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Posts posted by shavski

  1. hey! thats a really unfortunate story. I think you are doing the right thing trying to distance yourself from your brother. There are so many women in similar situations, with men being placed in a 'higher rank' over them, but think of the reality of your brother's 'importance' that it is BS and that its only doing damage to him in the long run. I know if guys around here acted superior people would just think theyre weird and not associate with them. I guess u more than know this, but i dont think you deserve to be still worrying and feeling down on such an issue. You are your own person and just know that half the world wud agree with your annoyance, and think hes a big weirdo. u are stronger!

    sorry i just felt obliged to read it when you had made such an effort to write it, sorry if my comments are going off track at all!

  2. hey guys, i am 18, in my first relationship, and its been nearly 4 months. The guy i'm with i wanted all last year. He's like super caring and all the right mix of good things in a guy.


    We got together on a schoolies like thing at the end of last year, i've always been really scared of relationships and i was so happy once we'd made the move. Our holidays were really long and we spoke on the phone like every night, he'd occasionally tell me his worries about being in a relationship but i accepted it and thought we could work it out. Everythings been like really fun and we never fight.


    Just 2 weeks ago we started our first year at uni, after a massive holiday after finishing year twelve. And just in these 2 weeks he's been asking for 'space' . We see eachother heaps usually so i think its all worthy if we maybe stop talking everyday, the idea of fone calls everyday is way too excessive for me, but he did initiate it in the beginning.


    But he's been acting like it doesn't even matter to him if we break up. I have been assuring him all along how easy-going i am with our relationship, and when he's with me he's always himself and we have a ball. And i really stress the notion of not saying 'i love you' till like 4 years into a relationship. I feel like i'm fighting to keep him, which i guess i am. I just really feel why should we break up when every things just progressing nicely.

    He's told me that to him it seems we're just like 'close friends'. Yet when i saw him today after like 3 days of 'space' he was fully initiating kisses and etc's. It doesn't click to me and its hurting because when i asked him if these kisses mean anything or even if he 'likes me' he talks in an almost awkward voice or just leans back and starts thinking. The bad thing is he knows it hurts me not to know if he likes me more than a friend with benifits, and he says sorrry and looks sad . We never started our relshpp based on that factor, why has he suddenly lost his spark for me. He thinks too much but i want to keep him, and he thinks we should 'post-pone' our relshp.

    But i feel i cant just keep postponing it and being with him when i dont even get feedback on whether he so much as likes me.


    Please give feedback i dont know what to do. Thanks so much guys!

  3. hey, this may sound harsh but i dont mean it that way, but it sounds like you yearn for attention. or did u say that lol! Yeh i think hormones are the cause. Are you trying to get your mums attention to tell her anything? Because she may just be getting vibes that you are going through a typical boys 'gothic' period. By painted nails did you mean black? sorry if i am wrong! Yea, i think things will calm down for you soon. I worry sometimes about how i am already 17 and i wasnt the sorta typical middle school guy loving girl i imagined myself and saw every1 around me to be. I worry a fair bit that my teenage years are almost over, arrgh i h8 the thought!!! and my hormones are driving me mad too! You know figuring out who i really am. From what i hear this is all normal. Just think that yesterday was acted out according to how you felt yesterday and the attitude of you to your day and your day's attitude to you. We all go through bad days, and sometimes i realise im having a bad day/week and i just have to long for the next day, when i might feel differentli about things. I have this strange belief everything we do suits the time and place that we do it in, and you cant blame yourself for not being someone you wanted to be, or letting your life pass you by. Its all relative...i hope i used that ord right. Dont worry about wats happening to you too much, let things sort themselves out! goodluck!! ur not alone

  4. hey yeh i wudnt of thought of that advise but i agree. its so much less annoying for the both of you if one of you just says it, girls are often thinking this is the guys job, and they really respond well if u can come out and tell them, instead of casual flirting. Tho if shes in a cool group thats always having parties n stuff it cud be hard if u arent really part of it. i think maybe smile at her and see if she responds to it by smiling back. How well do you know her?

  5. yeh im a really outgoing funny person. Im not in the 'cool set', and a lot of my big friendship group are nerdy, but mostly theyre all funny and outgoing like me. Um i get on great with guys, but i stubble with the whole love thing. I act too unserios most of the time so i feel im embarrassing both sides if i try to act serious and go up to a guy i like. I am having troub at the moment with this and a guy i like outside my group, and im just being funny and trying to merge it with being mature. then maybe the guy will put in a bit i hope and ease the tension lol. i hope this made sense!

