend time with the next.

  4. loooser, that guy needs to appricate the things you are doing for him, and not take it for granted...


    the time, the energy, the thought, the effort that you put into it, is what matters ............


    ITS NOT YOUR FAULT!!! and you did nothing wrong

  5. Generally you get what you pay for, so free adviced is usually not worth the credibility. Usually situations that has to deal with emotions and feelings are easier said than done... Usually people giving advice has not encounter a similar experience themselves so they would give scenario experiences and not life encounter experience.


    Trust is really a big word, from what I read in your story, i am not taking any sides because of the details in story, but like your last statement suggested, people sometimes do things with motives ....


    but what i can say is "real friends tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear"

  6. After reading many forums, I find that many users freak out and doesn't know what to think or do because their ex contact them. 99% of the time you cannot be friends with your ex because you have not moved on from the pain you felt after breakup. ..


    Make new friends, and keep old ones; some are silver and some are gold....... Things will be better after you find your next love.... until than, good luck hunting everyone...


    Sometimes I wonder why my ex contact me also, but if they wanna say hi how ur doing, i try to just sit there and say a few things, most importantly, avoid topics that may lead to your past relationship...

  7. It has been 4 months since I broke up with the one I love. And I am happier than ever in alot of ways. I have bonded with old friends again, got closer with certain family members. I could say that its true You cannot be friends with your ex, it will not work out. Just move on with life, and don't look back because the person that you were in love with does not exist anymore....


    For those people finding it hard to forget about they're ex because they are on your mind all the time. Than remember this ..... It only takes a sec, a min, an hour, a day, a week to get to know someone. But it will take a LIFETIME to forget someone.... You must accept that the person you were in love with did exist at one point in time, but does not exist anymore.. They will forever live in your memory, and in your heart, trying to forget them is just a lie, accept the facts, and move on......... .....


    And also remember, If you were meant for each other, than nothing could break you and your partner up.


    In Vietnamese this is : Neu chung minh la cua nhau, thi khong co chuyen gi se chia re duoc chung ta.

  8. Guys can have low self esteem, low confidence or insecurity reasons also. A guy with a career in mind would definitely save the marriage stuff after he gets a good job, stable financial, and some assets.


    College marriages is tough, save it for after graduatation ......that way you can enjoy marriaged to its fullest, and not have to worry about classes and stuff and stuff.

  9. She could have interest in you, along with a few more other people. She probably calls you up when she is really bored. Even though you are on her hang out list, you are not on top of her prioritized list.


    Don't make anymore regards towards hanging out until after Thanksgiving. I would recommend using statements like


    "I'm gonna go Thanksgiving shopping this week at bla bla bla, if you want to join me, gimme call. " Than don't mention of it again, if she is really interested in hanging out with you, she will make time to go hang out with you.

  10. Most often people get confuse about love, crush, and interest level.


    I would say Love is when your heart beats for them, you feel butterflies, tingly fingers, sweaty palms, dry lips, etc.


    In general human socializing, it doesn't matter if your married, engaged, in a current relationships, there are times when we see people that we will have an Interest level in. Sometimes there are very high interest level to get to know them, just to be friends, talk to, or something unique about them that you want to be friend.


    So just get to know this guy, u'll probably spot turn offs.



  11. Hello,


    This gentleman and yourself are in the friend zone, and it seems he doesn't understand once you are in the friend zone, relationships doesn't work. At six month that guy might have a chance, but six year ""NO CHANCE"..


    It's good that you realized you don't want a relationship with this guy. If I may say, he needs a closer friend, and it seems that you are the only one he has. That gentleman seems to be very clingy and attached. Imagine how much more attached he would be in a relationship, and if things doesn't go well, he'll be like a leech and potential stalker.


    If I may suggest, just tell him straight up, and be very clear about it, and a tell him "your heart is beating for someone else." And if he continues what he is doing than your friendship cannot continue.



  12. --> Real Friends tell you what you NEED to hear and not what you WANT to hear


    We are unclear about how close you and your sisters relationship is. But keep in mind that sometimes the things we don't want to hear, are exacly what we need to hear. She could be thinking of you, and caring about you.


    Vice versa,


    We don't know how healthy your relationship is. He could be the sweetest guy out there, but at the same time people say "when you are in love, you are blind." I find some truth in this quote,


    Only you can reallie sit down and make an analysis about the situation and make a better alternative decision.


    Good Luck

  13. Shy Guys will generally be happy to talk online/email via AIM/YAHOO/MSN .. etc. AFter a few times of chating, it will open them up so they are comfortable to talk in real life.


    If you have his number, just text hiim and say "hey go online and chat with me"" or something along those lines.


    Have fuN!!

  14. Hi Elizabeth,


    My recommendation is, its just a different crowd. Personally I watch alot of cartoons like The Simpsons, family guys, futurama, and those shows have funny comment. At a dinner table, half of the people will find those jokes funny, the other half will think its stupid.


    THe people who calls you annoying just have different interest in things. Probably differetn taste for food, different taste for movies, different taste for jokes, what they find cool.


    MY recommendation is, to go make new friends, who share more common value with you. You know that as people age, they changed, and they will find some things more/less annoying than others.



  15. Healing is a mental process that can take time. I have friends that heal in 1 year, three years, or for some, they will heal and move on in THREE HOURS.


    There is no definate time and everyone is different. I believe i have about 95% to healing, and for me it took about two months. Using rationality is the hardest when you are healing becuase you have an inner battle between your heart and mind.


    But if I can provide one tip to healing, it would be this short and simple statement.


    ------> DONT LOOK BACK


    She/HE has moved on, you are both new people' now, dont loook back to the perfect couple that does not exist anymore ... Dont look back, move forward, no regrets, no What ifs, no I could have, NO NO NO !



  16. Everyone and every situation is different,


    I have a female friend thats interested in this guy, she asked him to go hang out, after the 2nd time hanging out, he asked her out .... He gaved her a red rose and said something along the lines of "" I dont know you much, but i would like to get to know you, would you be my girfriend"" than handed her a red rose..


    OMG this is badddd it turn out baddddd, she ignored him and is scared of him since saying ""how can someone asked you out, when they dont even know you ..""


    this just recently happen too .... so dude, be careful about how you asked, the words you use..


    I would recommend starting lightly ,, hint it to her, by saying something like

    "" Hey _____ Would you like to go on a dinner date ......"""


    and go from there


    good luck

  17. Real friends tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.


    I'm sorry to say but your relationship is not gonna work. Both of you are way too young, and the stage of life from 16 to 20, people change alot alot alot.


    Both of you are young, and there is also the problem of financial.


    But, wish you luck though, if ya'll do make it, it will end up a very very good relationship.


    I can understand why you are confused though, the past three years has been tough, and both of you have past alot of obstacles and love test.


    people changed, i'm sorry to hear.

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