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Posts posted by wanderer

  1. i'm a guy but i sorta get the feeling that, at least sometimes, when a girl says you're cute it doesn't always mean they interested in you, as in for dating and stuff. if they say you're hot, i'd say you're better off in that department.

  2. i was out with some friends tonight, including my friend and his girlfriend (she is also my friend) at the end of the night, the group started to split up to do their own thing (there were about 7 of us) my friend's girlfriend wanted us to come to her house and hang out for a bit because she lived close to where we just had dinner. however my friend (her bf) wanted to go to his house and go to bed, and asked if i'd give him a lift since i live close to him. i said ok, so we started to leave. it went bad after this part. everyone else in our group kinda left and nobody ended up going to the girl's house like she wanted, including me and her boyfriend. apparently he never told her he was going home with me so she got very upset and stormed off as we were leaving. we caught up with her and tried to talk to her but she wasn't having any of it. since we didn't think it would do any good to keep chasing her, we left and i took my friend home. as we got close to his house his girlfriend called him and i could hear her yelling and eventually crying over the phone (she's got some emotional issues i think, so she gets upset easily in these kind of situations) my friend got really upset, and i asked him if i could do anything to help and he said no, and i asked him if i did anything wrong by leaving with him, and he said no. so he went into his house and i came home, and now here i am.


    that's the story. now, i feel sorta of guilty about what happened, because when she was trying to get people to go to her house, i new she might have gotten upset if we didn't go but i really just wanted to go home myself... i feel like i should have mentioned to my friend that he should have stayed with her, but i said nothing. and i can't elp but feel that she's just as mad at me as she is at her boyfriend fo what happened.


    so... what should i do? both of them are good friends and i want to help make things better with them, but i don't know how or even if it's any of my business. i just feel sorta guilty... any advice is appreciated, thanks.

  3. my ex could usually only have an orgasm through touching up top, and rarely down south, with or without clothes. it really depends on the girl, mine just didn't really like being touched down there. you'll figure it out, she'll tell you what she wants if you ask her.

  4. by pj's he probably meant boxers and tee shirt... at least i hope so.


    but he may be feeling bad about something. he might even be depressed cause that's one of the symptoms sometimes, not wanting to leave the house and giving crappy excuses to stay in. but i'm no therapist, don't hold me to this. but seriously, i'd ask him if something is bothering him. he probably trusts you as a friend considering you're a good enough buddy of his to be trying to help him like this - so if you talked to him without the pressure of "the other guys" he might open up and tell you what's up.


    again, he may not have anything bothering him or wrong with him, but it looks to me like he's avoiding his social life and this is the only reason i can think of as to why. anyway, good luck, he's lucky to have a loyal friend like you.

  5. yea... all my past holidays and new years were fine cause i'd never really even thought about being alone... i didn't know what it was like being with someone yet. then 2004 saw my first girlfriend which ended horribly, and results in her enjoying the holidays with her new bf who incidentally was fooling around with her while i was dating her anyway... i guess it works out for them cause they're together and happy now. but man, i wish i didn't have to suffer like this for something i didn't do. i just hope i can at least find someone who's interested in me before valentine's day, it will probably suck more than xmas and new years' alone.

  6. i know if my ex left me a present on my doorstep, i'd throw it out but not before opening it to at least see what it was... maybe i could sell it on ebay or something. if she handed delivered it, i'd love to just throw it at her feat and slam the door in her face. i know it sounds terrible but trust me, she would deserve it.


    basically if you cheated on him and never told him about it but he found out elsewhere, that's one thing that could make him be acting this way. that's my situation.

  7. from what i've noticed, most every girl in my general age group is attracted to guys with long hair. as in, hair that goes past the ears, usually to neck or shoulder level. i've lost a few potential dateable girls already to guys who have longer hair than me (my hair is pretty short) note that's not what i'm basing this on, i've talked to girls and they usually say guys with long hair are more attractive. i guess it makes them look older because i look like a 9 year old with my short hair.


    what makes girls so attracted to guys with long hair? (i know it's not always this way but i am wondering) thanks for your input.

  8. i figured someone was going to post a thread like this eventually. anyway, sorry in advance for whining, but i figure many others are going through this too.


    so it's the holidays, and my ex and i have been apart for 3 months. she's happy as can be with her new boyfriend, and pretty much all my other friends have someone special too. other than that, me and two of my friends are totally alone i've been trying to find someone new, but out of three single girls i've pursued since i've been single; one ignored me entirely, and the other two apparently forget about me, due to other guys that came into their lives after me, so they're probably off the market now too.


    this is the first holiday where i've had a girlfriend before it, so i've never known what it's really like to be "alone" on these kinds of yearly events. i want to know if anyone has any advice on how to make this time of year not so lousy. all i can think about is the ex and how happy she is with her new boyfriend, when she's the one who ruined our relationship right before this guy.


    again, sorry for being angsty... this site is one place i can let it out without people telling me to get over it. thanks 8)

  9. that is encouraging... i guess now i have to figure out if she really does want to meet up with me again, hopefully just the two of us. i'm not sure if i should ask her just to meet up for lunch to get two know each other a little more, or if i should give her a little time in case she wants to ask me. basically i don't want her to go out with me because she felt bad about what happened last night. i want her to want to be there. we still talk online, so should i give it time and see what happens?

