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Posts posted by Smusher

  1. deepthroat as much as possible, surpris ehim with that, biuld up to it. Let him hold your head and even push it down on him, as hard as you can take it. This si for the advanced giver tho and i would not recomend it to a girl who has "little" experience no pun intended.

    if hes little then it should just be that much easier.

    swallowing finishes this off the best possible way.

    AOr at least taking it in your mouth and letting it drip out while he is cumming. etc....

    watch a few good pornos (or bad ones) youll see how men like it.

  2. Well I am in the same situation. Its only been about three weeks but we started out great. Not hot and heavy but rgeat feelingsw, lots in common. Things seemed normal ya know? do-able. And the way things should be.

    I was having second thoughts though and so was she. She had always told me about the shell and taking things slow, which I asked her and she came out and told me that she thought i was looking for seriousness and she wasnt looking for a relationship. Just wants to take things slow, be cautious, date and get to know me. Thats fine, but its not what Im use too. I dont want to give up on her, but I have felt lateley like i was in an episode of "how to lose a guy in ten days".

    Im not calling her anymore and im not going to email anymore.

    I have a knot in my stomach already and I dont like that.

    Id rather move on to someone else. Or be by my self somemore.

    Then again there is something about this girl, its like I know she is the one. So I have to play my cards right. Again, on the other hand, if its meant to be , it doesnt really matter whatcha do or dont do, IT WILL HAPPEN. So I will not worry about it.

    And you shouldnt either.

  3. I find myself once again in a relationship. This time it seems that I am the one pursuing. She is the one telling me that she wants to be cautious and casual. Is this enough info already within two weeks to know that shes just not interested? That Im not going to get at all what I want? Like my needs etc.. I want slow too believe me. But when you start off hearing it like that isnt it a bad sign? Should I just tell her that im not into wish wash. Or being put 2nd or 3rd etc...

    cuz im not into it.

    We have had some great dates and she has seen me shine in many ways that have blown her away and myself.


    She is very shy though.


    We havnt even had full on sex yet, but have gotten very hot together and things are building towards ecstasy, or are they?

  4. I know there are always extenuating circumstances that make people including myself hesitate or be "cautious" at the beginning of a relationship. I guess i want to know how a women wants to be swept away

    regardless of her or my fears. I want her to be the one. But i know that ill be fine if she isnt or cant be.

    I guess i just wishe di knew what a women wants. All i do is act like myself and it seems they all fall hard for me. Then i tend to push away. Not this girl though. The timing and the whole story , her own and my own all seem to be aproppriate. And then there is the constant thinking of her and I.

    I told her that she would fall in love with me. I think she is. And we both feel really good about things.

    man here i go again.

  5. Posters, No matter how bad, good or inbetween you are feeling as you read this and other posts never ever give up hope. It will come. As long as you have faith, do what you do, take your time. I think this applies to all the issues that are found here.

    It will come?

    Another chance.

    I am talking about love because I think i have figured out why we need it so much. Its alright to need it by the way. Specially when ya wait and dont force it.

    Love makes you feel like you can do anything.

    And with that feeling back or for the first time ever, its your job to do the things you wanted to do, change or really work on, whatever that or those things are to you, while still investing heavily in your love. Just gotta find out all the currencies that love accepts. The currencies are the things that you know better than to do, you know?, the dumb things that we do and then cry about after its all too late. The things that we were supposed to be working on finally And the things you know you want to do for yourself and for someone who wants to be shown love. Then after a while, you might develop real love the kind that brings out the best in both of you, the kind that doesnt hurt as much and the kind that will keep you content when you become part of the most marginalized group in society, old people. And then you will have won the game. You will have survived and still with love in your heart. To make a long story short.

    Ive been on here and my posts are genuine, my break up really hurts still, but I met a really nice women on friday night, and now she is attending my 30th birthday party, just her and I.

    And also her and I are both already feeling "someting".

    Wow, what a week this has been. theres more. but im calling her right now.

    I am happy to write something that helps or might. Instead of asking for help.

    So to those of you out there who need another chance. It comes.

  6. I told my ex that , but in a way that i thought would show her that she didnt need to be (clingy), cuz she was an amazing women who shouldnt "need" anyone sept her little soulmates, her kids. And me as her friend, as her lover, and as her sober school of second thought on some of the things I saw in her decision making that seemed hasty and compulsive.

    None of it meant that I didnt want her, or love her. Just wanted time. Theres lots of reasons why too, of course. I hate that when girls hear that phraSEe that the guys tryin to say "im not really interested" maybe true for some guys but I know that I just wanted time for her to heal from somethings in her past marriage and her life. And for me to REALLY feel connected to her.

    It just takes me a good while to really fall for someone. I need to get to know them and i need them to really get to know me before i trust myself fully with their heart and my own.


