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  1. Bisexuality isn't anything like being gay or streight. It's not a linear line where Bi's are 'in-between.' It's a completely different and unrelated state of being. Some bi's are essentially strieght, emotionally and physically, but also are attracted to guys, meaning they wouldn't live with or love another guy. Some are emotionally split, like myself. I like both, but when i think of sex I don't think of girls, i like girls, i can love girls, but not really into sex with them. It sounds like your guy has plenty of oppertunity to get with guys, but he chose you. Why don't you just ask him. If you make it known that you don't mind it, he will tell you. If you make it known that you do mind, he will eventually leave you if he is in fact Bi.
  2. 10 weeks ago I broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years, i was very unhappy with my life, I wasn't unemployed, i hated my friends, was bored with the relationship, and guilty for being a burdon. I left quickly, moved in with a friend, got a good job, new friends, everything. 2 months later i was diagnosed with Bipolar mood disorder, and realize that I love my ex very much and left spontaneously because of my condition. Now, my Ex is seeing some young guy, he says he loves me but is afraid that i'm going to leave again or that i want to get back because i'm unhappy. He wants to do a trial reconcilliation but doesn't want to end it yet with the 'other' guy. It tears me apart and It's turning me into a wreck. Every time his phone rings, he answers and walks away, and i'm devastated because he's talking to someone else. I want to do whatever it takes to fix what I broke, but i'm having great trouble accepting this other person. Any advice on how to proceed?
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