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Posts posted by MetallicAguy

  1. Instead of going to the movies and having it be like something you and your friends would do as an outing maybe take her out to a dinner just you and her (have your parents like give you 30 bucks) and have it be like romantic, candles outside and stuff. Italian restaurant is good if you have the money.


    Because anyone can just go to the movies with some girl they like, and they intend it to be a date, but they make it seem like their just friends. I mean your going to the movies, and you act like a friend around her and your not acting too much like a "potential lover". Well that's why everyone around you is "friends with benefits".


    Just say like "Let's go out to eat sometime at [place]?". ***MAKE SURE YOU TALK FOR A BIT FIRST, AT LEAST 2 MINUTES!***


    If she says yes, then you're good to go, tell her your number (write it down on her hand or something, that's a good thing to do, or write it down pre-planned on a piece of paper and give it to her if your OCD like that ).


    Just make sure you don't dress in crappy clothes, smell good (don't bathe in you're cologne, you need like half a spray lol, well it isn't really possible but yea one spray'll do it) and yeah take a shower. Don't look like a stoner wearing your Ramones T-shirt with your unwashed for a week hair lol. Fix that.

  2. If he likes you your flawless in his eyes, don't worry about it. Everyone tends to get a little bigger as they get older but that's life, that's like getting taller as a teen. It's not going to affect him liking you or anything. If he's into your personality a lot and into the way you look already, then don't worry about it. Most people grow out of that "I have to have a hot gf" as in high school as they get older and grow out of that part and will date people of different shapes and sizes. It's all about personality. Although I will admit physical attraction is important, if you care about what you look like and don't appear like you don't give a ****, then at least he'll know your trying and love you for it.

  3. It doesn't matter she probably doesn't know how either, but your both learning how to do it and can hold each other up and kino is good so yeah it'll be fun and you will both be falling and laughing at each other so it'll be a fun time .

  4. Well dude, I think you should dump her, honestly I think she's going for this guy because your boring her with the relationship or something. I mean why else wouldn't she care about your opinion?



    Yeah man, I think its time to break up. Well break up now, or you could do it later and feel the pain for longer, your choice.

  5. Pot may been seen at a "soft" drug, but it's still addicitve, ilegal, and it really screws with your mind.

    I agree. byates, still if you can think about it, its really screwing with your head. What do you think produces the high? It's killing brain cells your smoking chemicals, fertilizer, who knows, the drug smuggler in Columbia could have just itched his balls in the hot weather and dripped it into your shipment LOL, you don't know for sure who's hands have touched it outside of the U.S. unless of course you grow your own but whatever. Thank god pot isn't legal in America, we'd all be living like hippies if it were and America would be in more of a mess than it is today.


    Here's a link about pot: link removed


    People that hope to go to college, don't give in to peer pressure, I have friends and relatives that are stoners, and are seriously stupid as hell, and their lives are already messed up. Oh yeah and that thing about pot being a "gateway drug" is true, I have a friend that does cocaine and there's some people I've heard that are already into heroin and meth .



    If you care about your life don't do dope. Oh yeah and a really common excuse for people that are stoners, they do it because they need to "clear things that are on their mind" when in the end it really makes their life miserable over time. Some people that are famous for this stupidity are the emo kids and the goths, and the people that feel they need to rebel (really strict parents, feels like they're lives are lacking, no friends, etc.). Oh yeah and I wasn't saying all emo kids and goths do dope.

  6. Who cares if you got her "new friend" arrested (since when is he a "friend" hes taking advantage of her ) its just showing you care for her in the end anyway. Well yeah, just call the cops and tell 'em about this guy and tell them he has possesion of marijuana and yeah.

  7. I have no friends, Im just ugly, and I wear terrible clothes.
    Well get some new clothes, its not very difficult take a day out on the weekend if your not working and get some clothes, if you don't have the money well I don't know what to tell you. If you think your ugly your probably not, most girls tend to under-estimate their actual attractiveness, while guys on the otherhand OVER-estimate attractiveness, you're not ugly, you most likely have depression and that is why your thinking that.


