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Posts posted by jaiva

  1. The something positive is that you are at least talking to your ex. Most of the time when people break up they don't want to see each other at all. Don't get your hopes up and think that you'll get back together. And it might not be a good idea to tell her that you still love her yet b/c you might scare her away. But I don't think you'll have to mask your feelings. But don't try to kiss her just yet.


  2. I think that you must try to find your happiness. If he wants to not talk then don't pressure him to. They say if you let go the person you love and they come back it was meant to be if they don't come back then it was their lose. I've found that to be true. My love came back to me and I'm sure He'll come back to you. Just wait it out and continue on living and finding other things that make you happy. Hope I helped.


  3. Write her a letter/ email. And basically tell her what you said here. Tell her how you feel and that you were depressed and you didn't know how to share that emotion with someone you cared so much about. Tell her you're willing to be open and honest and then do it, be open and honest all the time. Try to make sure that you share what you feel with the person you love and you won't be in this situation again. Hope I helped.


  4. Maybe he isn't the best thing for you so maybe you should try to get him out of your life. Neosporin might help with the scars if not use makeup. Talking about how you feel helps you to understand what it is that you are I'm here if you want to talk to me. Just pm me when you need to.


  5. I know that life seems to suck at times. I used to say Life Sucks all the time and I made sure that everyone knew how I felt. I know that you here this all the time but things do get better. I'm an example. If you wanna know my story and how I recovered from being suicidal pm me and I'll tell you. I'm sure that if you seek help you'll find it. If you share your thoughts, feelings, and emotions you'll find happiness in some little things. Stay strong.


  6. Toggle I'm going to tell you my story I kinda feel like we both had a similar expericence some how. As a child I was sexually molested many times and I buried that/ put it in the back of my mind. I lived life sad and depressed because I never talked about the things that hurt me. I always buried whatever made me sad and I never really thought that there were any good times in my life. At the age of 15 I got into a relationship with a man that was 20 I had sex with him, I had to pregnancy scares. I think I got into that relationship because I wanted a father figure and well since he was my boyfriend I might as well have given him what he wanted, sex. Well, my friend told on me and I had to deal with my mother being upset with me b/c I had sex before marriage and the Pastor of my church on my case. While I was in this relationship I was giving up on school so my grades flew down to D's and F's from being an honor roll student. So I was dealing with a lot of stress that I couldn't handle. I had to be the perfect friend, and listen to everyone's problems and couldn't figure out my own, I had to try to be the perfect daughter even though my mother didn't trust me and she still doesn't, I had to bring up my grades because everyone is telling me that I could do better, they thought I just wasn't trying to. I was trying my hardest to get my homework done and understand what those teachers were saying but my mind wouldn't allow me to becasue I was dealing with to much. The social worker at my school was trying to send me to the mental hospital. She said I was maladaptive. I just didn't want to talk to her. I began to not trust anyone after my friend told on me. I had never talked about me or my real feelings to anyone anyway because I never wanted people to know about what happened to me as a child. I thought that maybe it was my fault. And I had to deal with my mother hollerin and screamin everyday, the teachers telling me I'm going to fail their class like I didn't know that, and even now my mother is still talkin about pressing charges on my ex-boyfriend, which I will refuse to partake in. I'll be seventeen next month I have gotten over that and nobody was really hurt in that relationship. But I've said all that to say this. I found a friend who helped me understand me. He helped me to know what I like and what makes me happy. He knows me inside and out even about my horrible childhood. So things do get better. Maybe I'll be able help you find out your purpose in life or at least what makes you happy. You can pm me if necessary. I'll be here.

    I don't want anybody to feel sorry for me b/c I feel that everyone has at least one bad experience in their life. If they haven't had it yet then they see it soon. I'm just one of the success stories. Some one who made it through the bad. I was suicidal and I don't want to talk to people I didn't trust them. I still have trouble telling other people how I feel but I'm working on that with the help of my friend Goofy who is know the person I love the most in the whole world. I owe him my happiness.


  7. It is often seen as wrong, insane, and/or selfish.

    I believe that it is selfish. There are other people in the world that depend on that person. And if that person decides to give up their life they are destroying other peoples support systems. People are put on earth to help other people so if a person decides to end their life they can't help the people they were supposed to help. I also think they take the easy way out. They don't want to try to make things work or they aren't trying to continue until the good begins to show. That's how I feel.


  8. Life is a gift that no one ever asks for. Your life doesn't belong to you. You were put on this earth to help others which you'll be able to do once you come out of this slump. I realized my purpose and I no longer wanted to die. I now try to help all those in need. Even the worst of the worst gets better. I'm here to help if you want me to.


  9. I was once suicidal. I had a horrible childhood where I had to experience some things way to early. I hated the world and I felt the world hated me. I was always helping other people with their problems but I never knew how to help myself. After a year of trying to figure out who I am and what I liked and what made me happy I knew how to avoid the things that made me sad and I found people who know how to make me happy. So it does get better but only if you try to find out what things are important to you and try to get/keep those things in your life. I'll always be here if you need to vent your tell someone your story and I'll help you figure out the good and the bad in it, I'm good at that according to my friends and the people who talk to me.

    I hope you don't give up because I'm sure that there is a person that you can help along the way with your story once you come out of this deep sadness.


  10. I hope you find true happiness. I won't recommend you to leave your husband if that's where you heart is then stay but I'm sure your life happiness depends on the decision of whether you stay or you go. I wish you the best. And you have a beautifully written poem here.


  11. Continue to write about your hurt and your emptyness. You're poem is insightful and meaningful. I liked it and thanks for sharing it.



  12. I understand how you feel. I was once a person who buried everything that cause me grief deep in the dirt so it was kinda like burying my soul. After a year of soul searching with the help of one of my friends, who is now the love of my life, I am capable of talking about how I feel and I no longer bury all of the things that bother me. I'm still working on it though.

    I wish you the best.



  13. I can tell that you have really been hurt by this person. And I understand/ know that when you give your heart to someone and they take it and crush it it takes a long time to regain your trust in others. I have now found my happiness after a lot of years of hating myself, but it took a year of soul searching as most people call it. Began to soul search before you give your heart away again and then maybe you'll find the perfect person for you after you know who you are and what it is that makes you happy.



  14. Wonderful poem.it was full of emotion an i really enjoyed it.



    I'm glad you liked it. The people that its about probably won't like it though. I like your poems also.


  15. I like ur poem. But seems as if u feel that ur misplaced in this world and you have no one or nothing to stabilize you. I hope u find happiness soon.



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