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  1. Yeap! Outlaw2747. That's the way! U are on the right track... Keep it UP... Keep Smiling and Stay Positive.. Take one step at a time.. Yes! U will be Somebody one day... By then, when u look back.. U are Happier, Tougher, Smarter and Wiser.. Keep on Smiling, guys! U can make it.. Yes! u can.. Warmest regards, Gingergeen.
  2. After going through what u guys wrote. Hey, Guys all of u are still Young. Long way to go and bright future for u. Definitely, U will find your dream girl who loved you as who u are in near future. External beauty (eg. Handsome, Tall, Strong etc) that does not last forever. Internal beauty is more important. It reflected what type of person u are. Everyone is Unique in their own way. Don't ever compare yourself with someone else. It is Unfair to yourself. The type of character u have, would reflect what type of person u are. Build up your own confidence and be who u are that makes u feel good. Take thing one at a time. This particular incident which crashed my entire life. I lost my confidence as a person. I stopped making new friends and ceased writing email to penpals. I got to know a penpal who requested to exchange Photo. After that, I received an email from him with one sentence it said " Do Not Disturb Me Anymore!!!" . How would u feel? Kill myself? No way.. Eventually, I told myself. I'm not going to get "punch" that way. Yes, I'm FAT and ugly. That's me. For my own health, I take care of my intake and change my attitude. From 89kg in 1997 and now 67kg, still has the love handle to get rid of My health is getting better and I feel good. Guys, don't put yourself down. Stand tall and be who u are. It would be better for someone to loved u as who u are and your Internal Beauty. I'm not sure did u guys heard of the Ugly duckling that turn into a Beautiful Swam. U guys is in early 20 or so, bright future ahead. Anything can change. Cheer up! Smile.. . I'm sure anyone who is reading this is SMILING.. Take good care of yourself. Be Happy and Keep Smiling (pls try..ok?) Warmest regards, Gingergreen
  3. Hi, Loving someone with our heart and soul, staying faithful to him, shared the ups and down in life, stand by him through his difficulties. But discovered he is not been truthful about certain thing. These questions was in my thought for quite sometime. Just wonder 1) Relationship with Honesty (or Honesty Relationship) do they still exist? 2) Is it really that difficult to stay Faithful in a relationship? 3) Is there True Love and Soulmate? Do they really exist? Thanks for helping. Warmest Regards, Gingergreen
  4. Thanks Vitalcoach. I'll try. Hopefully, I can. I treat everyone in my life (family, friends etc) with Honesty, Trust and Respect and expect to be treated that way. Never hurt or harm anyone as I know how painful it is. In relationship it needs Honesty, Trust, Respect, Understanding, Mutual attachment, Committment, Faithful etc. Thanks. Sincerely, To Trust or Not to Trust.
  5. I need help, advice or opinion. I had two failure relationship before. My 1st ex is from UK whom he said he is single. We knew each other for 1 year plus before we become a pair. Seldom get to spend time together because he is always busy with work. One day, I found out he got another girlfriend of 4 years as well he is married with 2 kids. Totally shattered my life to pieces. After 2 years of struggle I managed to have my life back. I met my 2nd guy also from UK. He told me he is divorced and got a son. About his work, life etc. Few months ago, I came to know he had lied to me. He was not truthful about lot of issues. I am badly hurt and my Trust for guy is destroy. Now, I dare not think of another day. Pushing myself to live each day. Recently, someone would like to have a relationship with me. I'm so scared and having hard time to trust that person. Halfway through the realtionship I would pull away and freak out. I want a relationship and to be able to Trust someone again. But I'm unable to do that. Keep asking myself why do they lied to me. Why hurt me? At time, I feel so miserable and cry myself to sleep every night. Please help me. Thanks. Sincerely, To Trust or Not to Trust[/b]
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