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Everything posted by bluegirll

  1. Hello I am 17 years old and so is my boyfriend. We have been together since October of 2003 and right now my boyfriend has decided that we both need to take a break from each other. I am a very possessive person and during our relationship i would always say " are you looking at that girl" and "do you like her"? . I have gotten over that now but i also dont ever want to let him go out with his friends and he gets mad at me which i understand. We are very much in love and i believe he is the one for me. He has broken up with me about 3 times and got back with me because i told him i would change and every time I didnt follow through with what i said and i told him that i would change every time i messed up and he kept on giving me chances but now he said hes just tired and he wants to take a break. I cant handle it though, i feel sick to my stomach because i am so heartbroken. He told me when we decided to take a break that he thinks he will realize how much he does love me and come back. He also told me dad on the phone that is was really bothering him alot that we were on a break and he called me that same night pretty much for nothing, I guess he just couldnt stop thinking about me. But what makes me feel like he will come back to me is that during the summer he went out with his friends to the lake for a day and a half and when he got back he came by my house to see me and was telling me how much he was in love with me and always wanted to be with me. I know that alot of it is my fault for the way i have been to him and i know now that i will change for him and i told him that but he doesnt believe me anymore because of all the times i have told him that and didnt follow through. We have been going out for about a year and we always say that we always want to be together but he wants to take a break and i just really want him back. It tears me up to think about not having him around and i just cant stop thinking about him. I was just wanting to know your thoughts on what i should do and if you think he will realize how much in love with me he is and come back? Oh yea and also ever since we have been going out we have spent almost 95% of the time with each other and i think also it could be that we spend way too much time with each other. I would appreciate your advice. Thank You
  2. I think if you like him that much... you should tell him how you feel... at least thats what i would do. You really should go ahead and tell him and dont by shy to or anything like that. Good luck!
  3. Me and my boyfriend have been together for about 10 months now and we are both 17 in high school. He has liked me for 2 years and has asked me out many many times in the last 2 years but i always told him no. This past year i finally said yes and ever since then we have spent about 95 percent of our time together. I am his first girlfriend and he is my first boyfriend. We do practically everything together and are always together. He has been telling me though for the past couple of months that he would like to go out with his friends sometimes and do other things with other people but its hard for me to accept and everytime he tells me this i get really upset and cry. We both love each other to death and we are both commited to each other and he tells me he would never do anything to hurt me and i know he wouldnt but i just feel like i dont want him to go do other stuff with other people and i just want him all to myself all the time. I feel really jealous when he does go out with his friends or do stuff with them because i think ... why cant i go or that hes having more fun with them than he does with me. He keeps on telling me that he wants to go do things with his friends and i just get upset and we get into arguments and it makes him mad. He has told me before we started going out he would hang out alot with his friends and have fun with them and that he misses that but its hard for me to let him go and do other things with other people b/c i just want him to be with me all the time. He also told me that if i cant accept it and give him space it probably wont work out between me and him. Can anyone give me any advice on what to do PLEASE?!
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