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Posts posted by MetallicAguy

  1. After sex there's a hormone that's released and its a pretty relaxing one, that could be why you're tired.


    Anyway, Slipknot is boring...IMO there is better metal, I mean real metal not "nu-metal" aka pop-metal , try Meshuggah, Strapping Young Lad, or Darkest Hour. I'll just say at least you guys have some taste, its a change from what everyone listens to (Fall Out Boy, The Killers, Green Day of which are posers....Green Day used to be a decent band but got caught up in the poser category having to do with eye liner, black, etc.).

  2. Who cares what he thinks, the cops will get their *** over to his house pronto and arrest him, just get some proof, so get your friend and you and maybe some others. Remember you can remain anonymous.


    This guy is a sick **** and should be behind bars.

  3. My friends and I have always wondered about what we should do when guys who find us attractive stare at us (assuming that's why they are staring us in the eyes). Do guys like it when girls stare back even when it's an awfully long stare? My friends and I all look away after an intense staring session. Do guys think girls are reciprocating too much if we stared them in the eyes just as long?



    I love it haha. If we find you physically attractive, pretty much why we keep eyeing you in the first place , then its awesome if you stare back for a while.

  4. It's good except, weed doesn't make you feel better after a while your brain functions on a lower level than it's normal so your not really happy and you need to keep smoking weed to get to that normal level again, which is never regained.


    And it sure makes a lot of sense that going out drinking will make you feel a lot better about yourself when alcohol is a depressant but whatever.


    Still a good poem. Seems to me like a rap lol.

  5. I pretty much agree with this, I felt like adding something.



    I had the same attitude when I was younger. I had this attitude:

    It's because you SAY you can't. Anything is possible, thereforeeee you can do it. You are meant to last, and you can do tasks, you just believe you can't do it because your depression is mind-controlling you to think that...lol.


    When your angry and need to vent, listen to some music that should make you feel better, for example You Can't bring me down by Suicidal Tendencies should help you out. It might not be your style but that's why its an example. It worked for me, if you don't like the example, find another kind of music with that concept. Some modern metal can have that concept, you have to look. If you do look in the metal category, don't get into the black metal category, because that'll just depress the hell out of you and you DON'T need that.


    Yeah I like what sorry Jason said. If you give up they achieved what they were trying to do, to get you upset and depressed. You can't let them win, you have to fight back and stand up for yourself, you can't let people walk all over you. And if your sick of these people, don't let them win what they're trying to do. Stand up for yourself as well. Maybe not towards your parents because you work for them and if you disrespect them you might become homeless or something like you said..but other people if there is any, helping your depression stand up for yourself, don't take their ****.

  6. I want to look better and feel more confident than ever before.
    That is a great start!


    If you want more muscle mass try protein shakes, maybe like go to Jamba Juice after working out everyday then get something with a lot of protein. Or you could get those big container things full of protein I have one of those. I drink one of those after I work out and it does the job, except my problem is I don't maintain weight, I lose some, I gain some lol.


    If your overweight, I think it might be better for you overtime. 2 of my friends were overweight, they started working out, like put the time/effort into it and didn't quit, then ended up losing a lot of the fat and turned it into bulk. Sure they aren't as hard as someone that's been on steroids for quite a while lol, but they don't look...flabby.




    If your skinny, protein shakes, definitely.






    What type of workouts should I be doing?
    You don't have to workout at a gym like everyone does, to lose a lot of the stomach fat you can do that as simple as taking like a 5 mile+ jog every day. When you run, your abs are the first things to react.


    But, if you have the $ try using a workout place like Bally's 24 fitness just to see if it works for you.


    but I think I can still dedicate up to 1 hr/day
    That's great, although you only need 30 minutes, I guess you can lose that excess weight in half the time if you do that everyday . And if your skinny, then you can gain bulk easier in twice the time .




    I want to get started right away but are my goals realistic?

  7. You have to make moves on him...it'll make him open up easier, don't push it too much though.


    Yeah, find out his interests and stuff and talk with him. It should open him up and get him to talk if you get him to talk about something he's interested in.


    Has he had a gf before? It's a possibility it could be why he's not talking, you should ask him.


    Good luck with it.

