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Everything posted by Chrstina69

  1. the setting; we r goin to the movies Things about him: well. we like the same things.. Things about you: same things.. like same music movies tv shows Friends; his 2 friends r going.. they r dating and then its me and him its juss a hang out date to see what happens Events you might had with him : nothing but this
  2. my god.. i dont noe what to say to this guy. hes soo cute but what do i talk to him about?? please help me!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. k well i was wondering... what is fingering suppose to feel like? and technically.. what does horny... im curious
  4. oh and i noe.. that i woudlnt feel comfurtable if a guy tried to finger me.. maybe yeah he isnt confurtable with himself like im not with me.. i will be and ill let someone *maybe* but not today and not soon i dont think.. juss give it time.. how long have u guys been together anyways? and have u said i love u to each other yet?
  5. yeah i wasnt saying he wass.. and im happy he isnt..soo its not a thing were hes not attracted to u.. soo thats good.. maybe he is shy.. alotta guys at my school act all like.. oh hell yeah id go down on her like there was no tomorrow.. but when it comes down to doing it.. they chicken out... sooo maybe hes shy.. juss talk to him about it
  6. mabye hes gay.. but like in a show.. he dusnt want any1 to know.. soo he got with a really pretty girl ssooo people thought he wasnt gay? hmm maybe.. hope not.. maybe hes juss not ready to go taht fast.. talk with him.. hope i helped
  7. yeah through ur nose.. and sometimes look into her eyes.. that one person said and breathe and that makes it more intense cuz shell be wanting more and ur teasing her
  8. hey ya'll i got that from a site.. but some guy did some of thsoe things with me and it felt good.. soo whatever.. and yeahh im smart very smart...but yeah.. dont lift ur hand up her shirt.. and sometimes.... actually u dont have to ask.. if she told u she wanted to make out next time.. y ask when u already no its ok? durhh! sooo yeahhh do what u think is rite. and when ur ready.. not when shes ready.. it has to be both of u.. and sometimes i like it when a guy surprises me like during the movies and looks at me and then kisses me.. soo cute hope it helps
  9. 1. The Beginner's Kiss A simple meeting of the lips. Your lips may brush against each other or gently press together. Done with finesse, this can be a fantastic starting point. A variation of this is to "swirl" your lips slowly around your lover's. Relax, let go and allow your lips to roam over and around your lover's mouth -- real bliss with little effort. 2. The Butterfly Kiss Using your eyelashes, gently flutter them accross your lover's lips, eyelids, cheeks, neck and, when kissing the breasts, on the nipples, too. 3. The Droplet Try experimenting with this in the heat of passion. If you're on top of your lover and kissing passionately, withdraw your lips slightly from his and allow a few droplets of your saliva to drip gently into his mouth. 4. The Eastern Swirl and Poke This may be applied to the lips or the body. Relax your lips and allow your tongue to swirl and poke. Alternating these swirling and poking sensations feels wonderful. 5. The good old French Kiss With open mouths, your tongues gently probe and swirl against the delicate skin inside the mouth. 6. The Lover's Pass When you want to pass something in a sensual way to your lover -- perhaps a piece of chocolate, fruit or ice -- simply hold it gently between your lips and allow your mouth to touch his. Then, using your tongue, push the item into his mouth. 7. The Lush Lap More controlled than the Naughty Dog, this kiss still involves a lapping motion with your tongue, but is more contained and controlled, with your lips kept close to your lover's skin. With your lips parted, use a firm, slow lap of the tongue pressed to her (or his) flesh, lips or mouth. Again, this kiss puts you in control and feels incredibly sexy to a lover who likes to yield to your moves. 8. The Medieval Necklet Said to be enjoyed by knights of the realm when medieval ladies wore low-cut necklines. Gently circle your lover's neck with a series of kisses, moving from the lower neck just behind the ear, around the breastbone and finishing back behind the other ear. Both men and women enjoy the slow circular pattern being traced along this delicate skin. 9. The Mediterranean Flick Said to originate from Latin lovers who flicked little beads of sweat from their lover's body during long hot summers of passion. Using a gentle flick of the tongue, you cover your lover's lips, cheeks, neck -- in fact, anywhere you please -- with delicate little flicks. This is perfect for the nipples and around the belly button. 10. The Naughty Dog A passionate, earthy kiss, particularly good for larger erogenous zones such as the neck, breasts, abdomen and inner thigh. Let your mouth open loosely and allow your tongue to relax and "lap" at your lover's body. This feels incredible when applied from the lower part of the breast up to the tip of the nipple -- the tongue just flicking the nipple as the "lapping" motion finishes. 11. The Sliding Kiss The tongue moves gently back and forth or in and out. A perfect kiss, too, for gently "sliding" erotic food -- such as sauces and creams -- off your lover's body as your foreplay develops. 12. The Snake Moving on from the Mediterranean "flick," allow your tongue to flick, lap, poke and generally imitate that of a snake. This can take place while French kissing but can also be used all over your lover's body. It feels fantastic moving up and down the shaft of the penis or outer labia. 13. The Stretch When French kissing, stretch your tongue up to rub the roof of your lover's mouth. People rarely focus on this area, yet the sensations your tongue can create here can be quite explosive. 14. The Vacuum Kiss Allow your lips to relax and encircle your partner's lips with your own. Apply a gentle sucking motion that pulls on the much-neglected outer rim of the lips. Release the vacuum seal and then reapply. You're taking control and your lover's lips will yield to yours. You may also apply the vacuum to a single lip -- upper or lower. Also use the vacuum on your lover's tongue during French kissing, which will feel like heaven. If you apply the vacuum more firmly to your partner's body it'll become a lovebite -- see below.