    Post a picture, and ask for opinions.


    Anyway, if you have no friends, well that is one of the reasons why you're depressed, humans are social creatures and hate to be alone in things (like school, a sport and such) well we do like some alone time now and then but after a while it does kinda drags the self-esteem down. Take up a hobby or something like that, there should be clubs and stuff you could join in college so why not? One of your problems is that you don't care if your depressed and you just want to settle for that and that's it. That's like saying "Oh well I've been getting straight F's all my life, I'm just going to settle for it because that's the best I can get." Bull, anyone can get higher than straight F's unless they do drugs or have a disorder of some sort that disables their learning. But anyhow, you have to CHANGE your attitude not SETTLE with it. Write down accomplishments you've had in life and you might feel better, give it a try.


    If you have no friends atm, well college should be pretty easy to make friends in (I've heard its not as easy as it is in high school) but yeah if your not extremely introverted it shouldn't be too hard. It'd probably be really easy if you were in a sorority or something. I'm guessing you're not though just because I'd think you'd need friends to be in a sorority but yeah.


    So, I hope that helps. Don't feel so bad, there's a lot more people out there who feel or feel worse than you and are in the same situation. I also once knew what it was like to be a loser and lack friends, it really doesn't feel great but cheer up, people that have friends and appear to have fun really aren't I know because I don't have good enough grades to get into the college I want and it's like a weight on my self-esteem and it sucks. So, at least you're in a good college, feel good that you accomplished at least something major in life. And about how you don't feel like you have talent and you don't know what you're purpose is. Well just get through college with at least a 2.0 or higher and just whatever you excel in choose that as your job, you don't have to enjoy it you just have to be good at it. Your not alone, 75% of people in America hate their jobs lol. School is about options, the better you do the more options you have in life, easier things are.


    So I hope that helps you out, don't kill yourself, things will get better with time. God is just testing you (if you believe in Christianity that is).

  8. Ok, so my desks in English are really close together, ok so my friend was bored and was drawing and stuff with a Sharpie. A lot of people are stupid and sniff Sharpies at my school. So I wasn't really aware that the chemicals could spread over into my area and into my nose then which could be inhaled and destroy a lot of brain cells. So then, I realized I was high because my vision kinda changed, it made me think of when you enter a pokemon battle that weird effect comes up LOL like its a swirling motion I can't explain it. Anyhow, I was totally spaced out and stuff and it was the stupidest thing ever. And now I feel stupid because my hippocampus (for those of you that don't know its a section in the brain that controls navigation, emotions, memory, etc.) and that is screwed up right now. And I feel kinda dumb and the left side of my head sorta above my ear (where the hippocampus would be located I guess if you looked at a brain...well the main portion of it isn't because it stretches out like a horseshoe but yeah) is like feeling funky like its a sort of a "sore" feeling but it doesn't feel sore, its kinda like a warm massaging sensation on that part of my head.


    And I just feel weird and I don't like it at all, should I go to a doctor or something? I really have no clue what I should do about it.


    When am I going to feel normal again, like when are the brain cells lost going to regenerate? Because, I don't want to stay ****** up like this. So, basically how much time will it take for my brain cells to regenerate??


    Will I ever feel normal again...not a stupid feeling or anything like I'm feeling right now?


    I'm not getting close to sharpies ever again, seriously those things should be banned, some dumb *** in my math, takes 3 of those things and inhales them really deep like everyday and yeah he's dumb as ****. So yeah, anyone reading this don't do it. Don't sniff anything that wasn't meant to be smelt, ex: white out(and kill you and speed up your heart really fast, and even die...I've never done it I know people that are screwed up because of this), sharpies, magic markers, etc. your just screwing yourself up and have no self-respect, but hey if you have a below-average IQ and want to be "cool" because everyones doing it whatever .

  9. Ask her out. It should be easy since you're good friends. Something you may need to watch for is the "But it'd ruin our friendship we share!" "I think things would be weird between us if I made that choice" "But you're like a brother to me!" all those lines are crap. They all mean she isn't interested, so if she isn't life goes on man.



