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Posts posted by jaiva

  1. Never black and white

    Always blue


    You're never true to yourself

    Fabricating emotions

    Trying to gain attention


    It's not worth it

    Don't do it



    I'll never understand

    Your hunger for attention


    Why must everyone

    Give you their utmost intentness


    This annoying never-ending pain

    Can't possibly exist

    And if it does

    It doesn't deserve this much exaggeration


    Get over yourself

    Find a life

    And stop destroying mine


    Copyright ©2004




    Thanks neva_black_n_white ur login is what got my mind to racing.

  2. It seems that you are really liking this person. But as I've just recently learned its best to start off as friends and know each others goods and bads, highs and lows, their past and their present cause when you know all of that you can know the true them. You'll know their thoughts before they say them and that is the most pleasant thing, being so connected with someone. I wish you the best.


  3. It is normal for girls to want father figures even if they male is abusive. I don't think it was wrong for you to want him to love you as a daughter but it was definitely wrong for him to beat you. He deserves to be in jail.


    What I hope and pray for now is that you won't began to date men that are older than you because you feel that you need a father figure. I'm not saying that dating older people is wrong but if you reasons are wrong then its wrong. I once dated a person 4 yrs older than me and I'm still suffering from making that decision to this day.


    Just be strong and try to be wise.



  4. Well, I'm not dating one of my friends who listened to me throughout the good and the bad. So there is hope at the end of the rainbow. Don't give up helping people the right lady will come along and appreciate you love and help and will be yours soon enough.


    Have faith and hope.



  5. I was one of those people who couldn't be without a significant other. I would sometimes get another one when I knew that the first relationship was about to end. I ended all of my relationships for this one guy who ended up getting me into a lot of trouble. Once I broke up with him I decided that I needed to find the true me so I was single for about a year and I learned a lot about me. I got help from one of my male friends and now he and I are happy together. He has made me a very happy person and I love him dearly and I also love myself.


    Just thought I'd share my story.



  6. They have a saying which says once a cheater always a cheater. I'm not sure how true that statement is but if you know how you feel about her and you know how she feels about you don't worry. But you must have a serious conversation with your mate when everyone is sober. Don't yell and try not to use the word you. Cause when you do it makes the other person defensive.


  7. If you continue to stay she might break the heart that wants to believe in her. She is playing you for a fool. Don't allow her to do this to you, because you deserve better than that. If she's always lying and cheating then she's not worthy of your love or your tears.

    Be Smart with your decision.


  8. Don't give up on him. He might have had a horrible experience in the past with a relationship or watching someone else's relationship. Try to get him to open up about his reasons for not proposing yet. If he doesn't want to talk about it don't pry and don't push but let him know that you love him enough to help him with whatever is bothering him and let him know you intend to stick with him.



    4 the record I didn't look because of the word porn.

  9. If you can't confront her face to face then write her a letter. Tell her how you feel and what you know and how you feel about what you know. I don't think it'll break her heart but its good to be able to trust your parents. This is something the can cause a serious break in the relationship between you and your mother and that's not the best thing to have I know from experience. Just be open and honest.


  10. I would say write him a letter/email and tell him how you really feel about the situation. Tell him how you feel about how he's always hanging out with his friends and you don't think that you spend quality time anymore. Tell him how much you love him and don't want the relationship to end. Just be open and honest. Don't expect anything from him after he reads the letter/email because if you don't get what you expect it will only make you feel worse.


  11. Men aren't like women. Women will sometimes read between the lines but if you aren't blunt with men then they don't seem to understand. If you feel strongly about something your mate is doing then you must tell them whether you like or hate what it is. A relationship is based on honesty so you must be open and honest at all times. If you don't want him to look at porn with other people make him some pics of yourself or film the two of you making love and then he'll have porn to look at that you might possibly approve of.


  12. You obviously don't need a liar or a cheat as a boyfriend so dump him. Honesty is essential to a relationship and I don't think there is any honesty on his part. I don't know if having other guys meet you at the job where you ex is the manager is a good idea. Your ex sounds like a stalker and he might do some bodily harm but you should know him much better than I do.


  13. If you don't know if you should be mad then don't be. That would be a waste of anger and it might cause a problem in your relationship. Talk to your mate about how you feel and what you think and then respond in a mature manner, especially since you aren't mad.


  14. If you love her and you feel that she truly loves you then you shouldn't worry about her past. As long as she doesn't have any STDs then you shouldn't worry. You should bask in your happiness together and live in the present. The past can't be changed and that wild side might be something you might want to explore together.


  15. If you try to give her more time she might come around to being intimate with you again.


    If and when you feel you've waited long enough you can send the kids to grandma's (or whatever you substitute is) and make it a romantic evening. Make or order a lovely dinner for your wife, bathe her, massage her as you oil her body and make her feel special.


    [-X Don't pressure her into having sex just make her feel special and make her feel needed and I believe that she'll come around to being intimate.



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