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Posts posted by cleverme123

  1. Having sex with a tampon in???? First off that had to either be way uncomfortable, or else it came out at some point, cause there is no way you can tell me it worked with it in. No a tampon is not like a sponge and will not soak up sperm. No morning after pill but if she was on her period highly unlikely she is pregnant. Best advice now is just wait it out.

  2. I tell people I ain't a toothpick and won't ever be. I take care of myself, excercise and I am still overweight but you know what. I am happy with who I am, and if people have a problem with the way I look it's their problem not mine. I don't change for any one and I get plenty of attention. Not all guys are looking for skinny chicks, there are plenty that aren't my hubby, is a total opposite. He is 130, but he loves me the way I am at 230. And by the way, it isn't that I haven't tried to lose weight, because I have. I take steroids for asthma and it adds a lot of extra that is impossible to get off while taking the meds. So over eating is not the issue. You just take what your dealt and run with it.

  3. Well here is goes, I will try not to be too harsh. First off your husband/boyfriend sounds like a jerk. He leaves and goes out to hang out where ever because he is mad. Okay, total lack of respect for you there. As for having sex making babies, and being a sex toy. He doesn't want responsibility to you let alone a kid. He is still a child himself.


    As far as the guy hitting on you, let me be the first to tell you I sale cars for a living and if you want to find out how many jerks there are get in that profession.... I have had numerous guys hit on me in front of their wife/girlfriend, like it was nothing. So instead of taking as being an object or a piece of meat I just play it up and off. Quite frankly I like getting the attention but that doesn't mean I am a four letter word beginning with an s. I often joke with the wifes or whatever also and everyone gets more comfortable. If you want to shut him up real quick, next time he hits on you say something to his wife like, Is your husband always obnoxious with you present?


    My husband respects me, and yes he flirts with other women in front of me also. I always know what he is doing, and he tells me what he is doing. The difference is I am secure in myself to know who he comes home to every night and the fact of the matter is he loves and cares about me not these giddy women trying to fall at his feet.


    Let me ask you this: How do you feel about yourself? Do you think your self esteem is low? IT sounds to me as though you are a bit insecure with yourself. I use to be too, I will be the first to tell you I am not a skinny little tooth pick, but I get plenty of attention. Gaining weight to try to deter men from hitting on you just doesn't happen. Different men have different preferences so unless they are dead, you can pretty much figure you will meet a few jerks. Don't take it so personally, be proud they stopped what they were doing to hit on you. Turn it around, start making yourself feel like the best thing that lived, walked, and breathed. Do things to make you happen and don't blame other people for the way you feel.


    You can always get a new husband or at least take a break until he realizes he is being a jerk and neglecting you. Hope it helps.

  4. First off, if she had her period after you had sex obviously she wasn't pregnant at that time unless you had sex with her after that period. Secondly, you chose to drink, you chose to sleep with her, quit making excuses, antidepressants or not, you need to learn how to be responsible for your own actions. Suicide is selfish to everyone around you. Not to mention it doesn't fix anything, and you don't know that she is pregnant or if it's even yours. I suggest you calm yourself down and talk to someone.

  5. I would have to say either Gonoria (no idea how to spell that) or Clamydia. Other possibility would be PID Pelvic Inflammatory Disease that would cause extreme pain during sex, but not the bumps to my knowledge. Gono would cause skin bumps and unsure about pelvic pain. Could also be a combo of more than one. Like I said the sooner you see a doctor the better off you are, and don't forget to get the guy you are with tested and cured as well as anyone else you have been with or you will keep getting it back.


    PID is generally cured with antibiotics, if it's one of the other two it's a life long thing. I hope for your sake it isn't those.

  6. First, anal sex takes time and practice, don't expect to get it right on the 1,2,3,4, or even 5th time. You have to get use to relaxing for one and then, things will work smoothly. It is uncomfortable when you first try it.


    Second on the breath thing, there are a number of things that could cause this. My sister use to get bacteria on her tongue and then she went to the dentist and he gave her an antiseptic mouthwash that fixed it. Also a good thing are those strips that dissolve in your mouth.

  7. You did the right thing. It's time now to take the focus off of him and start thinking about you. You can't change the things that he has done, but you can change your life around. As I mentioned I also went through this, and it sucked for a real long time. My daughter is now 5 and he has never seen nor tried to see her. We are both better without him. He did the same thing too, but the more I tried to help him the angrier and more manipulative he became. It all ended 6 months later, because he punched me in the stomach, I lost the twin to my daughter. He tried to kill me, but, I got the upper hand and went after him. He was brigged by the military and I luckily was not charged. Believe it or not this is rather a common thing with the military.


    I agree you should follow up and make sure they go pick him up. If you try to fix things with him you are in for a life of lies, abuse and manipulation. Things you don't need to have when you have a new baby. Things won't be easy, I won't tell you they will be, but do what is right for you, and you will have a child that will help you over come the many feelings you are having now.


