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  1. as in contrast to what most have said, my relationship actually flourished from spending a load of time together, we attend the same school, she's on the track team in which I am the manager, and after all this she comes to my house till about 10:00, we spend about every possible day together...I feel as if it has been easier than the majority of past relationships in which I did not see my gf everyday or atleast spoke to...I'm able to talk to her about everyday problems, not just those that arise when we are together...hell my parents say we act more married than they do, our relationship has become more serious and we have a greater appreciation for each other's feelings...but yeah my two cents are in
  2. Yeah, I'd agree with the neck personally...and myself my gf knows not to bite my lower lip unless she plans to do more...but maybe thats just me
  3. I have told her on various occasions that it is simply wanting to know more about her...and that I couldn't truly say that I knew her if I didn't know about her faith...as far as how strong her faith is...only God knows at times it seems like something she could care less about(the majority of the time) and at times it seems like everything to her... me I happen to be very grounded in my faith... I don't try to convert anyone let alone her... I believe everyone should find their own way...and that my intervention may even deter them from the right way...stating right way in no bias whatsoever (also her father has no idea about me, she doesn't live with him anymore due to DHS long story)
  4. Yeah, I had the same problem with my (note) ex-girlfriend... The best tip I can give you is stick to being in person in a highly populated room, were attention can be detered if nothing is said...Reason why I she is my ex...is simply I was not able to see her often, so just try to be in person, find out what she likes, and what she can talk about for hours, and all you have to do is listen...Not only will she begin to confide in you but you will learn a lot about her
  5. Well hello, I'm Ivan...Not that, that matters but... well anyway to my point... I've been with a woman for about 4 months now, but in a sense you could say technically for about a year...I myself am a Christian, and she is a Muslim... Being the hardest thing in our relationship...everytime I ask her about the religion, she takes it as an attack...I just ask, because I don't know. Whatever I don't know much about I ask question after question until I feel as if I know enough about the topic, and her religion is no exception...past this of course, what were to happen if we were to be wed? How would our children be raised? should we let them decide or should I teach them my faith? What should I do, should I leave the topic to die, as I told her. Should I continue to press it to see if our relation is strong enough to last through our differences or what?
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