  7. What is it about this three month area?

    I couldnt hold back anymore, i did really well. I didnt beg or plead much, didnt say oh comeback to me blah blah blah. I respected her decision , even tho she was completely mean and disrespectful to me in the end.

    I sent an email.

    I said Hi, how are you.

    can we talk?

    I hope you and the kids (her kids) are warm and safe and happy this halloween.


    Prolly wont get any response?

    Or it will be bad, and threatening.

    you can read my original posts if ya want the good bits.

    Oh and by the way there was another guy, right off the bat and she basically let him disrespect me on the phone 3 months ago.

    allot of it is in my posts.

    thank you all.


    And i hope you all are warm n safe this halloween too!

  8. Your puttin up a fight right now arentchya?

    you didnt come on here to give up.

    You came on here to start puttin up a fight.

    Its alright to feel like you are feeling.

    And its alright to ask for help and admit that you arent feeling like

    YOU THINK you should be.Tell your doctor and ask him for some advice or for something you can maybe take to get a focus back. A bandaid.

    And Just remember that lots of people feel like you do. And some of the people that you think should feel like you do, dont.

    Like bums and prostitutes.

    Your not a bum or a hooker right?

    You have both yer arms n both yer legs?

    And your youth!!

    Ask yourself what this sadness ultimately comes from. Like where is its beginning?

    Then mabe you can lay down a track for it up against a brick wall where it will have to come to an end.

    If it goes throught the brick wall Like a locomotive, then build anopther track for it right to the base of a mountain. If it still has enough power it will just shoot right into space, and youll never have to worry about it again.

    NEVER think about offing yourself when you still have people on this earth who love you.

  9. From the time I was a young kid I assumed that the most valuable status was not material wealth, or the pride of sage like intelligence, the skill of a Tony Hawk or even the talent of Beethoven . No I always, and still do think, that the most desirable and valuable object one could attain was the love of a former perfect (or imperfect) stranger, and the enlightenment that this love can bring. Not to mention the making of new people, your kid(s). And even if you cant or dont want to have em, there can still be a great love that lasts forever. I have been through my third love relationship now, ya I pickem carfully, I think, but hey they didnt work out. And the last one left me just as broken as the one before it.

    I like to think I carry with me a piece of each of the attributes I have listed above, I use them to master Love. Sometimes I wonder if i should pick something else and focus, along with the other attributes, a piece of love at a different target? And no, I dont skate. haha

  10. What you guys say is right on. I didnt necesarily mean to have the person there from the start, i know i said waiting in the wings, i guess that wasnt right to say because i meant when the a person go to someone immediately or very quickly after a break up. I know what you guys are saying and of course i would always tow that line but you also know that it is so hard to recover sometimes, and you feel like you couldnt see anyone from scratch before the requisite healing and growth takes course because your thoughts are tied up. I know that with my last relationship I waited a good long while before I even thought about pursuing someone again because the one before it took an awful lot out of me. I cant say that I was totally over the original person, or can I? I took the next one slow and because of that it all blew up in my face basically and now im not getting over the latest one very quickly however I am totally over the one before it and I NEVER thought i would be.

    I guess im wondering how you know youve grown? Do you say, "ok Im ready" to yourself? I guess thats what I say to myself but then i get into another relationship, want to take it easy until I say to myself whilst in the relationship "ok Im ready" ya know? to give it my all and spill. If in the mean time that person has spilled and spilled and I havnt reached that point yet, they feel rejected and start falling out and I cant help it, meanwhile my anticipation and excitment have grown cuz Im ready to spill, but then its too late and I fall back into a deep hole.

    thx guys

  11. Sometimes I conclude, after much consideration, the possiblity that it is perhaps better to have someone in the wings, waiting for you when a love relationship fails. I conclude this because the pain I have felt while recovering the "righteous" and "noble" way is just not worth it.

    It affects an otherwise contented and substantive life

    It gives an excuse to the thought of not enjoying everyday at least for a while and for some people, years or even a lifetime. When I am old and grey Im gonna be real disappointed that i wasted so much time being unhappy about some person(s) failure or my own or both.


    Sometimes I cant blame anyone for going directly to someone. Especially when they have so much love to give, they may as well be giving it to someone if thats what helps them enjoy there days and be productive.

    Its easy for me to be mad and say "oh she went to some guy right away, she obviously is to weak to be alone." Well who enjoys being alone and crying over somthin they cant have? notme. I hate it.

    The workin out, goin out with friends , and all the crap that ya do to get over someone and to better yourself and fill up your days is something I did before the break ups so how does that help me/you?


    Those things might help my brain and my body but they dont release the drugs that keep my heart healed. Only a special someone can do that.

    just some thougths, venting in a way, and forgiving.

