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Posts posted by MetallicAguy

  1. You should have grabbed her, kissed her, and said, "I dunno, what do you think?"
    Dig, i respect some of the stuff you have to say because its true, but **** like that is stupid. No one ever does that in real life, that's the sorta stuff that comes out of those online ebooks telling you how to date. I would expect something like that from a cheesy bs romance movie to be honest haha.


    Asphyxia, she's not interested man. Sorry.

  2. haha, i say if you have his number text him saying "so how come you can't talk to me at school?" or say that over myspace, facebook, aim, msn, or some sort of communication over the net.


    cuz then i bet he'd be like "oh **** what do i do" then he has to force himself to talk to you or if he doesnt do it (probably won't happen) he'll look like a panzy because he can't walk up and at least say hi haha. i'm really thinking he will have to though, you have A LOT of power over him. and it isn't mean or anything to push guys like this. ive had stuff like this happen to me before and i looked back on it and i was like "thank god i got that **** pushed out of me" haha.


    if your with friends a lot at school, he probably feels really pressured, that might be another reason as to why he won't talk -- because he feels as if his approach is gonna suck because he's too nervous or something along the lines of that.

  3. Your obsessed with this girl, you probably already know that. She's married and isn't gonna drop her husband...so I don't know what your hoping to become of this relationship between the two of you but its not gonna get any better than a friends-with-benefits relationship. You should get out there and take interest in other women. If your obsession really is that severe, I suggest getting hypnosis or talking to a psychologist about it.

  4. he's probably too shy to initiate any form of contact with you at school. i wouldn't worry about it, it doesn't mean anything bad, if he's looking at you, that's really good. sometimes when i'm really into a girl i have trouble initiating contact at school, but im just fine outside of school and such, its really weird.


    so, if he's looking at you a lot, he should eventually come to his senses and get some balls and talk to ya.

  5. yea, i think he likes you a lot. your friend kinda ruined it for you, there's no need to feel depressed. he just couldn't admit over the phone that he actually liked you, probably because he didn't want you to "run away" from him. That stuff about him only liking you as a sister, pfft that's a buncha crap he wants to date you haha. I don't know what guy would want to hold hands for a whole movie and not be at least interested haha. and the asking to stay for his detention and him staring at you's really good. guys often stare a TON at a girl we're into. as for your friend, you should tell her to back off or something, more problems are gonna arise because of her, i wouldn't be surprised at all if more bull **** came upon you two down the road.

  6. Yeah, I do sort of look for that equally sized build, possibly a slight amount bigger -- that doesn't really bother me. It really depends on the guy but a lot don't like big girls...at least where I live. If you work out and such, and you aren't like morbidly obese and your an average shape I wouldn't worry about it.


    EDIT: Btw, I'm a thin guy. 5'10 and 140lbs.

  7. I don't get when a girl likes you and you show that your really interested, she'll eventually ignore you...But if you let that happen then ignore her, she all the sudden becomes really interested and desperate to get your attention. I don't get why being a challenge works so good haha.


    Also, if a girl could clarify if this will throw her interest back at me that'd be great.


    Advice appreciated.

  8. I think that you should maybe work on your sense of humor, your comfortability with your surroundings, and how outgoing you are, after a good amount of efforts been put in, you should be making friends pretty fast. And since you've already made acquiantances you have something to work on . And if you can make friends using those attributes and just being yourself, meeting girls isn't much harder than making friends.


    good luck

  9. Just say hey and smile at him, he's probably just reallly shy and can't smile at you without you smiling at him first or something.


    It seems in this situation he was trying to approach you or something but couldn't because he was over-thinking how hard it is.


    haha I admit that's sorta creepy though.

  10. I think he thinks he messed up by having sex early on, and that made his feelings way too strong for you, and by not calling you and apologizing and saying he isn't avoiding you that, he probably wants to end the intimacy but doesn't know how, the thing is though he doesn't want to hurt you at all.


    He could have feelings for you but he wants a clean start, hence why he stated that he wants to be friends and see if the relationship escalates into an intimate one naturally.


    So to answer your question I believe he thinks he messed up the relationship, he isn't playing you. I think he does care about you.


    Anyway, good luck.