  6. wow, you are a very perceptive person, i usualli dont look at the ex relationship posts, but you seem like a very 'as b4 person said' 'even handed person'. This is a major benefit for you, as you will find someone really special soon! Thanks for sharing your story! and stick to that road, there'll be something better than last time waiting at the end!

  7. has their been any other circumstances that have maybe made u doubt his truth to you?

    I wouldnt worry about it if there havent, but he should be prepared to share passwords with you, depends on how well you know eachother i guess. Sorry i cant remmember how long u said. i would move on and foget the incident!

  8. hey! yeh i sorta know what u mean, i dont want to be a lesbian, eventho i really respect them, but i keep telling myself i am one!! and then u get a weird feeling maybe like the one u meant wen u see a woman, u've thought about like that, i dont think it automatically means ur a lesbian, but maybe its like a sorta scared feeling that your misreading as the other feeling. And with the dreams bout girls n stuff, that happens to a lot of ppl, its just like a fantasy thought, dw bout it!

  9. i know what you mean, i went to china last year and i totally fell in love with this guy, and i miss him sooo much, and hes soooo beutifulll, and different, and our personalities click, and yeh we live so far away obviousli, but like, you still g2 have fun at ur age and maybe later you can go overseas and meet up, and see where it goes, bc u always keep a spesh sumthg and space for that person overseas as ur not relli seeing them and you have memories to remind u of what you cud have, so i rekon u guys will still like eachother as much later wen you are in the situation of going over and seeing her! dont feel restricted from having relshps in the meantime, i mean its freaky if u go into a relshp planning to marry the person, just have some fun and enjoy yurself! goodluck

  10. heyy mate!! aww dont worry!!!! i think its unfortunate that she has mood swings cos i rekon thats whats doing it.

    i think and i knoow every1 says it, but u need to confront her, and tell her that unless she acknowledges the pain shes causing you and tries to stop it, you will move on, praps then she'll wake up n realise what shes going to lose. Best idea would be to tell her this when shes in a good mood and wants your attention, but be serious n caring and explain your situation, if she doesnt accept this maybe the relshp needs a break for a while until she wakes up to see what shes missing! Best of luck, you seem too nice to deserve it!

  11. OMG CALDUS!!! LOL greattt advice!!!!!! im sure she'd respond brilliantly!

    Is it really only her pretty looks that attracted you to her? Does she have a bf - may be a concern, maybe shes just not ready for a relationship, i wasnt wen i was 16, keep trying and c where itt goes but dont wait too long for her to come around to you, keep paying her attention n maybe she'll tell you whats stopping her, like if shes readyy or not 8)

  12. yeh whenever im home alone at night i fear someone breaking in, and i keep going down the back of my house to close doors so at least i'll hear them if they get opened, a bit crazy. and i go back to check afterwards like 5 times wen im trying to sleep, its an obsessive thing on my behalf, but ive spoken to lots of friends and i think its a fear everybody has sometime or other...

  13. good point last post person, but i was going to say neway, wen u did masterbate, the chance is that most of your thoughts would be on her! Maybe she should address y u wud resort to looking at porn, she may not be offering what you need, but thats oonli an idea, and i know situations vary, so last post person this isnt directed harshly at you

  14. I just have to say, i think there are some awesome photos in this post so far, Svenman is one major hotrod and kalshane kool photo man!! Yeh now about the question, yeh you definitely have to tell her, if she knows what shes gunna lose, she'l wake up and be more considerate, and i think she'll do just that, goodluck

  15. yeh, i think ofcorse all ppl are different. Im an outgoing person, so i like it all to not be too serious and lovey dovey, until we are both like comfortable with our personalities. In a group situations good, but the guy cant just be sweet. One guy was sweet to me at a partee once, but im so wanting to have a good time, i dont wanna sit there looking into some nice desperate acting guys eyes as the fun goes on!! lol, but i did do that sorta last w/e, but the guy was wanting to have a good time too!! For me its all about getting to know their personality through what they are like in general situations, not falling head over heels, not that thats really ever happened to me lol, but yeh just keep an open mind i rekon

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