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Posts posted by jaiva

  1. I loved that poem. I'm sure that if you all talk about how you feel and how you felt about your pst relationships then you all will eventually help each other with the hurt that you all experienced.


    I wish you well.



  2. You have a way with words and you use it for your advantage. I love the poem it has a lot of meaning and it shows your hurt. I hope that you can find someone who can make you at least understand what is going on and can help you find happiness. I'll be willing to help.



  3. Words, Words

    Filling my head

    Tormenting my mind


    Let me rest


    Release me from your

    Dreadfully tight grasp


    Let me dream of the lilies and the roses


    Let me see the things unseen to the eye

    But only prevalent in the resting mind


    I must push against your hold on my mind


    I must release these words onto this paper


    I must rest


    Copyright ©2004




    Thoughts on this poem are appreciated.

  4. Love is something that can do a lot of damage to a person if the person they love refuses to love them back. All I can say now is that the next time you give you heart away make sure its to someone you know will cherish it.



  5. Your life happiness is also important in a relationship. Express to you husband how you feel about how he treats you and tell him about how you feel about his son. If he doesn't want to hear it then tell him that you aren't happy in a relationship where there aren't any compromises and your feelings aren't being considered. If things don't change then maybe you should try a professional conselor. I don't want to be the person to say this but if you're not happy then maybe you need to find someone who makes you happy.


    Hope I've helped.



  6. Well I would go to the family doctor because that is who you've been seeing since forever I believe and they would be the person you would see if anything went wrong. The doctor not supposed to tell your parents anything especially since you are of age, that is your business. So I would go for it its best to be protected especially since you're trying to be on the down low.


    Your boyfriend shouldn't be annoyed or upset if he cares about how you feel. He might be a little disappointed but he'll care more about how you feel if he loves you or has deep feelings for you. Tell him how you feel and express your fears before you get into anything serious.


    Hope I helped.



  7. I agree with what has been said. Don't allow any him to drink any liquids after dinner time which should be early enough for him to use the toilet and have the liquids from dinner out of his system before dinner time. My mother said having the child eat peanut butter before dinner helps. Wake him up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet. And when I was a child I would have this dream that I was going to the bathroom and my dream would look like I was actually going to the bathroom that was in my house and it felt so real like I had actually waken up and walked to the toilet. But I would sit down a pee and end up peeing in the bed. Ask him if he has this dream and if he does then tell him when he has this dream to wake up and go to the bathroom.

    Hope I've helped.


  8. Make sure that if he sticks it up there u changes the condom or washes off his penis before he sticks it in your vagina because you can get an infection because there might be traces of poop on his penis. And I'm told that it hurts like heck to have something go up your butt.


  9. It depends on the girl. I told my bf to give me this new CD that's coming out. So if you don't know and won't ask her, ask one of her closest friends what it is that she's wanted for a while. Can't go wrong with asking.


  10. I've never met one person who hasn't had a horrible life and many of them have seen the light. I've know a lot of people who tried to kill themselves but it didn't work. You were put on this earth for a reason, and I believe that reason is to help other people who have been hurt the same way you've been hurt.


    I also believe you need to tell someone that you trust that story. Even if they don't believe you, you should tell them and continue telling them. Because at least they'll hear it. And when you go to school tell a teacher because they have to tell the police if you tell them.


    I hope you find happiness soon because I know how it feels to wallow in sadness and despair.



  11. If it is her then there is nothing you can do about it. You can erase the past. But if you must know, ask her if she is interested in posing naked and if she says yeah then ask her if she's done it before. But make sure that you're having a conversation about sex or something like that. Don't ask it out of the blue she'll think something is up or that you don't trust her. Hope I helped.


  12. This might get kinda long.


    My mother hasn't been a real mother figure until last year when she found out that I lost my virginity to a 18 yr old. Now she is trying to make up for lost time and tell me how to live my life but she doesn't realize that I'll be leaving for college next summer and I'm the person who I am going to be. She is very religious and believes in everything that our pastor says and believes that he always knows what's right and I'm not downing that because I believe that he has a lot of wisdom but I think there are somethings that a parent needs to handle and not take to her pastor.


    Okay here is the real issue. I want to tell her that I'm dating this guy. He's my age and I don't plan on having sex for a long time, so that's not something she'll have to worry about. I want her to know that I am mature now, and I've learned from my own mistakes and that she needs to let me live or else I'll be gone once I go to college and I won't come back to see her and I'll go and live with my father.


    How do I tell her that in the most reverent, respectful, way possible and without her losing her mind and putting me on punishment and all that type of stuff.



  13. Well babies are made by a male and a female having sexual intercourse, which is when a male sticks his penis into the females vagina. When the male ejaculates he releases sperm that travels in the woman's body. The sperm must fertilize an egg and then the egg begins to grow into a baby. Hope that helps you.


  14. You will always hold a special place in your heart for the person who took your virginity because you gave them a part of you that you can will never be able to give to anyone else. So it will take time to get over her. It took me almost a year to get over the person that took my virginity. If you feel that you should go back to her than you should, but don't hurt the new girl because she might have strong feelings for you. So if you have to go to your ex go now before the new girl gets to attached to you.


  15. Well I believe strongly in the phrase "If you let them go and they come back then it was meant to be. If they don't come back it was their lost." My friend who wasn't my ex was in a relationship and once they broke up I was open and so was he. Don't try to make the relationship fail but stay open and be honest.


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