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Posts posted by cs20thcenturyfox

  1. I agreee with magpie, if he didn't stop for you, how is it that he's going to stop for this new girl? It also sounds like a rebound relationship which isn't a good thing either. My advice, just try hard not to think about it. Try not hear about him from others either.

    Good luck

  2. Hey Balhatain,


    Glad to hear of your new gf, I'm sure things will work out just fine. You sound happy and that's good also. I know what you mean by finding someone that wants a long term thing, I'm the same way and I too found someone who's just like me. I hope things work out for you and thanks for keeping us updated.

  3. Hey Kaligirl,


    I agree with those two, you should come back to Cali. I think it sucks that he was just using you for sex and then going back to his new gf. You never know what the future holds, but for now come on back here to beautiful Cali . Good luck girl

  4. Hey there tmills001,


    I'm glad to hear that your making new "friends" but I'm sorry to hear your ex is acting like that. Makes you kinda wonder if she doesn't care so much why is she acting jelous? I was in a smiliar situation with my ex, he thought I'd be so upset when he told me he had made a new "friend", I told him good for you because I also have a new "friend", he just stayed quiet on the phone and asked if I even really ever cared. Guess he wanted me to cry over him or something, anyways, keep being strong T.

    Good luck 8)

  5. Hello Santorini,


    Yes you are young, but that's ok. You will find true love someday. I too was very hurt and thought I'd never be in love again, but I'm happy to say that I did find someone that I'm in love with. You just have to be patient. Let love come to you, you won't regret it. Good luck.

  6. Hey there Jeff,


    I so know what your going through! I too have a internet love and we are separated by 3000 miles, of course my some of my friends think I'm a total idiot for taking this seriously, but I don't care. He too is going to take a road trip out here to see me, and I gotta tell you I can't wait! He's everything that my ex was not. In fact I too met him on a forum.....lol, it was something about his posts that got to me so I felt I had to talk to him one on one. Like your girl, he stood out...like really stood out...lol. So I do wish you the best of luck Jeff and know that you are not alone..ok?

  7. Hello ququ,


    I don't think it okies for you and your ex to be talking like that if you already have others in your lives. You say you two can't get back, but can't let go...but your going to have to let go. It's not fair to the others (your new bf and his fiance'). Put yourself in your ex's finace' shoes, I'm sure it would bug you....and even now he talks like this to you but then goes to her. Sweetie you just gotta move on, don't take his calls, emails, or whatever. You got to heal and doing this with him will not help. Good luck.

  8. Dear Gamera25,


    Your right, your soulmate will come someday and only God knows when. I know how it feels to need to be loved, but I think my case was worse. I had a bf and I thought he was my soulmate, but he wasn't. Here I was livivng with him and yet I was so damned lonely! I gotta tell ya, it sucks being lonely like that. So I thought I'd rather be COMPLETELY alone than lonely with someone there.


    Now I'm out of that hell hole of a relationship and looking forward to a new one. Me and this guy connect in a way I thought only possible in a hopless romantic's mind like mine. I truly feel that this is my real soulmate. It took me this long and went through so much pain to get to him and I found him! Point? I too was feeling hopeless, I thought I could never love another like I loved my ex......and then "he" shows up and then my dark and gray skies are now so bright and sunny!


    So don't give up, know that somewhere out there, there's a special girl just for you. You can be happy on your own for now, what's the rush? She will come. It's rough now, but like they say "Good things come to people who wait". I hope I helped ya in a way.....good luck.

  9. I don't want to be hurt anymore, she has hurt me more than once, I can't take anymore. Did I do the right thing by cutting things off when she told me about the curiosity of seeing where it would go with her ex????


    Hey there Cobro,


    I think you did do the right thing by cutting her off. I think it's bs that she went to see this guy even after you said that she shouldn't for her own sake. You seem like a nice guy and I don't think you deserve to be hurt. Just move on, there's way better people out there....and trust me when I say this.


    Gil has a point, it's not like she just happened to bump into this guy, and she went after even though you told her that it would mean losing you. I give you props for being strong and standing up for yourself. I mean why the hell would she care if he still has feelings for her? I think you'll be ok and you'll definitely find a nice girl that will treat you how you deserve to be treated.

    I hope I helped, and good luck 8)

  10. I agree with these two, you don't deserve a girl like that. I know how it feels to be taken advantage of and then getting left out in the cold. You definitely sound like a really nice guy, and you don't need her. I think you just need to stop talking to her all at once. Let her go so that you can move and be happy with someone that deserves your love.


