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Posts posted by cs20thcenturyfox

  1. Hello ades,


    I went thorough almost the same thing you did, my ex got with some girl (rebound) right away when we broke up and I was so torn up about it! The thing I did was kept myself busy and showed that he longer was my concern. He eventually got curious as to why I wasn't drowning in my tears for him and look who's crying now?!? Don't give up buddy, things will get better.

  2. Hello dan1304


    I think you should just tell her you need time apart, put her in a hotel for now so that you can work out your feelings. I personally wouldn't be with someone in which I don't think there's much of a future with......you need to be happy too ya know? You said you'd still be able to financially support her, so tell her that. I think honesty is what's best for the both of you even though it may hurt. I wish you the best of luck 8) .

  3. Hello laurielooo,


    I agree with Gil, just be by yourself for a while, find you first then start dating guys who are worth it. Good luck 8) .

  4. Hello lilcin420,


    Maybe you two should sit down and draw out a list of all the things that bother you two about eachother and agree to try and change them for eachother. Talk about them, but be sure to try and take the critisim, I've done this serveral times with my baby daddy and it seemed to help a bit (though now we broke up) back when we were willing to change. I hope this works for you guys...good luck.

  5. Hello Confusion,


    I think you two just need to really talk things out. Also try not to worry about your guy's past relationships, those are over and done with. If both feel you can't come to some kind of agreement, maybe just give eachother some space to cool things off. I hope things work out for you both...good luck 8) .

  6. Hello Jitrenda,


    Sounds like your not 100% over the guy, and I guess that nomal? You check to see if he's online sometimes? Don't, that's just going to make things worse, and your current bf might get hurt. Just try to focus on your current bf, think of how wonderful things are now and let go of the past. Good luck 8) .

  7. Hello Vsaxena,


    To have a future you gotta let go of the past buddy. I agree 100% with Heretic, if this bugs you too much then let her go. Everybody has a past and sometimes we don't like it but hey, it is what it is, the past. Good luck 8) .

  8. Hello butterfly123,


    You need to really talk to him, he shouldn't be marrying you if he has no trust for you, I believe trust is everything and he obvioulsy doesn't have any for you. He needs to respect your privacy like Jitrenda says, sure your supposed to know about your partner but you gotta draw the line somewhere, right? Talk to him tell him how your feeling, hopefully he'll understand. Good Luck 8) .

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