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Everything posted by TheCrow

  1. I'm an identical twin. Unhealthy attachment?? We're one being divided into two by nature. Yeah sure, I can therapy myself out of not being able to exist without my twin.. Trust me, don't even try to understand this unless you are an (identical) twin.
  2. They have been together for 11 years, have a 3 year old kid and are going through what every other couple in their circumstances is/was/will be going through. You think it's good advice to say, in this situation, oh just find another partner? Op I don't have anything useful to say as my husband and I don't have children and our whole set up is completely different. I do think most issues can be overcome if there's a strong base and if said issues are of a regular 'no abuse/affairs' kind. Wishing you all the best.
  3. If I don't feel hugely physically attracted to a man I don't care how healthy or secure he is, I won't proceed to find out about it. I need to feel that initial mad rush of lust and stomach-flipping desire to want to find out who he is as a person.
  4. Cynder.. I've been reading you on here for years.. We've got very similar tastes in music.. But girl..you're in a pseudo-thing with someone who, whilst married to a man, is not quite male or female. .and not all that into this thing you call a relationship.. Why? Why do this to yourself? 'I call it love..they call it living in sin..' He/she is having a fling with you whilst sticking with his/her main dude.. This must feel like the worst kind of torture? Do you not, at most basic level, get awfully jealous?
  5. Oh my hubby spoils me big time. He's got time to do so! We're not into mega big important all consuming careers. We just live and love. Kiss a lot, love a lot, laugh a lot holding our wine glasses. . . we remember that time is ticking, tomorrow is not guaranteed, and today is not about spreadsheets and bonuses..!
  6. This is how different we all are. If my husband was short. ..he wouldn't be my husband. .ugh, sounds awful and I'm sorry people! I picked him out of a huge crowd because he wasn't just to die for handsome but also very tall, and these two things were my prerequisites. Each to their own!
  7. Larissa, I could've literally written your post word for word when I was your age. I knew what I wanted, what kind of man, both looks and personality-wise. I knew nothing but falling madly in love would do. And I wasn't getting anywhere year after year, fling after fling. Nothing was different on the day I met my husband. I was the same lonely desperate mess..who was lucky enough to find herself in the right place at the right time, no more, no less. All you can do is keep trying, keep getting yourself out there. 29 is ridiculously young. You've still got it all way ahead of you, the biggest love and happiness, the best most amazing experiences.. you'll get there in the end as long as you keep going!
  8. Too broad a question. Good marriage will mean a thousand different things to a thousand different people. My broad answer would be love, compatibility and having met in the right place at the right time. And having experienced life/people/relationships before. You can't say you love steak most when you've never eaten anything but steak..
  9. It IS incredibly hard to explain, it's a MIRACLE to find someone who ignites the 'OMG WOW' thing in us because most people we meet won't be our match on all important levels. It has nothing to do with logic or writing out a list of his/her red flags. OP, you're in the UK right? Whereabouts if I may ask? Chicks are strange creatures. My advice to you would be to try again. One more time. Maybe just leave her a voice message asking her, ***. Let it go if you don't get a response to that. You have nothing to loose. Let us know how it goes!
  10. I didn't give a rat's backside about financial stability when I met my husband. Because I fell madly in love with this totally beautiful man who kissed my hands and said 'I adore you'. We're now as inancially stable as people like us will ever be. OP..I have a feeling you're in the wrong part of the world. And I love love love long hair on men..
  11. It is actually still a joke between us. 'BUT didn't I tell you I was a virgin???' Hahaha! He, my LOVE, is one of those "tall dark and handsome' specimen. Half Italian, half French. 6.2, about 180 pounds.. Could you ask for more?! 🙂 I like them very tall and very slim )
  12. OMG no way! Ha, he for damn sure wasn't my first.;)
  13. Smacke: we weren't young at all. I was 33 and him 36. I looked at him and died. Still dying!!😋
  14. Sorry all - let's make it 'most relationship advise forums' concept of the world! Yet to find one I can relate to in any real way!
  15. That's such a fantastic 'would never happen' story Bolt!! Thank you for your response!
  16. ..if it's me who's an 'alien' so to speak? has to be? Apologies comrades.. a few glasses (of French red) have been consumed. All these ad nauseum 'what did I do wrong' threads and corresponding prim and proper goody-two-shoes replies. 'I slept with him on date 3'. 'She hasn't responded to my text in three days'. 'He was weird last weekend together'. 'She is telling me she loves me but not quite'. 'I'm depressed. I'm in debt. I'm in the process of breaking up with someone I loved. I'm a functioning alcoholic. My job is killing me from within. He asked me to come meet his family in his country of origin and then said 'oh my ex took this and this train from this and this city' - what do I do'. 'Should I be dating???' Guess what dudes and dudettes?? Husband and I did it all completely, totally and profoundly wrong, Wrong wrong wrong. If it was me posting about him and I here, 19 years ago, 100% of you would say: ' - I'd leave, now'. 'You need therapy to get to the bottom of blah blah blah'. 'I'd be so gone right about now'. 'You need to be happy and content with yourself first' blaaaaaaaaaaah Etc etc etc etc. We did it all wrong. We just were in the right place at the right time, fell madly in love, completed each other, became the other's missing half, were and are 10000% compatible in all important ways. I was a lonely desperate mess and so was he, and then we found each other. 19th anniversary in April!! Moral of the story: don't read too much into the .. 'enotalone' concept of this world!
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