  10. after a few months of complaining about my ex, i finally got set up with a girl, through mutual friends. we had been talking online for the past two days, and she seemed interested in meeting me, and i was interested in meeting her to begin with. so tonight we met up... i gave her my cell phone number and told her to call me if she wanted to meet up, because she was going to be in the area near my house with her girlfriends. so she ends up calling me and asking me to meet up wih her and her friends (four other girls besides her) here's where it starts going downhill. after we met up, she didn't really seem interested in meeting me anymore. she and her friends basically carried on their own conversations like i wasn't there. i mean, they talked to me every now and then but overall they weren't making me feel welcome. so later, one of her friends' boyfriend calls, i guess to break up with her or something, because she starts crying on the spot. so the girl i was being set up with and her friends took this girl into the girls' bathroom at the place were at. obviously i was left outside. a few minutes later, the girl i was meeting up with came out and told me that this was supposed to be a "girls' night out" and she apologized for what happened and just said "see you around then" i told her i understood, then i left. after a while, she got home and we talked online, and had another nice conversation, and apologized again for the situation.


    ok so now i'm really confused. she called me up and invited me to a girls' night out, then asked me to leave a half hour later? the whole thing makes me feel pretty dumb, and i'm wondering why she even bothered to call me in the first place because she didn't seem all that interested in me once i showed up. does anyone have any idea what might be going on? should i try to contact her again, maybe to meet with her alone for coffee or something like that? basically i want to know if it's even worth persuing her - was this a circumstancial thing (having her friends there, and the situation with the one girl) or was she just not interested? thanks in advance for your thoughts.

  11. tell her to tella teacher or someone in a high place. i doubt the cops could do all that much because they're not around her all the time like her teachers/principal is. if it happens outside school, she should call the cops or tell some adult close by. i'm assuming this "gang leader" is about your age, maybe 17 or 18 or something... he may seem tough but i firmly believe that anyone under 20 years old is just acting the part and really isn't all that scary.

  12. if you want my opinion, here it is, but i doubt you'll like it.


    i say don't even try to do friends with benefits. chances are you'll start to get way too attached and she won't want that, and you'll just end up getting hurt. also, does she have any kind of bf or someone she's already seeing? if so, then don't even try. it will be way too messy.


    my advice, stay away from it. if she's really so flirty that she doesn't want a relationship because she won't be able to flirt, then i doubt she's showing real "feelings" for you.

  13. i'm single and definetly looking to start dating new people. of course, one of the most common dates that people do is go to the movies. now, i love a good comedy or action flick, but i really have this problem with scary movies... to be perfectly honest, scary movies (not to mention scary rides at themeparks) do exactly that, they scare the daylights out of me. i hate seeing gore and other scary stuff like that, and i usually get nightmares after seeing a scary movie. obviously this is a problem because if i'm on a first date with a girl i like, and she wants to see a scary movie, i'm in trouble. aside from dating, when i watch movies with my friends, i always have to make excuses why we shouldn't watch a scary movie, stuff like "oh it's stupid" or "i don't feel like watching that".


    this is really embarrassing to say all this, it feels like a huge blow to my manhood. i feel like girls i like will think i'm a pansy because i don't like scary movies, and my friends alsogive me crap about it on occasion. my question is, is there any way i can get over this fear of scary movies? i just don't understand how people can find them so much fun to watch, but i'm sick of being the pansy all the time. sometimes i tell my friends that i'm busy on a saturday night so i don't have to go with them to see "the ring" or something like that.


    advice is appreciated... help me..

  14. if she says no then just be cool with it. give her time to decide. until then, just tell people "no we're not dating" or maybe even "well, sorta" with a smirk on your face.


    but dude, you're asking too much from a total stranger. i'm here to help but i can't predict everything... go with your instincts, be smart and make some decisions for youself, k? 8)

  15. talk to her about this. it shouldn't be that awkward to discuss this with her, or at least nowhere near as awkward as trying to find an answer when people ask if you're dating her. yea, just be like "people keep asking me if you and me are dating, and i think we are because i really like you and i like to go out with you. what do you think?" this is good because you're 1) being assertive and not being indecisive over something that she may consider important, and b) by asking her what she thinks, you're opening the discussion to her so she can tell you what she thinks. plus, it lets her know you care about what she thinks. if she says she's not sure if you are actually dating, then go from there. if she says "yea, i'd say we're dating" then you're good to go and now you can both confidently tell people so when they ask you.


    hope that helps... good luck, the first girlfriend is a real challenge, but definetly worth it.

  16. i was like you with my first girl. thus, my advice is this: stop being indecisive! girls don't like it when guys don't take charge of stuff, believe me , it was one of the reasons i got dumped. it's hard when you don't know what to do, but you must realize that the worst thing you can possibly say to a girl on a date is "so...what do you want to do?". most girls hate that kind of indecisiveness, so make sure you have a plan of what to do before you go out. also, when people ask you if you're dating the girl, please... say yes, because you are. especially when she's standing right there... say yes, with pride! you need to show confidence and pride, make her feel proud to be with you. from what i've noticed, girls like confident guys who can make decisions and be assertive, not passive. you were just like me, the trick is to not be like that, lol.


    and about the other guy? be confident and go up to the guy. don't be a jerk, but let him know that you're not being casual or kidding about this, but yea, tell him you're dating the girl, and tell him that he should stop asking her out and stuff, because a) she's involved and 2) she's not interested in the other guy. i think you have every right to say that, and if she knows you talked to the guy, she'll be happy with you for sticking up for her.

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