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Posts posted by Rozanne

  1. Hey Jitrenda,


    The exact same thing happened with me and my best gal pal when we moved in together. We went from being inseperable to having screaming matches daily. Sometimes living with your friends isn't the best idea.


    Sitting down and talking about it is always a good idea but if things have gone beyond that then it's probably best just to get yourself out of the situation ASAP.


    Things do get better though. When you stop living together you'll find that your friendship will heal and that you both forget all the bad times.


    x x x

  2. If you really want straight hair then use these GHD straightners- or whatever your equivalent is in the US ( Hai Stik or Kodo I believe)




    They do work absolute wonders and they have special mini straightners for men oe ladies with short hair.


    Pricey but worth it!

  3. I am a lawyer in Scotland.


    I don't know what the law is where you are but in Scotland, and most common law jurisdictions, where a marriage has not been consumated it is voidable - this means that there never was any marriage and thereforeeee no divorce is necessary.


    I'm also not sure how this applies to same-sex marriages but it would be certainly worth your while to get in touch with a lawyer and see if there is any way of getting the marriage declared null and void and then you would be able to keep your house.


    Hope this helps!

  4. I also have depression that doesn't really appear to be caused by anything and it has wrecked relationships.

    It does make life tough but she can't expect you to be her punching bag for whenever she's feeling bad - trust me - I learnt this the hard way.


    From this point of view, all I can say that is to be as honest as you can with her and let her know, although you love her, the effect that this depression has on YOU! You can't expect her to hide her feelings but she will have to learn to deal with them in a less disfunctional way. Perhaps you could suggest counselling and see if she would like you to go with her.


    Let her know that you love her and that you want to support her through this but not at your own detriment.


    Take care.



  5. Sounds like you're being too nice.


    Depression is a serious thing but it doesn' t allow her to treat you this badly. By letting her treat you in this way and always apologising to her - you are crossing the line between being understanding and being a doormat!


    Instigate NC - she will come back.


    But take some time to yourself and think about whether this is really what you want for yourself and whether you are happy to be treated in this way for the rest of your life. Something has to change or else it will only get worse.


    Best of Luck

  6. Well since you're going to meet up with him anyway...


    First of all, let him suggest the date and time and then say that you're busy that day. You don't want to seem too eager or desperate! Accept his second suggestion of time and date though - you don't want him to think that you're not interested.


    Secondly, when you meet him, try and keep it lighthearted until he brings up any of the serious stuff. Make him tell you what he wants and how he feels before you lay your heart on the line.


    You seem to be doing all the right things so far - best of luck!!!

  7. Where are you?


    If you're in the UK you can get free M.A.P. from some chemists.


    Otherwise - go and borrow some money from someone!!! The cost of the pill is NOTHING compared to the economic and emotional cost of bringing up an unwanted child.


    Hop to it!!



  8. The urge to contact your ex is normal!!!


    I know that everyone here advocates NC - and they are absolutely right to do so - but it is not an easy thing to do especially when you've been in such a long relationship.


    I split up with my boyf of 5 years in early March and it took a good three weeks of me phoning him and turning up at his house snivelling and begging before I finally reached the no-contact stage.


    If are strong enought to instigate NC - then all power to you!! But if you can't then don't beat yourself up about it - don't be ashamed to have feelings and to miss someone who was such a big part of your life.


    As for waiting for her to come back....

    Obviously, I don't know all the details of your situation but I have gone through pretty much the same thing recently so here's my advice... She may come back, and she may not. Unless you got a crystal ball sitting there then you have to assume that SHE IS NOT COMING BACK!! This way you'll be able to get your life back together, spend some time on yourself and enjoy being independent!! There is no way to loose with this method - if she does come back then you'll be a better person and if she doesn't, then you'll still be a better person.

    Probably what will happen to you is that one day you will realise that you don't want her back anymore. Time passes and the heart heals.


    My heart goes out to you and I wish you all the best.

    Please feel free to PM me if I can be of any use.



  9. I would say to definitely wait until you've had your first argument.


    Married couples will always have fights and this is normal - it's healthy! - but the most important thing is to see how you both deal with the situation as a partnership.


    But anyway - best of luck!!!!! Let us know how you get on!!

  10. I am so going through the same thing with my ex at the moment!


    He tells me that he loves me and because of this - we need to break up. He says that he doesn't want to hurt me anymore because he's strayed in the past.

    I'm meeting up with my ex tonight to give him an ultimatum so that I can get my life sorted out - Its not fair for him to keep tagging me along when he isn't sure about how he feels about me - I have a life to lead as well!!


    I'm afraid that I don't have any advice for you - if I did then I'd be using it myself. But I can understand how difficult things are for you. I can be really hard when you know that you should move on but they keep on giving you a glimmer of hope that delays the whole process.


    But whatever you do, don't have sex with him until he makes a commitment to you - I have learnt this the hard way.


    Keep your chin up!!


    Lots of love


  11. I don't think this is racist at all.


    I am half-chinese, half-scottish - born and bred in Scotland.


    I have never dated a Chinese person and I don't think that I ever will because I just don't find them attractive. However, in saying that, if I fall in love with someone Asian, their racial background isn't going to stop me.


    If you want to find someone from the same culture as you - that's fine. Why should this be any different from Christians wanting to find other Christians? or some people preferring blondes? Taken to its furthest extreme - it's not too different to saying that heterosexual people are sexist!


    Date who you want!

  12. Here is the story in a nutshell.


    Me and my boyfriend broke up a couple of months ago. He came round on Wed and we had a really good talk and decided to give things another go. But later that day I got a answermachine message that he might have made a big mistake and to call him back asap.


    So I called, no reply. I figured that I'd just wait for him to call me back so I waited and waited. No reply. I figured that he must just need some time to figure things out in his head.


    I eventually called him today and asked him if he was just thinking or whether he just wasn't planning on speaking to me at all. He said that he needed some time to think.


    Is this good or bad?

    Good - he's seriously thinking about what he wants and thereforeeee hopefully he'll make the right decision about the fututre.

    Bad - if he really loved me then he wouldn't have to think about it at all.


    And how long should I leave him to think before declaring him a lost cause?

  13. Well - the saga to my incredibly complicated life continues!


    Please feel free to look at my old posts for some background.


    In a nutshell, my boyfriend and I broke up a couple of months ago - he had slept with another girl. We tried to work things out for a bit but he ended up finishing it with me.

    After a lot of crying, begging, snivelling on my part - I started to see the upside of things and even went on a date with a new guy.



    As soon as my ex found out that I was dating, he started sniffing about again. He came round to my house yesterday morning and we had a talk and basically managed to get everything sorted out. We agree to take it slow and to start appreciating each other again. I was skeptical but I wanted to give it a go. So, all was well - we even ended up having sex (stupid - I know!)


    Then.....last night I got a answermachine message from him saying that he really needed to speak to me, he was worried that we had made a huge mistake and to call me as soon as I could. An so I called, and called and called. No response.



    I keep on wondering what he is thinking.

    Is he confused or is he just trying to get back at me for dating other guys?

    And why does he always do this right before I've got a big University deadline?


    Any insight would be much appreciated!

  14. It seems like you've got good intentions - and if your ex and his family can't see that - then that's their problem!!!


    There is nothing wrong with sending a birthday card to a girl that you have watched grow up! I bet she would want to send you birthday cards too if she could!!

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