    The thought on your father, is it possible he is so angry because it seems as though he acts, similar to the boyfriend???? We go to what we know. Don't take his lack of attention to you to seriously, my father is the same way. There are also a number of organizations that may be able to counsel you for little or no fee.

  8. You can also try crisis pregnancy centers, they offer counseling and emotional support should she be pregnant.


    But, if you didn't cum inside her you should have nothing to worry about.

  9. The morning after pill or missing a pill can make you spot. I doubt seriously that kneeing her in the ovary was an option, it isn't like kneeing a guy (well you get the idea) I would say you are fine, and if she can't remember the pill then suggest she try the patch which is worn on your body and only has to be changed every 7 days, has a lot of great benefits to it.

  10. 1. Find what makes you happy and do it.


    2. You may not always come out on top but as long as you don't give up you are never defeated.


    3. Don't let someone else ruin your life. It isn't worth it.


    4. Know the difference between right and wrong and try to do the right thing even if it means sucking up your own pride.


    5. Follow your dreams, make goals and stick to them.


    6. Never give up, never stop trying.


    7. Choose your friends carefully, you will never know who is really your friend until something tragic happens.


    8. Follow your heart.


    9. Don't rush your life by, take time to enjoy the small things.


    10. Don't gossip and spend your time cutting other people down, when you do, it almost always comes back to bite you.


    11. If you wouldn't want it done to you don't do it to someone else.

  11. Here's something really important for you:


    Because he went awil and basically stole a car from you here's what you need to do. First he is in violation of serious military matters. You call the base which he abandon and tell them that you did have contact with him and where he is. They will pursue him and let him serve out his time. Secondly, if you maintain contact with him, you can also be charged with helping to hide a marine. They don't take it lightly.


    I know it may be hard to believe but this guy leaving is the best thing that happened to you. You and your child don't need him. Your situation reflects the situation that happened to me when I got pregnant with my daughter. 5 years ago and counting...he's never come back, he was in the Navy. Go to the base he deserted and they will help you.

  12. Yes, Miss maturity opted to have a baby. Another 14 year old welfare mother, that has to stand in a store and scream, cuss and beat the heck out of her child because she don't know what to do. I hope the boyfriend goes to jail and she gets her reality check the hard way. Hey, we tried to warn her, but you can't help the unwilling!

  13. She won't believe you, in military circumstances it happens all the time, if you tell her you can put yourself in a great deal of danger. And she more than likely knows already that he is with other people.


    You need to stay away from him love or not he is married and if you continue the relationshipyou are very wrong. He will never be totally with you nor will you be able to marry him. Sure he may talk the song and dance but in the end he won't leave his wife. A good excuse is I would but we have a kid together....


    Now I don't recommend getting into a situation like this but if you really want to kick him where it counts, go to his commander and tell him the situation, he can get in far worse trouble with the military for doing what he is doing that way you are out of it and they can help him and his wife.

  14. Okay, first yes he can go to jail he's legal your a minor.


    Secondly, you are 14 and he's 18 you are in different places in your life. Okay, so let's say that you do opt to get pregnant you have a baby and find out things do not work out with this guy. Now I know that you are going to say you love each other and what not but let me tell you a little story. I too wanted a baby, now true I waited until 20 to get pregnant and I was in love and I had the money and everything was great. Yeah well, the key word being was.......


    About the time I was 8 months along he got tired of dealing with me nagging and what not. He left, I went into labor alone, I had to go to a shelter because he threw me out of the house and here I was with a brand new baby. Fast forward 4 years, I love my daughter to death, and I struggled a long time to be ok. I gave up going to college to take care of a child I have been fired from countless jobs because I had to go get my sick child out of day care. And the father, no where to be found, never paid one ounce of child support never has saw her, she knows nothing of him.


    Money, boyfriends, parents support that is all great, but what if something goes wrong in the picture you have painted as perfect except your mother disliking him. I was in college your in high school. You won't get any time to be with your friends, what few do actually talk to you after you have a baby. It's a 24/7 job, and it ain't like you can just hand off a baby to whomever you wish at any given moment so you can go out. Plus, if things don't work out with this guy, the next person you meet will have to want to be part of a childs life and believe me you will meet lots of jerks this way.


    All I can tell you is think long and hard. You are choosing to give up your life and your boyfriend will have to opt to do the same.

  15. If you gave her everything she every wanted yet she repaid you by cheating on you then she herself has some huge issues to deal with. She is an adult and quite frankly if you want it to work and feel that it can without the name calling and whatever pay her mother for what she has put in call it even then the two of you can work it out.


    Personally, if she cheated on you once because of something you were lacking or not giving to her, then odds are the next time things aren't going her way she will do the same thing. My bet is that she misses you realizing she has nothing now, and when she was with you had all that she wanted. She wants the lifestyle but doesn't want tied down to get it.


    She is going to realize at some point, she is and was wrong for cheating, realize her errors and maybe want you back. How you play your cards determines where things go. Do not sleep with any one else until your divorce is final, if she gets proof you will lose a whole lot to her.


    Be careful, and good luck.

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