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  1. Try writing her an e-mail or a letter. I recently told one of my best friends about it, and do you know what I found out? She does it too. So we formed a support kind of thing. Now I have someone close to talk to. It was one of the best thing's I'd done in a while. If you find writing it down to impersonal just try to find some way to tell her. It's worth it in the long run.
  2. I went through something, am going through something like that now. Before school let out an aquaintance told the guidance councilor that me and other people we knew did it. We'd all just recently found out about eachother and basically the aquaintance told everyone. It was all around the school. So I decided to stop. If it was going to put me in that kind of a spot then I would stop. But it's been hard, and I've gotten more and more depressed since I've stopped, because I don't have that release. The best thing to do is try your best to stop. The longer you can go without the longer you feel you can go in the long run, as well. Stick with it as much as you can.
  3. Though telling an adult is commonly known as the "good friend thing to do" talk to your friend first. I had someone very recently tell an adult about me, it was sort of a good thing but it didn't help me out of a depression or anything. I tried to stop because of it though, but all stopping's done is make me want to kill myself. Cutting isn't a suicide thing most of the time, talk to your friend. Before you do anything tell her that you want to tell an adult. That might just scare her out of doing it all on its own without bringing others into it. What to do is different for every person, not all of it lies in the hands of adults.
  4. Ahah, I did manage to dredge up a poem for the masses. Doors slaming The words bite A symphony by candlelignt Losing grip In the dark of night we dance our dance by candlelight Always wanting to make things right we work the hardest by candlelight You shout so loudly that in return I fight and we make beatiful music by candlelight We twirl about in a dance of flight my hope is lost by candlelight Inside I drown as our symphony peeks height you're as alone as I by candlelight We dance our dance by candlelight Our symphony by candlelight
  5. I write alot of poetry, it's a very good venting system. Anyway. There's too much for me to put up at once (plus I'm too lazy to go and get it) but you can find it right over there> link removed And some here in the Starving Artists section link removed
  6. Thank you all for responses. I realize now it should've been under self-injury, but hey. The coffee thing sounds promising. I've done somethign similar when ever I feel depressed, I've never tried it for cutting. I never thought I would want to stop until recently, I realize it's not what I want going on in my life. Poetry helps me in ways I can't even put to words, but I'm in a very big block, partly from too much emotion. I'll go to the site in a few minutes, I've been to a couple just looking for tips.
  7. I recently had a VERY bad experience envolving me cutting and I realized it's not what I want. Does anyone have any tips to help me stop? The longer I've stopped the more I want to do it. Any help would be great.
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