    Edit: I forgot to add, all the guy wants here is another shot at the relationship between the two of you, he just doesn't want to rush things.

  11. I know how you feel, it sucks ending negatively when you feel like you connect hella. Well after you explain how it shouldn't affect our relationship at all, its something I do and its not anymore different from you playing a sport (or participating in a hobby, whatever). I think you should explain that you like her as a person and you don't want something as minor as this to compromise your relationship.


    But, don't LDR it, they don't work out at all.

  12. Maybe he didn't call for 2 weeks because he thought your cancel meant disinterest, he could have thought that. He could lack motivation because you live so far away. Things like this are why I don't believe LDR's to work out. Communication's a big part of a relationship, but non-verbal communication overwhelms the over the phone stuff for sure.


    He could be lacking interest just because he hasn't seen you for a long time. He doesn't feel motivated to try because you live out of state, and he's probably thinking "I get to see her for a short duration, then she has to leave and it'll be back to the same ol' ". So he's thinking "what's the point in this?"


    I say give up on him.

  13. you misunderstood me my question to enotalone was why she was in a bad mood, but..


    all that doesn't matter anymore, my friend did me a favor and put in a good word for me, now she's pretty interested in me and she's had a taste of my personality so, I see things going pretty good for me, since I'm not really in the friends category, and everytime I talk to her everything gets better. she displays a lot of courtship signs and i feel the vibe she's pretty interested. I'm gonna ask her to hang out in a few more days. then once we get comfortable with each other and like each other, I'll ask her out. We have a lot in common and good chemistry so i'm pretty confident with this relationship right now haha.

  14. I think you should have a conversation with her about it. It shouldn't be a big deal at all, it's not like your addicted to a real drug. Ask her if she thought you were a great guy before she knew about your habit. And if she says yes, then you should tell her that its pretty superficial to disassociate with someone because of a choice they make. I think if she isn't convinced that she is making a poor decision, she's missing out on a good guy. Don't change yourself for her. You should want to change yourself for your want to change, not her want for you to change. Plus if she's moving at the end of the year, I don't see a point in trying to get a relationship going at all. Sorry man. Although you should tell her that alcohol and tobacco are far more worse than marijuana, at least one more person out there is educated lol.


    I know you may like her a lot, but I don't see a happy ending here...Plus if she's moving at the end of the year, it'll be a lot more sad to see her leave than if you didn't keep progressing in the relationship (stopping now). Anyway, good luck man.

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  15. I don't believe that many guys want to be controlled (saying you can't drink or do this or that), yes there are some out there that don't mind, but I don't imagine it to be a lot. There are good guys out there like that though, quite a bit in fact, you just have to look harder to find them.

  16. I look at her a lot, I smile at her a lot -- most of the time when I'm talking to her, I tease her a bit...and eventually ask her out when I'm comfortable, and know her somewhat.


    Shy guys can be pretty nervous around you, until they think they know you well enough, which by then they should be comfortable. I was once like that so yeah. It might be different for other shy guys.

  17. I've never had a past relationship with that infatuated chick. But yeah Angel I agree, I really hate those girls. I mean since its pretty obvious the guy isn't gonna change his mind, why keep pursuing, its only gonna hurt you. Whatever.


    thanks for the help

  18. So me and this girl are pretty interested in each other, we're getting to know each other and stuff, but there's a problem. this other girl is really infatuated with me, and makes all these attempts to be approachable and stuff but she's like...not my type at all. what's really annoying is that since she watches me like a hawk and has nearly all my classes, the 2 classes i have with the girl i like she watches me and what im doing like ALL the time. ok so, this girl noticed me and her are pretty interested in each other, and she like decides to step her game up by dressing $!#77y, wearing more make-up, etc. and she tries to be non-verbally flirty a lot, and its pretty annoying since all my signs back are negative.


    my question is how the do i stop stuff like this? talking more with the girl i like just tends to spike her jealousy and make her try harder. i dont wanna be mean or anything, i just want to get the message accross that i am not interested whatsoever. the funny thing to me is, what do i do that signals interest? because the only signal ive given her is that im not interested. i usually get the feeling she's looking at me so i look at her and make a disinterested/weird face and look away. that's about it.


    so, maybe if someone knows what i can do to make this go away that'd be awesome.



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