    (If she isn't interested):

    If you have a hard time getting over her if that happens, meet some girls and focus on girls you could have a potential relationship with. Hell, if one of them starts to like you that should boost your self-esteem greatly and kick out the **** feelings from the girl you originally liked but that's if that happens though lol.

  10. Confidence is universal, it works for everyone when you have it. And basically you have to be very self-expressant, like if your a music freak, wear a bunch of T-shirts by your favorite band, for example Led Zeppelin. And usually if someone else is a music freak like you or likes the music your into then hey there's a little connection there. And then see how it goes from there. Get where I'm going with this?

  11. Well, if you want to increase your chances of getting to make out with a certain girl or just a girl lol, dress good, smell good. Don't wear your white Microsoft shirt with buffalo wing stains from Monday Night Football XD. If you already know that great, I don't know you so yeah I don't know how you dress.But some guys out there seriously have no style so yeah just saying.

  12. I think you should talk to him about it you know so he gets it and doesn't misinterpret your emotions, and just give it a few weeks I think she'll be a bit over him depending on how much she likes this guy and you guys just hang out and flirt till then. She'll get over it, its not like we're arranged to be with certain people in terms of dating, love is random. lol.

  13. i hope that was because i made it look like i didnt want her
    It more than likely was


    if so than thanks man, you know your stuff. i will take that advice. i will not talk to her for awhile.
    You can talk to her once in a while but not for a long duration. If you want her to think about you 24/7 try getting a great conversation going and like right when it's going awesome, say you have to log off/hang up and then hang out at your friends, it'll drive her nuts in the good way of course lol.


    But yeah thanks .

  14. But the general things you'd need to stay connected not really strongly would be laid-back, good listener, not superficial, funny (hilarious is better if you are, though it isn't NEEDED) and comfortable with yourself.

  15. I react like "Cool, new person" but yeah I'm a people person and when you ask people this obviously comments will vary.


    Basically if they don't say anything stupid, make a really bad joke, not try to be cool, then they're alright.


    I try to get to know the person a little bit, usually ask what sports, music they're into. And just little questions. I'd say people would remain strongly "connected" with people in groups due to something they all have in common. Like if all of them play football on the same team that'll usually leave you with a good friendship, it also helps if your good at making people laugh and your not a boring person.



    How are some people ultra-successful at "fitting in" with a variety of groups, and remaining as a strong fixture in those social groups?
    I'd say I'm like this with nearly all social groups, basically I'm laid-back I make people laugh a lot, I'm comfortable with myself and a good listener, and am not superficial. That's what helps me so much.
  16. You need to get rid of that nice guy disease dude. It's killing your chances of getting her like a plague. If you want her have her come to you. Which means you have to ignore her for a while, it works a lot.


    we didnt talk the rest of the school year. i lived for about 2-3 months wondering "will we ever be together again?" but one summer night after grade 9 her friend started telling me online that she still has feelings for me.
    You basically ignored her here, she wanted the ego boost back of you drooling over her and ended up liking you in the process lol.


    she has this guy friend that she hangs out with a lot....but he is clearly just a friend, and isnt the most attractive guy in the world....but has he somehow taking my place?
    He has confidence, more self-esteem and isn't clingy. You have to stop pressuring her for a relationship man, then when she "calms down" and starts going after you , you can mold her in like PlayDoh .


    What you have to do man is act like she doesn't mean very much to you. Ok, so I had a major crush on this girl I noticed the more attention I gave her and stuff the more she ignored me. Think of it as tug-o-war, if you sucker in too much you won't win. But you want her to be the one chasing you, you shouldn't be chasing her.


    this is the only g/f i have ever had. and its the only one i ever want. what is wrong with me?
    It's easy. Being a nice guy is killing you, you can't just put up with her **** and let her take your power. And this is exactly why you experiment a few or more times with girls (dating) because if you stick with one girl it will kill you when you break up and that's what happened here.
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