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Posts posted by shuntaro603

  1. Eh, I feel i have no importance. I feel like a nonentity. people sometimes ignore me. Pay no attention to my opinion. I am sick of it. Even on IM, when I talk to someone, I receive no replies, and a while later they sign off.

    Anyone else feel this way?

    Thanks in advance for your advices.

  2. Rumors are just that -- rumors. You shouldn't be making decisions based on something that may or may not be true.


    Why don't you simply try TALKING to her? I'm not saying go up and ask if she's 'easy'. I'm saying, get to know her. FIND OUT if she has a boyfriend...watch how she acts with the other guys...judge for yourself if she seems to be 'easy' or just a bit flirty.


    Trust your OWN judgement -- not someone else's.

    I second that. No need for me to say more.

  3. A lot of people aren't happy with the way they look. The besy way to lose weight is to exercise. I think everyone should exercise, it keeps you healthy. Watch your diet, and you are all set. But don't stress it, it is also very important to be happy with yourself, be confident about it.

  4. Many times with depression, you're not depressed about anything. You're just depressed. It can be a chemical imbalance

    That's true. Just be there for her. I would suggest her to talk to someone about how she feels right now. Maybe a counselor or a therapist.

  5. Wait a sec, you think they are losers because of their size?How are they losers? So they are not in any sports teams, so they are not popular, what about you? Are you one of those "popular" crowd?


    They are your friends, for 3 years. If you feel this way, then don't be friends with them anymore, you are not being fair for them and yourself. Stop wasting each other's time.

  6. Today at school, a girl walks up to me and said, "my friend thinks you are cute. She is very shy, she told me to tell you." I thought she was joking, but she said she wasn't. I still couldn't believe her. I am not an attractive guy. No girls ever thought I was "cute". That's why I think she wasn't beinig serious. She didn't look like she was kidding. I am really confused. Any advices?

  7. Lately I have been having trouble socializing. When I am alone with another person, I want to say something to break the silence, but I have nothing to say. And I feel really awkward. Sometimes I feel I can't relate to that person. Has anyone else ever feel this way before?

  8. Guys have gfs for companionship. Its just the nature of people to not want to be alone so they look for a "partner".


    That's how I feel right now. I want a gf so when she has a problem I can be there for her, and when I have a problem she is there for me. I want an emotional relationship. Some guys called me weird but I don't care, this is how I feel. lol



  9. you should try getting all your friends together, than maybe they'll be friends and you can all hang out at the same time.

    I agree. You should try that. That's what I do. But sadly I don' t have many close friends who actually hang out with me. We just say "hi" when we see each other or sit with each other during lunch in school. LOL

  10. It's just a scary dream. I once dreamt about being kidnapped by aliens, that scared me for weeks, I had troubles sleeping. After a while everything went back to normal. Maybe you encountered something daytime that made you anxious or scared and caused that dream.

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