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Posts posted by jna35

  1. How do I go on without my dad? I miss him sooooooooooo much and nothing makes sense any more. My world is forever changed!! His death blind sided us all. He seemed O.K. and then we found out he had cancer, then within 2 weeks...he was gone!! I feel so guilty that I wasn't with him when he passed. I saw him the night before and I told him that i'd be back in the morning! I would have been there with him, but I had fallen asleep and forgotten to turn our phone back on and I missed the call!!! My mom didn't even answer the phone!!! When he entered the hospital, she said she didn't want them calling and I was the one who made sure they would!! My dad was the glue for our family. He suffered so much and we all felt so helpless!! I would have done anything...anything!!! Thanks for listening!

  2. My husband cheated on me and I chose to stay and work things out. I'm not excusing what he did as cheating is never acceptable, but I have long forgiven him and we've been married now for 17 years. It took a long time and a lot of hard work to rebuild the trust though and not everyone is able to or wants to. As for a habitual cheater...NO WAY!! And he knows that if he EVER did it again, he'd be out the door before it even opened!

  3. Cool site...thank you!! I'm definitely going to check it out!


    This is to slightlybent...I've home schooled my 2 kids from the very beginning and they are both doing well. I'm so sorry about your brother's children. That's very sad and I can understand why you are against home schooling. I just want to say that while many of us do not have teaching credentials, we are still the most qualified to teach our children as we know them best. Personally, we work with our school districts program and have our kids tested every year. I actually got a kick out of your comment though because when I was in high school, my Algebra teacher was the wrestling coach and he knew absolutely nothing about Algebra! He used to have to run next door constantly to the "real" math teacher or he'd ask us if we knew how to do it! Home schooling is certainly not for everyone, but it's the best option for our family.

  4. I can feel your frustration. You're at an age where you are legally an adult, but still need your parent's financial support. If you want them to continue to pay for the things you need then you will have to abide by their rules. I don't quite understand the curfew, but.......it is there house and they probably just want to make sure you are safe. Was that spoken like a mom, ha ha! Is there any way you can take fewer classes so that you can work more or maybe live on campus? You could check into financial aid. I don't know as if I would advise moving in with your boyfriend's family. It could create a whole other set of problems and perhaps your parents would cut the purse strings then too. If you do, I would definitely suggest paying them some money because you can't expect them to take care of all your expenses. You sound like a responsible person, so go with your gut, but don't burn your bridges at home. Your parents love you and want what's best for you. Good luck!

  5. I feel for you, but let me ask you this, why would you want to be with someone who treats you this way? Don't you think you deserve someone who will love you and your child completely and uncondtionally? It doesn't sound like he wants the same level of commitment as you and more than likely is not ready to be a dad. I don't know many guys that age that truly are. Give him some space, but definitely hold him accountable as far as your child is concerned. You and your baby are far more important than hanging out with his friends and family. He needs to take responsibility and if he's not willing to do so, I would let him go because there is someone out there who will love you for you. Stand up for yourself because you deserve someone who loves you and will treat you with respect and so does your child.

  6. I'm surprised the piercing itself didn't hurt. It gives me the heebeejeebies to think about someone sticking a metal object through there!!

    That's sisterly love for ya! Although, I don't think mine would do that for me, ha ha!

    Just remember that babies can come quickly even if it's your first, so at your next appt. check with your doctor and get his recommendation. You may not be able to put it back in right away....trust me on that. You will be pretty sore down there for a while, even if you don't require stitches, you will certainly need some time to heal.

    Oh, and congratulations on your baby! Do you know what you are having yet?

  7. They're right. Try not to worry. Yeah, it's a bit on the embarrassing side, but they have seen it many many times before. I know you are probably a bit scared too, but take a couple of deep breaths when you're in there. It always helps me. Let us know how you make out.

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