  8. Preps give everyone outside there social group **** from my experience. Some preps have it under control but the big man on campus type of people are just a bunch of ********'*. Like maybe about 3 times in a year I get picked on. The best thing is do to is just to laugh at what the **** there saying as if it's as lame as the famous by 12 year olds "you're mom" line. And yeah they'll get pissed and leave you alone, it works for me.


    I was kinda intending that towards guys... sorry about that, I don't know what its like in a girl's point of view I've heard they get hit harder than guys.


    Don't believe whatever the stuff is that comes outta these girl's mouthes, you have to not think of yourself through there eyes. They're usually just jealous of you in most cases, like when you got that new hairstyle and guys complimented you, that chick was just jealous that she wasn't getting any attention so yeah.

  9. If it was just getting lucky once, that doesn't explain the other girls attracted to me or the one saying she wanted to go out with me
    Just because they seem to be interested doesn't mean they're going to accept you on a date lol. It's not guaranteed. Everyone should know that.



    But the tough, bad guy is likely to try to cover it up, say it doesn't matter when it really does. He afterall, doesn't want anyone to know he isn't as strong as he makes out to be.
    Shy, just because guys that are not nice guys doesn't mean they cover up their feelings.
  10. It's worth hurting yourself over something you have no control over? Dude it's not like she's your girl, its not like she is supposed to date you marry you and make a giant family with you lol. Really, if you just let go, let it out, don't talk to her or anything for a while you will feel a lot better.


    If she doesn't like you like that it isn't meant to be in the first place anyway. Why do you want to go out with someone that doesn't feel the same?

  11. She's not the only girl out there bro. And she just happens to date a jerk, that's life. All you can do really is move on. There's more women then men out there in the world so you have nothing to worry about. When you get to know women, and you decide your interested in a certain one, don't keep acting like friends do something about it!

  12. Aww... the philsbury doughboy. Mentioning him shows you do have a soft side.




    Nice guys aren't soft. They can probably be wilder then any of the so called jerks or bad boys, they are simple wise enough not to be
    If they were smart they'd choose to be, I'd think that girls like adventurous fun guys .


    You care, otherwise you wouldn't bother to post on the subject, even specifically bringing up my name. Plenty of other people posts, so they care in some way as well. And I would think that women care, we are talking about what they prefer you know. They are the ones that have to put up with the guy, no matter how he acts. "Whatever works" isn't a good suggestion, because it doesn't tell you anything. What do you mean by working? Working in the short term or working in the long term?


    Yeah I do care, when you make these full of **** comments about guys different than yourself up. I mean no one cares about what works for you, if your a nice guy or something else. Guys out there, just try both, if one doesn't work you have your answer. If one style doesn't work on that woman you are probably going for the wrong women.


    Working in the short term or working in the long term?
    Nice smart ***. I mean working like what works for you. Like being a nice guy fairy who thinks he's holier-than-thou because he's had one gf, if that works for you great *2 thumbs up sarcastically*, it doesn't mean it's going to work for every other guy out there because you got lucky once. Or just being a different guy that isn't a soft nice guy.


    And then they do shoot for the big one and end up happier then they could ever have imagined
    Only thing bad about that, is when they break up and that awesome emotional connection they once had snaps I don't think the nice guy will know how to handle it. Let's just say it'll be a huge emo moment .
  13. Well, if he really is insecure they wouldn't go for him in the first place if they can "see right through him". Women sense that ****, so yeah if they realized he was insecure they wouldn't go for him.


    They go for bad boys get over it. They go for nice guys too, but a lot of guys don't show very much interest in those women.


    live it up wild style
    LOL. I'm sorry but I don't live it up wild style lmao I'm not a swinger. I'm an inbetween, not an *** not a nice guy that's softer than the pillsbury doughboy.




    a desire to change the guy and show him the real man he has hidden deep inside him
    I said that on an old post, different words for it.


    Guys that aren't nice aren't insecure, nice guys are insecure. A great chunk of my friends are nice guys...they are insecure. I don't know any nice guy that is not insecure.


    the bad boy is really good at masking those insecurities so it appears like they aren't insecure
    Even then it still leaks lol.
  14. What's even more frustrating is when a guy thinks that happiness comes solely from a relationship, and not from one's self. I'm almost 19 and have yet to have a girlfriend, but I am ALWAYS optimistic. I never see it as "hopeless". That's the wrong attitude. I'm also happy with myself, even though I've been single my entire life. I have a high self esteem, and am truly confident in myself. So far it's just bad luck.

    So true.
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