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Posts posted by MetallicAguy

  1. I gotta question, what if you know the girl was interested before, but now she looks at you, except it isn't really long like 3 seconds, but there more quick looks for about 1-2 seconds (and hold the guys eye contact when you look at him)? And you don't get a neutral feeling from it (like she's not interested)?

  2. Yeah so I have like a stalker. But its only when its at school basically. I was at my high school's football game and my stalker was there and when she like found me, she started to walk beside me and my friend when we were walking and like she was like smiling and ****. She's extremely infatuated, its really bad.


    And like I was hanging with my friends on the side away from the bleachers and like she comes up behind me, trys to touch me and like asked me some question and it scared the living **** out of me and basically I told her to go away or I'd pull out my cell right now and call the police. Then she like left me alone...for a short while, then she like came back and was trying to talk to me...I was going to call the cops but, I forgot at the time because my friends were like "Wow man, what's her problem?" and my friends were laughing but yeah they told me they felt bad for me near the end of the game because she wouldn't leave me alone . This is so frustrating, I'm like about to do a restraining order except my parents won't do one because they don't want to spend the $ . When I was just chattin' with my friends she like would stare at me from afar and just keep staring. It was like a creepy *** Micheal Jackson stare or something . Basically that was it for the game, she kept staring and stuff. Then as I was leaving, in the parking lot she would be looking at me and like would be wondering where I'd be going so yeah I went away from her and like hid behind some cars and she like left me alone I guess I have no idea where she went. But then yeah I got a ride from my friends and I was hella relieved.


    Should I call the police or something? Restraining order? I have no clue what to do. I've informed my parents.....help me out here this is really scaring me.

  3. Do you have a big or small bone structure? lol, weird question but just answer it .


    If your muscular from sports then that's good because you won't gain unwanted weight I'm guessing because you get enough exercise (30+ minutes of getting your cardio going)


    You could PM me a picture and I could give you an opinion.

  4. Then sprout some balls man. She will think your a wimp or something.


    And really, its not like its the end of the world. Its a girl and there's like more chicks than guys out there in the world, seriously man get some testosterone lol.


    She's probably not like your soulmate anyway so stop looking at it like your going to get married someday and have kids.


    I think your just infatuated and you like her because she's really hot, get over her. Get to be friends with a girl your not so interested in but she is attractive, then see how it goes from there. If your attracted but not really interested but you get to be friends with her its so much easier than if you were really infatuated and couldn't talk to her or anything.

  5. MAJOR yes, if its not extremely big it doesn't really bother me.


    Doesn't matter. What's your height and weight?


    I go for both. Though personality does matter more because I'm sick of good-looking girls with boring personalities. I like girls that have awesome personalities and are good looking (at least average, I can settle for that) .


    I like girls that have a good sense of humor, listen to good music, have things that are unique and different about themselves than the rest of the girls out there, I like girls that happen to be like this and not happen to be in the preppy girl crowd but appear like they're in it by how they dress, I can't think of anything else right now lol.


    No its not, your just getting attention from losers. There's guys out there who want a relationship. Looks do count though, but imo, if that's all a guy wants out of the relationship it will get boring fast. We don't have to have the hottest girl out there, guys that do are just shallow and don't know what their missing out on . I could sacrifice some looks for some personality...but that's just me. But she has to be at least average-ly attractive though. If she has an awesome personality and is really hot, well the looks are just extra toppings on my pizza.

  6. He says it when he means it what's wrong with that? I mean its like saying I love you all the time, its going to get old after hearing it for a while. These things are better when they're not over-used all the time. Why not appreciate these three times its been used..like darkblue said wouldn't you appreciate the three real ones than the rest of the times being fake or something like that?

  7. I didn't fully understand what you said there lol. Smile at her man like when you 2 lock eyes in the halls...if that is she does lock eyes with you in the halls. If she does lock eyes with you in the halls a lot then yeah she most likely is interested, it's a big give away though if she combines a smile with it too. Also if she "accidently" bumps into you too that's a good thing.


    Oh yeah and if she has a boyfriend and likes him well then she will make up an excuse for why she can't go to the football game with you. If she says she can arrange another time to go to a local football game then don't worry about it she actually is busy. It's just that if you ask her out like a few times and its an excuse every time and you feel like your not getting any signals then she's not interested.


    But all is fair in love and war, so ask her out, who gives a **** if she has a bf, at least let her know your interested or you'll become friends over time and like she won't want to ruin the friendship...its probably like the worst feeling in the world to be told this really. And it is stupid, but it is your fault you didn't throw a wrench in her friends category to start with. So do it early on, if she rejects you that's ok because she'll at least know your interested and you won't become her nice guy friend basically.

  8. Yeah, asking her out to a football games pretty good man for your age. It's better than the overused movies tactic .



    Make sure you ask her questions and tell her she looks good (don't over-do the compliment, say it once). Ask questions about her personality and stuff, don't just go out to a football game and hang out like friends. Your going out on a date for a reason its not some hang out thing man. If you believe it is, obviously your not mature enough to go out anyway.


    Well the first date should be casual and stuff and you should learn things about each other (not too much, just tell her some interesting things so she'll want to find out more about you, like tell her 3 things she'd be interested in about yourself) so after you learn a few interesting things you'll want to go out again and get to know her better.