    I know right now it seems you can't move on, but give it time and you will. I thought for so long that I was never going to get over my ex, but then I started to ask myself why would I want to feel so lonely when I'm living with him? If that's the case then I'd rather be COMPLETELY alone.


    Trust me when I say that there's someone out there that's going to be all you've been waiting for. As for now, just try to be strong and not call her or make any kind of contact with her. Like I said earlier, you deserve so much better than that.

  11. I don't that you should do this SadMan. You still have feeling for this girl and all she wants is sex from you. Plus it's just not fair to the other guy. This is wrong wrong wrong, and you'll just end up hurt.


    My advice is, if you want to heal keep away from this girl. How you going to feel when she has sex with you then at the end she's in he bf's arms? It's just not healthy.


    Good luck 8)

  12. Dear tmills001,


    I know how hard it is to let go of someone that you truly "loved". But, I gotta tell ya, it WILL get better . When I broke up with my ex I though for sure my life would be too, but I motivated myself, I was tired of feeling that way. I started paying more attention to my schooling, and I put myslef out there and started to talk to other people (making new friends). You gotta ask yourself if this is how you want to feel for the rest of your life, even though you know you won't.


    My advice, get out. Make new friends, friends that won't tell you about your ex. Download some songs that will make you happy, read a good book. Just keep motivating yourself. It's hard, I would know, but now that I think back, all the mean things he said to me, how he hurt me, I don't think that I could take him back.....EVER.


    So, just do things that will get your ex off of your mind. It hurts now, but soon you'll be ok.....I hope I helped in some way. Good luck

  13. I think you need to move on! This guy sounds like he's just playing games with you, I mean is this what you want in a man? Girl you need to just leave this guy, don't call him, email him or anything. Don't beg him back either 'cause it sounds like he thinks he can have when ever he wants! You'll be better w/o a man like that...trust me.

  14. Then do just that! Leave for you and not for another man. If you do leave maybe you should stop dating for a while and then see how it goes. Plus these guys aren't going to leav their wives like you said, so do you think they're worth it? Lot's of women do it on their own and I'm sure that you can too. Good Luck.

  15. Hmmmm,


    Well I can relate to that. I was with my bf for 4 years and I was a stay at home mom. He thought that my staying home wasn't a real job and would often put me down. He was the same though, he'd get home and ask for dinner, be on the net for hours, then we'd have sex so he could "relieve" himslef on a daily basis. So I finally start going to school and the sex begins to stop and now because I turned him down one too many times I have to leave. So honey don't stay with someone like that, I still love this man even though he treated me like shit, but you got to love you too!

  16. Suzanne, what a real jerk of your ex to do that! But good for you realizing that this guy is all wrong for you. I'm one of those girls who falls head over heels for the mean and bad guys, but not no more. I decided when I'm ready to be with someone he's not going to be a wh0r3 like my ex was. Chris (ex) was one of those guys who would sweet talk you to get in your pants then never calls you again, before he met me, so I've always been a lil mistrusting of him. But now it doesn't matter because I no longer want to be hurt anymore. Like you, I too wish this healing process would hurry up, but as much as it sux it's gonna take some time... . He's been acting like nothing's wrong and calling "babe" like when we were together and it hurts! The a$$hol3 plays mind games with me! But it's all good, in 2 weeks I'll back in my home town and hopefully get my life back. Good luck to you two!

  17. Ugggh, I so know what you mean jdratx, I broke up with my ex about 2 weeks ago and I still have to see him, everyday because he's paying for me to go to school! I'll be leaving for my mom's on the 26th, but man this sux . I've been doing pretty good these past few days though! I moved in my sons room, packed all my *beep*, and I'm ready to get the hell outta here! Like you I have my good days and my days when it's seems I'm going to die from so much sorrow, but then I start to think, do I really want to spend my life with someone who doesn't love me anymore? NO! I've been feeling really lonely too, sometimes when I see him I get the urge to just put my arms around him like I used to, then I remember that I can't do that anymore. And it hurts but then I focus on school work, my son and then I come here and read. I think what's helped me most though, is looking towards the future. I try not to remember the past so much 'cause I'm back to square one when I do. Also talk to somone, it really helps alot! Just think, now you've learned something from this, just like I have to think that too. Make a bad thing good....it's helped me a lil so far!

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