  12. It was one of those things where you either have to break up or get married. She pressured me, overwhelmed me, obsessed and compulsed.

    She was the one that was always bringing out the tests miss cassiana.

    I have a right to fall in love at my own speed, with out threats or ultimatums which is what she gave me. she had threatened to leave me when all i was doing was giving her and her family time to bond, without the distraction of another man (me) in their lives. And until the time was right where i didnt think i belonged there too often. I was there for her from the start, i was honest about my feelings and intentions, she jumped to conclusions, analysed and compulsed. I encouraged her to do things that turned out to be right when she thought they were wrong. I put her first, and especially her kids. Sure i could have moved in with her in the first month and taken control of "our" direction. encouraged her compulsions to run from the life that SHE had created. She told me right till the end what an amazing friend i had been to her, and how no one had ever treated her as well, the qualitites she saw in me etc.. I know i was the altruist here, i know that I set my desires aside for the good of her and her kids. Genuine love involves encouraging and cultivating the others growth even if it means risking losing them forever and that is what has happened. I always could let her go, but she couldnt let me go, even for a few days without calling, texting, hounding, visiting, calling my parents, all i wanted was some space to think, to miss her, to reflect. anyone who doesnt reflect whether its there first or especially there second marriage is asking for disaster. I broke up with her for more reasons than just to see if i missed her. she was very mean to me a few times that cut me like a knife and on purpose due to her baggage and her hurts that she tryed to take out on me. her life wasnt my fault , isnt my fault. sounds like you havnt healed from something and this sparked a rage thats inside of you aswell. I appreciate your comments as i know that there was plenty i obviously could have done and still remained true to my intentions of not imposing on the lives of her kids. Yes i took things for granted sometimes but i cant stand it when someone who tells me they love me gives me ultimatums. Real love is giving without expecting anything in return. Marriage of course is different and thats why ya need time to be sure of yourself, or else you are just taking advantage of that person cuz you cant be alone.

  13. I know all about no contact, and my ex was really mean at the end.

    But i am reaching a point where i really want to drop a line say hi and tell her that i am here as her friend to talk, and be there if she wants or something, i dunno. just let her know that im here. its been over 3 months

    i broke up with her, but i really just wanted to miss her so i knew that I really loved her, its a long story and its posted here somewhere. what the heck do i do. shes with someone else as far as i know, it was pathetic of her the way she had to find someone right away and then be mean to me on top of it all. Ive been hurtin but she has no idea how bad and how I actually felt about her and us. Its just that she was so in love with me and us and wanted so much for us, the meanness came from that and her misunderstanding things because of long distance (three hours) anyways blah blah blah. I guess im just hurtin and still havin a hard time lettin go. I dont want her to know how bad I took it. She was so mean thatI should be happy and relieved that i dont have to put up with her anymore. but

    the truth is, I love her, i still see us together. I never got my second chance to let down my guard like she always did.

  14. Its normal man. Always just be yourself. with your friends and girls. dont try to impress either group, just yourself. look out for you, cuz even the best of friends wont look out for each other and a women is always looking out for herself. They have the most to lose. Be happy that you have friends, even if they are no deeper than a glass of water, be happy that your going to be a man soon, its tough yes, but so will you be. There is a women for every man so dont worry too much about that. YET!!! youll wish you were 16 again soon. And hey, your friends might be feeling the exact same things as you!, but they just keep it to themselves, so ya talk to us, if ya want to see a counselor , do it, theres nothin wrong with talkin is there? thats all friends do, except they dont have degrees, or patience. Or a fee schedule !!! haha

  15. Yes I think i am just typical. After reading numerous posts and comenting here and there, i see that I am just like plenty of good people out there. I am turning 30 soon. Have been engaged once for 2 years, broke up, recovered, Started another love affair, tried not to get too attached, did, and by the time i was ready to give in to her (after I broke IT OFF TWICE)

    she had had enough and propmtly found another.

    Now at the three month mark I have come a long way only to realize all over again that i wished i wasnt scared to give in to her. I wished i didnt view her needyness, obsessiveness and her quick attachment to me as a bad thing, was with her for a year and a half. My posts tell the story, well part of it, from my perspective. Of course you dont get to hear her side except perhaps in other forms on this and other sites like it. many perspectives that i read on here posted by women reflect her side and to some degree "our story" the typical parts anyways.

    just havin a hard few nights.

    its cold outside

    and im just not too cheerful.

  16. True Dat true dat . all of the above. my ex was thouroughly mean, she didnt wish me well and i wouldnt to her either, i would tell everyone else that i hope she is happy, but i hope shes not and is thinking of me. then again if she is happy she may also be thinking of me. I actually miss her just as much when i have had a happy time/event, where i think "damn, i wishshe was here for that, she would have been happy about it" etc....

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