    You should pay more attention to her than the football game , or she'll get the wrong idea.

  9. Oh yeah, and who cares if her friends tell her? I mean they're going to anyway. And you want to go out with her right? So its not going to really matter if you end up going out anyway. Pfft, I just think your infatuated.



    Plus I think its a good thing to ask if she has a bf because your fishing out information and it'll let the girl you like know your interested because her friends obviously are going to tell her. And if she doesn't like you she won't care, will be disgusted, give you funny looks, etc.

  10. Don't go for really hot chicks man, because you'll probably never get 'em then you'll give up on girls or something. Unless you have the brains to date girls that you actually have some potential with. Like if your in the lower social groups/stereotypes below "middle" as people call that, then go for girls in that group....hey its the best you can get unless you're like mr.personality or something or really good-looking lol. Plus girls don't realize that just because her preppy guy friends are good-looking doesn't mean that matches their personality (in some cases yes, but mostly no). Until 9th grade I'd say is when girls break out of that phase and go for different guys (That's how it happened for me....it can be different for other people but in 7th grade they just go out with the preppy guys basically). Because usually one tends to go out with some guy outside of the in crowd basically and then her friends give it a try.



    And just because the girls really hot doesn't mean she's going to be like absolute fun to be around. She could have a bunch of insecurities and stuff and could be a real pain in the ***.


    Just go for like the less hotter girls they tend to have less problems from my experience, I'd say try girls that are good-looking but not stunning. Average is good too.


    It's about the personality man, after you get a gorgeous chick she gets hella boring after a while and you end up going out for 2 weeks or 2 months or something. Basically what I'm saying is just pick a unique girl alright because otherwise your wasting your time pretty much. And dating is basically about seeing whatcha like and having fun in the process so why date someone hella boring and good-looking, than dating someone semi-hot but full of personality?

  11. Food doesn't have **** to do with your face. Only thing that would help make your face worse would be iodine in the iodized salt like for example they sprinkle that on the fries at McDonalds and other fast food places.


    Yeah I've been using anti-biotics and Retin-A that I got from a dermotologist. I've been using that for 3 months now and I can really see some improvement I used to have like 35-50 zits on my face every day for 4 years. It was major self-esteem issues then. Now I feel a lot better that I have 2 and there small. Sometimes I don't get any at all and you just see the red marks from old zits (which can be covered up with makeup for you girls out there with it. Get make up thats **NON-comedogenic**).

  12. Well maybe she isn't totally interested in you man. I mean like and she's only known you for a week so she's probably neutral in what she thinks of the whole idea.


    If she's doing things with friends, then try another time. If she makes another excuse again she's more than likely not into you. If for the last time you try again and she makes up another excuse just leave her alone she's not worth your time.

  13. Well, it helps to be an outgoing comfortable person and is laid-back isn't very serious about everything, I'm not saying be like don't care about life in general because that's stupid. You just have to be cool and calm like Pink Floyd's music . Kinda get what I'm saying there?


    It helps to have a sense of humor girls love a funny guy. Umm dress good, don't dress like a bum, don't dress like a nerd which means no Nike running shoes some random pants you'd buy at a thrift store and some raggy old T-shirt. Obviously have good hygiene if you don't already.


    Be optimistic, no one wants to hook up with someone that's negative all the time.

  14. She doesn't want a guy that hangs out like a pest all the time and will be waiting right there for her calling her cell when she breaks up . You have to be calm about it no one's going to snatch her the first day after she breaks up. Wait a week and a half or 2 weeks, then make your move.


    Hang out with her every so often (like 2 times a week, or once), no one wants a little pest like that where you hang 3-6 times a week.

  15. I think he's just using you for a bj, and I think he's a loser because of that. He's using you for sexual favors and you don't realize it because you like him and you think its "ok".


    Well if your going to do it anyway, just do it in an area with no people in it, like for example if your parents are going to leave for 5 hours bring him over during that time period.


    That movie theater thing is really stupid .


    And when you give him head, use a condom, plastic wrap some kind of protection don't just do it plain.

  16. Yeah, I gotta agree with slayer, if you wear that stuff all the time, change it to something that matches your personality, because it looks really dorky. Sorry I'm just honest, it looks really dorky lol. Don't go for girls that are really good-looking, most likely if she was a "20" and wore really hot clothes then she is probably superficial, and those girls have a bunch of hang ups and you don't want that. Your just infatuated, get over her she isn't anything special you probably hardly know her.



    (lol sorry that sounded pretty harsh now that I look over it)

  17. LDR's don't work out very well. Try someone local next time. And yeah that point you made about pressure yeah. Some things in life ya just have to learn the hard way, lol its alright man, plenty more girls out there.

  18. It's either your not interesting enough(sorry I'm just really honest, and if I don't tell you what I honestly think I think you'll be missing out on what you need to work on), or the girls on the dating personals site are superficial and only care about looks. It made me think their superficial because you said "handsome buddies". Anyway, just something to think about. Maybe its how you look..is that you in your avatar? Well, if you want my personal opinion that person in the avatar looks a little too feminine if you ask me. (No offense if that is you).

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