  10. haha yeah i thot id start with hey to.. hes not know to date ugly girls.. well he is.. but tahts not bad thats what girls like. a guy that dates sum1 for something other then her looks. and he dates pretty ones too. but thanks
  11. well got any advice on what to say?
  12. k well this guy * ill call him suga cookie cuz thats what my friend said his nikname was cuz hes soo cute and sweet and supposedly tastes good * well suga cookie called me today and well hes super fine and hes known to get with girls that r pretty or ugly.. cuz he dusnt care about that and he says that he thinks im hott and everything...and well back to the point.., i could like him its juss i wouldnt know what to talk to him about. cuz like we rnt that good of friends but he called me outta no where and i didnt even give him my # though he says i did in his yearbook during school..what do i talk to him about advice any1??
  13. haha ur funny.. yeah those r good.. i got some and im addicted to em and my mom wont buy them.. but i think its better when ur kissing a guy and he tastes it and if he likes it.. hell want more.. u noe what im saying? soo eat what u want.. just make sure before u kiss or whatever.. its not to strong and not bad and its sweet or spicy and itll be heaven haha hope it helps a little.. i noe that when i kiss some1 i want it to taste good
  14. thanks u guys.. i appreciate it.. ill try to move on.. its easier said then done.. but i will try... but i gots other problems tooo.. wanna hear em? well if u dont.. to bad kkk..... well my best friend missy got with this guy about 4 1/2 months ago... and well dont get me wrong.. i love her to death and her boyfriends good too... but jr. *her boyfriend* has an anger management problem.. he calls her names and i think he has hit her too..and well she will not leave him..and shes only 14 and hes like 16 or something but they r in the same grade. becuz his 6th grade year he got put in jail or juvy wutever.. and welll since about their 1 month anniversery...i havent seen her! thats like 3 months i havent seen my best friend.. and juss like last week.. we talked about everything and things went well till she told me somthings what they did.. like how.. she went to the hospital cuz she was feeling really sick..and they gave her a pregant test and they thot it was positive but it wasnt.. but when she told me that she did have sex with her boyfriend..that scared me.. cuz when i knew her in teh 6th grade and 7th... she had morals.. to be a writer and fashion designer and too live a great life and not have sex till being married and how she wouldnt be with a guy that controlled her and stuff.. and well all that is gone down the drain..she hates written.. says she never really wanted to be a writter... and jr. controlls her.... he wont let her see me and erika my other best friend any more.. cuz he says that we dont like him.. and thats true.. and that he says that we r bad for her... and really hes bad for her.. how do i tell her with out her missunderstanding. ive tried once but she said it upset her soo bad she went and saw jr.so he could comfurt her...and he hit her for talking to us ....
  15. people say that hes really shy and cant express how he feels that easily..and thats sorta how i am.. its hard for me to juss come out and say "oh yeah btw i like u" im shy also.. but when i was with him i could b my self... and ive had a few bad relationships lately and im juss afraid to move on and when i do he mite like me again.. cuz thats happened alot..but then i dont want to get hurt again and waste my life worrying about him..
  16. alrite.. its summer now.. and im still bummed... but during the last 2 weeks of school.. i liked this guy and i told some of his friends.. and they talked to him and said he liked me.. but i didnt believe it soo i played it cool rite? 8) and soo finially during gym wen we had class together we walked around and talked.. and i got to know everything bout him and he about me.. likle birthday and family.. vacations this summer.. partys for graduation.. summer school... grades.. graduation.. almost everything and well i dont talk to the guys i like cuz i get hekka nervous but with him i did still but i could still talk.. and well yeah and on the last day of school he came up to me and got my # and damn.. every1 was crying and i ddint cuz i was soo happy.... kinda bad but neways... 3 weeks into summer vacation.. still hasnt called.... and my ex boyfriend who im not friends with tlaked to him and alex (the guy i like) said hed call... but nope never did.. finally on july7th his friend told me alex didnt like me he liked some1 else... he nevr even called to get to know me more and stuff like that and now i dont know if i should call him and get to know him.. cuz i got his # the other day... i jsus dont know if i shoud talk to him and ask him whats gonig on.. or if i shoud wait another month till school starts and i see him and do whatever... or should i move on? what shouold i do? im going crazy thinking about it
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